Preschool: Myself, Similac

Results 1-10 from 28 articles

Baby Formula

A.S. asks from Washington DC

I'm so confused about baby formula.My 7 week old had a problem with similac advance she would spit it up very bad. So i changed her to similac lactose free it worked ...


How Can I Make the Transition from One Formula to Another

S.M. asks from Phoenix

I'd like to switch my baby's formula. How can I make the transition from one formula to another? She is currently drinking Soy (Isomil formula)and after reading a lo...


2-Month Old Has Bad Bms

R.G. asks from Houston

I need some advice please. My 2-month old did fine in the hospital and coming home from the hospital. She started off with Similac Advance and did great. Then when we...


4 Month Old Constipation

R.B. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies, My now 4-month old has had a problem with constipation since about 2 months. The pediatrician's basic suggestion is give her juice- which we do, but s...


Constipated 6 Month Old! HELP!

D.V. asks from San Francisco

HELLO ALL, I know its been asked before, but I have to ask. I have a 6 1/2 month old baby boy. He is so constipated, he was exclusively breast fed for about 4 1/2...



C.D. asks from Savannah

my now almost 15 month old did fine with the whole milk switch, for about a month and a half, now she wont touch it, we had already broke her from the bottle, so she ...


Which Bottles Are Best???

W.D. asks from Charlotte

I am 33 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and I am trying to figure out what kind of bottles to get. Everyone that I know has thrown in their two cents about my plans n...



K.L. asks from Oklahoma City

I have been breastfeeding my 4 and a half month old since she was born. I have struggled with my milk supply. I have been taking Fenugreek and Reglan in order to pr...


Good Start Formula

R.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, I was just wondering if any of you use Good Start? I'm breastfeeding exclusive. But, I will be going back to work in October. So I need to supplement while I'm...


How Can I Keep up with the Demand?

M.T. asks from Boston

I exclusively give my 4-month old breast milk. I breastfeed him at 6 a.m., then he takes a 5 oz bottle of pumped milk at 10 a.m., and another 5 oz bottle of pumped m...