2 Year Old Self Weaning --> Changes in Eating Habits

Updated on October 05, 2010
J.R. asks from Washington, DC
9 answers

Dear Mommas,
MY LO has gone from 3-4 times a day of bfeeding to 1 time a day -- only in the past few days!!!! At the same time, his appetite for other foods has increased as well as his curiousity to try more food :) He also will ask to eat something only 1-1/2 hours after dinner and when he is in bed. (we eat at 645ish, bath at 745 and bed at 830).

So....how can I encourage him to eat more at dinner, so he won't need to get up from bed to eat again. Should I give him a snack after his bath?

Should I make any other changes in his diet now that he has practically self-weaned???

Thanks for your advice, Jilly

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answers from Tampa on

My 3 year old began this about 6 months ago, and my nephew also went through this at 2.... They ask to eat because they do not want to go to sleep. They know bedtime is coming, so to prolong being awake, they want to eat.... At first, I didnt know and I would let her eat - because I dont want to "starve" my child. But to say no creates a lot of crying.... so now, i limit her choices and her amount, and we are slowly not asking for food at bedtime. I think its more of a control issue with them at this age. Hope this helps.

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answers from Gainesville on

The toddler/preschooler years are a time of tremendous growth as you know. My son would go thru periods where he was hungry all the time! And then it would level back off.

You will not be encouraging obesity to provide your child a healthy bedtime snack when he is telling you he is hungry and you have noticed an increase in his appetite and a change in his dietary routine. Their little tummies are so small at this age. They can only hold so much and they are burning so much energy at this age.

You can't go wrong by following his cues as you have done by practicing extended breastfeeding! His body knows when he needs to eat and when he doesn't. That one of the beautiful benefits of breastfeeding as you well know.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Wow that is deciation to bfeed for 2 years. By now it is proabably a comfort thing to bfeed. Yes kids do get hungrier as they get older. Try having dinner a bit earlier so have time for bedtime snack after bath. Something about bath time and playing gets them hungry. I used to have a late bedtime too with my 1st, it was nice sleeping in but with kid # 2 i have found my older one eats better and is less cranky/whiney/horney. We have dinner about 5:30-6pm depending on days events. Start the bedtiem routine by 7:30pm- bath and then snack so my girls are in bed about 8pm and then wake up a bit after 7am. I am less stressed, get more sleep and have more engery for hubby then too.

I found good bedtime snacks are bananas, cereal, yogurt, sandwich. It helps them stay full all nite and keeps the blood sugar levels from being so low in morning so they arent cranky/moody.

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answers from Tampa on

Children are grazers... even while supplementing with breastmilk as toddlers. I'd give him a snack at 8pm, brush teeth then go to bed. Offer to nurse too at times, because in their desire to rush around - learning and trying new things - they forget they have a safe, quiet and constant place with Mommy to calm them and re-center them for more fun.

They will continue to nurse sporadically for probably another 2 years if you don't shame them or force them to stop.

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answers from Boston on

My daugher is a picky eater and will not eat more in 1 sitting. For that reason we use a "snack, snuggle, snooze" routine right before bed. She gets a snack (milk and graham crackers or a yogurt then brush teeth) and then a snuggle with a book and then it is time to sleep. Whatever routine you choose will work, just stick with it.
However, my daughter is petite and in the 10% for weight. If you child is eating sufficient food during regular day hours and asking for food at night, it might simply be a stalling technique. They are ever so clever at that, so perhaps try not feeding him one night and he will likely fuss, but see if he cries it out and falls asleep. You do not want to overfeed him and start him on a path to obesity. Good luck with your little one.

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answers from Albany on

I see no harm in giving him a small snack after bath/before bed. His tummy is still pretty small, hard for him to eat enough at dinner to make it 12 hours or more.

I always gave my little ones a snack before bed during storytime. None of them has a weight or dental problem.

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answers from Tampa on

Both of my girls weaned theirselves. If you follow the meal plan I did with my girls he soon will not want the breast milk at all. I always had healthy snacks on hand to give the girls if they said they were hungry but very seldom did they ask in between meals and snacks. They had breakfast when they first got up around 7:00. Then a snack at 9:00. Lunch at 11:00. Then their nap. A snack when they woke up. Supper around 5:00 or 6:00 and a snack at 8:00. A glass of water or milk was allowed any time they asked other than after supper. Their drinking was limited after 6:00. They got a small sip when they had their last snack and got to rinse their mouth out when brushing their teeth. But I never gave them soda, candy, cookies, cake, etc...always healthy snacks. Sugar snacks do not stick with them like healthy snacks do and serve no purpose. Be sure he brushes his teeth after meals and snacks. At his age it is very important. My girls are 22 and 24 and have beautiful teeth. I think the early brushing habbits make all the difference.



answers from Boca Raton on

Hey Jilly,
just wanted to say I think it's awesome you're allowing him to self wean!!! My daughter nursed till she was 4, I think I've posted to something of yours before but.... in the meantime, let him graze and enjoy this time!!!!



answers from Tampa on

I like WestonPrice.com for nutirent dense snacks, and food-
something nutrient dense has your best hope of keeping him nourished enough to sleep thro the night.
best, k

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