Constipation: Pampers

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35 answers

Please Help! 21-Month Old with Bloody Diaper Rash and Constipation

Please help! My son has been constipated for the last week with BMs the consistency of thick peanut-butter. He can't seem to get one big poop out but instead he's been straining and getting small amounts out at a time. This has made his bum incredibly raw and now it has started to bleed in places. There's no blood in the stool, just on his cheeks. We've tried prune juice and flax for the constipation and all sorts of diapers creams & sprays to help the rash. When it seemed like it would be better to not have moisture on his bum, we...

Formula Brand (with Iron) as Cause

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32 answers

Breastfeeeding and Formula

Hello There! I have been exclusively nursing my daughter and during the evening my husband will give one bottle of expressed milk. Seeing that she is getting bigger I am not able to express a lot of milk for one feeding. She is now takeing 4oz. I end up having to pump 2-4x a day to get enough. I am thinking of giving her formula so at least she is able to be given a bottle by my husband. Also, I have heard that I can mix the breast milk and formula. So, I am alittle weary on how to go about it. I have heard some babies can get...