$10 Gift Ideas

Updated on December 15, 2011
S.K. asks from Minneapolis, MN
5 answers

I have several people whom I exchange gifts with. We normally spend around $10. What can I buy as a fun gift in that price range? I am mainly buying for coworkers (women 40 years +) and people who help year-round (garbage man, mailman...)

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answers from San Antonio on

a bottle of OPI nail polish
$10 cash - for the mail man/garbage man
gift cards - I did a gift exchange and everyone wanted the $10Starbucks



answers from Bloomington on

I love homemade goodies, cookies and candy that most people never make or can't buy. Like fudge, divinity, hard rock cand, sugar cookies, etc.

When I taught, I had my students make the Mason jar gifts. We did cookies. Put all the dry ingredients in layers, put some fabric around the top with a rubber band, tied raffia around it, and tied a direction card to it. They were very cute and well appreciated.

Otherwise you are looking at gift cards or something that could be junky or not used.



answers from New York on

I wouldn't consider these fun, but here's a few idea of things I've received or given (to/from colleagues) ...
scarf or gloves
picture frame
nail polish and nail file or hand cream
gift card to local restaurant so they can order lunch out



answers from San Francisco on

My thing this year is a mason jar filled with hot cocoa mix. You can also do dry ingredients for a baking recipe with instructions e.g. "add 2 eggs and bake at 350 for 30 min."



answers from New York on

If you know who they are: a book they'd like. Toys. I just got someone $10 of fine chocolate because I know he's into it. Someone got a doorbell for her cube one year...

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