Health: Myself, Similac

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29 answers

Air Travel Security

Hello Moms! Could you give me an idea of what I can bring on the plane in regards to juice and food? I have a one year old who is still nursing/bottle feeding with formula. I thought I could make up bottles and have the Flight Attendant put in warm water. What about juice, applesauce, etc... Thanks!


Infant First Flight

Hi Moms! We are taking our 3 month old son on his first flight. I don't...


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17 answers

Similac Advance - Formula Question

Since our baby was born, she was breastfed, but needed a supplement. We continued using the formula we started on in the hospital - Similac Advance. She has been doing great with the 'ready to go' kind, getting less than 8 oz. a day supplement. I recently bought the Similac Advance 'Early Shield' variety. She has had non stop gas - starting 5 min. after she ate! I hate to think her little tummy is hurting because of it! Obviously I am not giving it to her again...but I am wondering if other moms out there had a similar experience? ...


Infant with Reflux

Hi, I have a 5 week old daughter and since day 3, the doctor said she had...