Bottle & Breastfeeding: BumGenius

35 answers

G Diapers Vs. Cloth Vs. Disposables

Hello ladies! I'm a first time mom and can't bare to start contributing to the ever growing landfills with disposable diapers. I'm contemplating G-Diapers, cloth at home or a local cloth diaper service. I'm a little concerned about being practical and how to deal with cloth diapers when we're "on the go." My husband really doesn't want us to wash them at home because of residual bacteria in the machine. Can anyone share their experiences with me?

Eating Habits & Schedule

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16 answers

Help! Thinking About Switching to Cloth Diapering and I Am Completely Lost!

I am contemplating switching to cloth diapering, but I am completely overwhelmed. Could someone share with me the different types of cloth diapers? Which kinds do you prefer, and why? What will I need to buy to get started? Is washing them difficult? Do they work as well as disposables? I have a 2 year old that we are about to start potty training, and a 1 year old. I was told cloth diapers can help them to potty train faster, is this true? Please share any other info you think would be helpful. Thank you!