Waking up at Nite

Updated on May 08, 2007
M.L. asks from Seymour, TN
16 answers

I swaddle my 4 month old son at night and up until lately he has been sleeping from around 8pm to 4am. He has started to roll from his back to his stomach during the nite which wakes himself up around 12-1am now. One time he even knocked his head on the side of the crib. His cries sometimes wake his sister up too (she sleeps in a seperate crib). Surely babies all go through this? I have tried using rolled up burp clothes wedged into his sides but he still wiggles out of them. Should i wean him off the swaddle? Is there something i can do to keep him on his back and not turn over onto his belly?

Help, we are all losing sleep!!!

Mel L

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answers from Nashville on

Once they start rolling over you really do not have to worry about the staying on their backs anymore. But there are different positioners you can try.

these are three different types



answers from Chattanooga on

They sell these pads you can use to lay them on to keep them from rolling over. They're a little elavated and have soft sides on them to keep him from rolling over. Hope that helps!

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answers from Nashville on

I would stop the swaddling now, he is to old to be swaddled without your supervision. Blankets can wrap around his face or if he turns over he wont be able to use his arms to balance himself. Thats probally why he is waking up, he turns over and cant move and it frustrates him. Daycares are not allow to swaddle at all. Hope this helps and im sure he will get back to sleeping when he adjustto his new sleeping freedom. Good luck and god bless


answers from Nashville on

I would definitley get him off the swaddling. If he can roll himself over then it's time to let him sleep without it. If you are worried about the risk of SIDS when he goes over onto his belly, most doctors will say that once they can get themselves onto their bellies then they are fine to sleep there. Maybe if he isn't swaddled he will be more comfortable and the rolling over won't wake him up. Hope this helps.



answers from Huntsville on

Maybe a sleep positioner would work. I used that on my baby when she was that small and it seemed to work. They sell them at babies r us and at one step ahead online. I'm sure you can find them at Target and Wal-mart too. Good luck!



answers from Knoxville on

My pediatrician told me that once they can roll from back to front, it is safe for them to sleep on their stomachs. I don't think there is really any way to stop it. I always lay my son down on his back but he always rolls over and sleeps on his stomach. You may check with the pediatrician, it is probably ok to let him sleep that way now and he might like it better. Good Luck!



answers from Johnson City on

Hello M.,

When my Daughter was about a month old. We took her to see her Dr. I was asking Him what to do about Kasey not sleeping on her back and he asked me how did I sleep and how was she when I was Preg. I told him on her stomach most of the time and he was like that is why she wants to sleep like that. So I put her on her stomach and from that night on she sleep all night long. He said that She could turn her head and that it was not so bad for her to sleep that way that he 8 children and all 8 of them sleep on there stomach. As far as the swaddle you can buy pouches that are like blankes I loved them when Kasey was little. You just lay the baby done on then and the zip up around the child that way you don't have to worry about them moveing there all covered up. As for hitting his head on the side of the crib you can by bummpers for the side of the crib. I got a set when I got Kaseys Crib set. I hope that has helped you in some ways. Good luck and God Bless.



answers from Memphis on

If he can roll around, he shouldn't be swaddled in his sleep. They can't flip themselves back over without using their arms! :)

He can stop himself from hitting the side of the crib if his arms are free- it may take a night or two (honestly probably not more than this, so "weaning" should be overnight!) for him to get used to not being swaddled, but it'll help tremendously. My son was swaddled until he was about 3 months old.



answers from Montgomery on

You can go to just about any baby store, even Toys 'R Us, and probably WalMart, and buy cloth-covered foam wedges made specifically for the purpose of keeping your baby on his or her back. It consists of two foam wedges connected in the middle by a length of cloth and velcro, so you can separate them if you want. You lay the baby on his back with one wedge on each side of him at the waist and chest area.

This may work for awhile, but keep in mind that your child is entering a stage of more physical activity, so the wedges may or may not work. It may just simply be time for him to have more freedom in his crib.



answers from Nashville on

I have a 4 month old as well and I stopped swaddling him when he was around a month and a half. He hated it, he would wiggle his way out of it because he wanted to move his arms around. So I just started wrapping his lower body up with the blanket and leaving his arms out. He likes to roll up on one side and sleep so its perfect for him. My son sleeps from 8-5 then I feed him and he goes back to sleep until around 8 or 9. I dont know if it will help your son but you could try to not swaddle him at night and just kind of tuck the blanket under his back right under his armpits....Hope that helps!! Good Luck



answers from Dothan on

well, i am not a young mom so what in the world is a swaddle, and why wouldnt you want him to turn over on his stomach?i am a 60 year old grandmom, raising a grandson and have raised 4 of my own. when they were babies, i just put a pad around the bed, covered them up slightly, and guess what! they lived.anyway i am curious as to what a swaddle is!




answers from Florence on

Our pediatrician, Dr. Melvin, told us that the risk of SIDS declines quite a bit by the time infants are four months old because they can roll over on their own. My daughter always slept better on her tummy and rolled over when we put her on her back. He said it was perfectly fine to let them sleep on their tummies if they prefer it. I say, give it a go! You're already losing sleep, so if it's unsuccessful, at least you've ruled something out.



answers from Memphis on

If you baby is already rolling over you should not be swaddling. Your baby could try to rollover in the middle of the night and get caught in the blanket aka SIDS!!! It is also warned to not have crib bumpers for the same reason. It wont hurt babies to bump their heads because their skulls aren't fixed like adults for this very reason, toddlers and babies hit bump and fall lots and lots of times, just wait till they start trying to walk lol If he wants to rollover in the night there shouldn't be anything preventing this, no blankets or cloths and make sure there is no fluffy bedding on the crib so when he does rollover he'll be okay. otherwise let him roll to his belly he may be more comfortable that way and not wake up in the middle of the night. good luck



answers from Mobile on

Congrats on the twins!!! My daughter was the same way. She LOVED to be swaddled but then started waking up once she would turn over. If he can turn over by himself AND lift his head from side to side I wouldn't worry about him being on his tummy. The swaddling is waking him because he's turning over and getting comfy :) and the blanket is keeping him from doing that. If you are worried about him being cold (without a blanket) then just put longer pajamas on him. I had crib bumpers (the ones that came w/ the crib sets) and that helped and I NEVER had a problem with them being too close to them or having a problem w/ their face being up against it. Just watch and see how he does. Just remember to take it out when he starts to climb on it :)



answers from Memphis on

I have twin two year old boy/girl twins. I remember going through what you are going through. I gave up on the swaddle and got 12x12 blankies. I slept with them for a few nights and then put them in the crib with the twins. It worked the first night. They both slept all night. It was wonderful. I would make sure and get two blankies for each child. I got mine at the Italian festival and never could get one exactly like those, again. It is hard to get them washed in between nap times when they are that small.

The doctor told me once they start rolling you can't stop them.
I wish you the best of luck. I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight.




answers from Mobile on

When my daughter turned 4 months she started doing the same thing.I was afraid to just put her down on her stomach but I finally did and she didnt wake up in the middle of the night after that.I dont know if he would like that but maybe you could try and see.Good Luck!

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