Nutrition: Preschooler, Saline Drops

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8 answers

How to Break up Phlegm in 4 Year-old

Ok, so last time I posted I asked for help with my mosquito magnet 4 yo. Someone suggested menthol ointment on certain parts of body. I continue to spray my son with bite blocker and now add the menthol ointment, too. We've been doing this every day for weeks since the post. NOT.ONE.BUG.BITE. I swear, it's like a miracle. So, I'm testing my luck again for another miracle. My son gets bad coughing when he catches a cold that disturbs his naps and overnight sleep. He used to have severe breathing issues with a cold (and only with a...


Is This Allergies?

My 4-year-old has always had "issues" that seem to be allergy-related, but...

Solid Foods & Weaning

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18 answers

Can't breathe...can't Nurse - HELP!

My daughter is being treated for an ear infection and has a virus of some sort. Last night, she couldn't nurse because she was so stuffed up. I tried everything: humidifier, steam shower, brought her out in the cold, aspirated her nose. NOTHING worked, so she went to bed without nursing. This morning - same thing. I had to just give her breakfast and I plan to pump in a bit. Neither of us are ready to wean, but I'm not sure what else to do...HELP!


How Do I Wean?

How do I wean my 11 mos old that will not eat other foods? She'll eat foods...


Solid Food Advice

Hi, I am a mom to twin 6 month olds and we have just begun solid foods...