Eating Habits & Schedule: Maalox

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21 answers

Newborns and Feeding Schedule

My daughter is seven weeks coming up and I am trying to figure out how to put her on a feeding schedule. She is formula-fed and has a milk-protein allergy so she is on Alimentum. Julia has been having crying fits sometimes during the day but usually between 5 and 7 in the evening. I don't think she is colic but wondered. She is very gassy and without testing the pediatrician noticed she had reflux. I'm also wondering if she could be allergic to corn solids as I found out the powdered formula has it and the liquid does not. This past...

Frequency & Amount

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21 answers

Newborns and Feeding Schedule

My daughter is seven weeks coming up and I am trying to figure out how to put her on a feeding schedule. She is formula-fed and has a milk-protein allergy so she is on Alimentum. Julia has been having crying fits sometimes during the day but usually between 5 and 7 in the evening. I don't think she is colic but wondered. She is very gassy and without testing the pediatrician noticed she had reflux. I'm also wondering if she could be allergic to corn solids as I found out the powdered formula has it and the liquid does not. This past...


Is It Colic?

Hi moms, a few weeks ago, my 10 week old baby girl started having weird...

Nighttime Feedings

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73 answers

Help! Screaming Baby! What to Eat When Nursing?

I'm dyin' here! My six-week-old is on Zantac for reflux, but she still cries...and cries and cries. For up to an hour and a half (usually right after I feed her.) I'm nursing exclusively - no formula. I give her Mylicon for gas, Maalox for indigestion. Nothing seems to be working. I can hear her little tummy creaking and groaning and can actually feel it when I'm holding her. I'm afraid to let her "cry it out" in her crib because it seems to hurt her worse when she's lying flat. People have told me what not to eat while I'm...