Birthdays: Infant, Maalox

Birthday Party Preparation

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35 answers

Possibly Colicky! Help!

I have a 2 1/2 week old son, and he has been a really good baby so far. He is an angel all morning and afternoon, and even sleeps pretty well at night. However, the past few nights he cries for 3-4 hours straight in the evenings! It seems like all he wants to do is nurse during his fits and he poops a ton during it, too. I don't know whether to classify it as colic or not. My first son was not like this, so it's new to me. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong like feeding him to much or if he's gassy or has a tummyache or what. Right...


Shingles on Breast

I met with my primary physician this morning who promptly got me an...