New Born Feeding and Fussiness

Updated on March 21, 2009
J.S. asks from Franklin, WI
24 answers

I'm a new mom of a 3 week old daughter. She is formula fed and doing really well except in the evening when she seems to have some gastro-intestinal pain and gets quite fussy. The formula does have iron in it. Also, her bowel movements are only once to twice every 24 hours. Without being too graphic, her stool comes out green and then changes to the yellow/mustard color. My pediatrition said it is too early to change her formula.
Can anyone tell me if this is normal? My guess is the iron in the formula is too strong. Also, a friend told me I should give her alittle water. I didn't think infants can have water until after their a few months old. Please give me some feedback if you have gone through this. I hate to see her cry and crunch up every evening in pain.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Even though the dr says it is too early to try a newe formula I would do it unless she is on special formula. Neither of my kids could handle simlac or enfamil which are the two choices of hospitals. They both did really well on goodstart and their stomach issues were gone then.

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answers from Sioux Falls on

Hi :)
I highly recommend "Mylican drops" The spelling is wrong. The "generic" of this is made by Similison. These are just gas relief drops for babies. I had 5 kids all formula fed and I SWEAR by these drops. They now have the drops by the infant food at Wal-mart or you can ask the pharmacy.

We would give the drops, and if my kids were still crying, we'd bend them in half pulling their legs up to their noses, to try to get that gas out.

The frequency of the BM's are normal for now. However, if she goes 4-5 days, when she's a couple of months old, I would sugguest putting dark KARO syrup in her bottle. Just a few tsp. It really works.

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answers from Duluth on

My daughter went through the same thing. The Dr. perscribed 15 ml. of prilosec and to put some rice cereal in her bottles. She hasnot had a problem since.

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answers from Minneapolis on

It may have nothing to do with the formula. You state that she is fine all day and fussy in the evening. If it were formula she would be fussy all day. Most children are fussy in the evenings. This is why people call the evening hours "The Wiching Hours". My guess is she is just gassy and fussy. Try messaging her lower abdomin in clockwise circles.

It is normal for formula fed babies to go several days with out pooping and to have all sorts of colors (not white or red). The definition of constipation is hard pebel-like stool AND going 5 or more days without stooling.
It is probably not the iron. This is an old wivestail. Study after study proves iron does not affect infant digestion. I used to work with infants and switching to low iron formula never helped.

Some people may suggest she has acid reflux but this is not likely since it is only in the evenings.

I agree with you that your infant is too young for water. Infants under 6 months old are at risk for over hydration and missed feedings from the use of plain water. If you decide to try this, do not exceed more than 2oz in 24 hours.

Babies get fussy. It's part of life. I've seen mothers try every formula available (including the $30+ per 10oz can) in search of the perfect baby. Most of the time they ended up with the formula they started with. If they would have just given it time the babies would have been fine. It can be h*** o* there little bodies to do experimental formula switching.

Listen to your doctor but keeping asking if things get worse.

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answers from Appleton on

My son also had gas with the formula that I had him on, at first I gave him gas drops to help. But then I changed formula, I now use good start and haven't had any gas problems like that anymore. Changing formula isn't going to hurt the baby and I've given my son water on occasion. Good luck!

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answers from Milwaukee on

I would switch her formula in a heartbeat! She is not too young and obviously cannot tolerate regular milk-based formula. That is exactly why they make soy formula, sensitive formual, amino-acid based formula, and so on. I'm shocked your pediatrician said she's too young to switch. I had to switch my daughter's formula 3 times before she was 3 months old before I found one that worked for her. I did this based on my pediatrician's instuctions as well as a gastroentologist's instructions. And the gastroentologist only sees children and infants.

Baby girls have a tendency to have slow developing digestive systems. Our pediatrican said that the first 3 months of their lives should technically be considered the 4th trimester for digestive development. You must know how painful indigestion is. I would switch her immediately. Also, pooping once or twice every 24 hours is good - nothing to worry about. Hope this helps and good luck to you and your precious baby!

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answers from Omaha on

Maybe I am old fashioned but I have never heard anything about babies not having water. I frequently gave my children a little water especially if they had just been fed but was still a little fussy or if they had the hiccups. I wouldn't give her tap water but bottled or filtered water should be okay. They do make some drops that you can add to her formula to help with the gas pains. Some babies are more gasy then others. My granddaughter has the same problem and they use the drops which help some but doesn't releave all the pain until the bowel has beeen releived. I had to take both of my children off the iron formula because it was too strong for them and gave them an awful time. I switched formulas early abt 2 weeks when this all developed. Remember you are the mom and what you think is best for your child is the way to go. Swithing formulas w/o iron maybe your solution.. follow your heart and not just what your pediatrician says. Or get a second opinion. Buf if something distresses you it is time to make a change.

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answers from Sioux Falls on

My first two boys didn't have problems with the formula that we were giving them, however, my third son (who's now 13 years old) would have gas so bad that feeding time was not a real fun time. To make matters worse, he would also spit up a large amount when we would burp him. Since I was on WIC, I asked the nurse if it was possible that he couldn't tolerate the powder and if that would be the case, could we switch to the liquid or concentrated form. Since she had kids of her own, it took just a nano second of thought and he was switched. She also told me to add dark Karo syrup to his bottles. That did the trick. No more spitting up and no more stomach pains. As for the water, if you're using powdered, what does your doctor think you're mixing it with? You could also try changing the kind of water you're using. Try getting away from using tap water because Lord only knows what they put into it or don't take out of it. When growing up, I lived in Brooklyn Park, MN and the water there was so hard and so full of iron, you sometimes had sand in the bottom of you drinking glass and enough iron, you could build your own building. When we moved to Robbinsdale, even though we didn't have a water softener, the water was a lot better and even tasted better. Less than a 10 mile move but we had different kind of water. If you live where the city does soften their water before it gets to your home, the salt may also be upsetting the stomach. I suggest changing the form of the formula and the water you use. In a week or two, if you're still having problem then change her formula.

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answers from Des Moines on

We had similar problems with our daughter. We switched her formula to soy. She had enough of a sensitivity to the dairy that it didn't bother her throughout most of the day it was the afternoon and evening and she would cry and show discomfort. Good Luck.

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answers from Minneapolis on


My pediatrician said no water until they were a few months old. My first baby had this kind of tummy trouble with breast milk, so it isn't necessarily the brand of formula. Nothing worked a miracle cure, but there were a few things that relieved the pain and pressure.

- Bicycle exercises: Lay baby on her back and move her little legs in a circular "bicycling" motion. It helps babies pass gas.
- Warm washcloth on the abdomen gets their digestive systems moving more smoothly.
- Swaddle baby tightly and hold in "football" position applying firm but gentle pressure on abdomen. Let your husband try, too. Mine always had the magic touch with this move, but I could never do it quite right. I think my arms weren't big enough.
- Mylicon drops
- Burping, burping and more burping: 6-8 times during a feeding if you have to. Sometimes babies (like my first) swallow a lot of air when they eat.
- Lay on her tummy (with supervision of parent) to put pressure on abdomen.
- Just keep saying "this, too, shall pass." For us, it started when she was about 3 weeks old and lasted about 3-4 weeks.

Congrats on the little one and best of luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Mine went through a fussy phase as well, in the evenings. It seems that is pretty common. Mine was nursed so I always thought it was something I was eating but my doctor told me not to worry, it is normal and not to drive myself crazy. We used Mylicon and did the bicyle with his legs. Both helped a lot. We also would try to bend his knees and cross them over his abdomen to put a little pressure and get the gas out. These should help, but if not, it will probably pass in a few weeks and you'll have something else to worry about! They change and develop so quickly!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Hi J.
You are right that you should not give a baby water until they are 4-6 months old. Formula takes longer to digest than breastmilk so if she is going once or twice in 24 hours that is pretty good I watch a baby that dosen't go but once every three days. Have you tried gas drops or hylands makes a tablet for colicy babies. Both my kids had a time of day that they got really cranky usually in the afternoon. hang in there it will eventually get better. T.

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answers from Minneapolis on

It is normal for very young babies to be fussy in the evenings. I agree that maybe using some gas drops would help.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Hi J.,

I also would say no water - there are minerals in all water and it's very difficult for an infants system to digest. (That's why they recommend filtered water to mix with formula).

The tummy circle rubs, massage and bicycling that people mentioned are great ideas. One thing that really helped my fussy baby was to swaddle her snug in a blanket and play white noise near her. Vacuum, hairdryer, CD of ocean waves (I found one at Target for $7 and it was a life saver!), or a fan. Just make sure you've recently fed her so you know she's not crying from hunger. These noises resemble those in the womb and can really soothe her. Inside our bodies, the heart beats, digestion and other things are actually really loud to a baby.

I'd also walk a lot at this age with my baby daughter in my arms. I have friends who used a sling and that helped them get things done around the house. My next baby will have a sling! The movement and white noise can help augment the other things you're doing to help her.

Good luck - this time was trying for me but it passes. :)

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answers from Minneapolis on

Some things you could try are adding gas drops to the formula (like Mylicon), bicycling her legs and gently pushing them up to her chest to help get the gas out, or putting a warm water bottle on her tummy. Also, you could try burping her more often during her feedings- 2 or 3 times instead of just at the end. Things will improve as her digestive system matures...Good luck!

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answers from Milwaukee on

I remember with my oldest, the same thing happened and she was just a few weeks old and the DR told me to switch from Similac with iron to Similac-low iron. The crunching up of the legs and the crying was only one or two more bowel movements and then the happiest baby emerged! Talk to the Dr again, I would think if you stay with the same brand it should be OK to switch.

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answers from Minneapolis on

No water until about six months. They can fill up on it and then not get the nutrition they need from their formula. It sounds to me like she is getting a little colicky (coming from someone who had two colicky infants). It usually develops about that age and is worse in the evenings. You could try taking her to a chiropractor. I've heard good things about that and wish it had been a more well known option when my kids were babies. Try some white noise (fan, vacuum, etc.) and some gentle movement like a vibrating bouncy seat or swing. I also had a sling so I could keep my fussy infants close to me, but have my hands free. The advice about gas from others sounds good. She might also not tolerate a milk-based formula. FYI, many babies who don't tolerate milk also do not tolerate soy and there are some formulas out there (very expensive ones) that do not have dairy or soy in them. I don't know why your pediatrician said to not try another formula and I would revisit that issue with him/her. It' probably not the iron content though. Babies need iron and I've heard that the iron in formula causing digestive problems is a myth. The bowel movements sound pretty normal for a forumla fed baby. Good luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Try some Gripe Water and/or Hyland's Colic Tablets. Both can be found at co-ops, Whole Foods, and natural food stores. They are also available online, just google the terms.

Her poop sounds normal.

You can give her a little water if you wish, but I don't see how it would help her stomach pain. Do not give her city tap water. If you don't have your own well, give her bottled water that doesn't have a bunch of minerals added.

Lastly, I don't see why you can't change her formula if she's in pain? Why is it too early? If this were my kid, I would be trying a different formula, but you should follow your gut on this one. Doctors are not always right.

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answers from Davenport on

Hi! I am a mom of a 7 week old, and had to expierment with formula until I fould one that did not upset her tummy.
I use Nestle Good works wonders! She loves it and very rarely has tummy aches anymore. I also make sure that she is burped really well after I feed her. I use the Playtex VentAire Advanced bottles...those also really help with air getting into her tummy. She was really fussy and gassey at first also. The childrend mylecon (speling) works also for tummy aches. But let me tell you, I noticed a dramatic difference when I chanced formuala...I switched her at 3 1/2 weeks to the Good Start and she has been fine every since.
Good luck!


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answers from Duluth on

hate to say it, but this is common with formula. stool will happen less frequently, since formula is MUCH more concentrated than breastmilk. it can also cause constipation (which isnt the lack of stool, but a hard, painful passing of stool)

regardless of what people may tell you, water is safe, and healthy for babies. if you are worried about what is in the water, you can use a water filter system of some kind; britta or pur something like that... if you have well water, there is probably little to worry about. after all, you are using that water to make the formula, so even if you have city water and are using it for formula, its sillly to think that it will harm her to give it to her plain... just make sure that you always have fed her first, and make sure you never give water to replace a feeding... always use it to "wash it down" or something you know? she wont ever take too much if shes already full, and it really doesnt take much water anyway to help a baby's system, so dont worry about giving her any specific amount. even a teaspoon or tablespoon might be plenty.
if constipation is an issue (remember its hard stool, painful to pass, difficult to pass, not the absence of stool) when she is older and starting solids it is perfectly healthy and normal to add milled flax to her cereal. some people may think that this is somehow harmful, or that your body will then NEED the flax to pass stool... but its not harmful, after all, its not a drug, flax is just fiber, which we all need to maintain healthy stool. fiber absorbs water and passes right through the intestines, keeping stool soft. so its a good thing. and it doesnt take much flax either... you can even use it yourself if you have an issue with that... a teaspoon or so at first for an adult (which gives you an idea that a tiny tiny pinch is probably good enough for a baby...)
ive even used flax in babys formula, but it does sometimes block up the nipple, so its not the easiest way to do it...

pump her legs when shes fussy or trying to poop, massage her tummy during that time also, give her a bath (i know, asking for trouble, but warmth helps sometimes)even a warm towel on her tummy...... that kind of thing.

they have that mylecon stuff for gas, always worked like a charm with my son. also check out a health foods store for any natural type additions to her diet. they might have something that you can use that is not harmful and will be easy to make her comfortable.
good luck! :D

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answers from Minneapolis on

I would agree that it is too early to change formula. We almost always gave our 3rd baby a little dose of Milcon after her evening bottle and we tried to burp here BEFORE we started that evening bottle. Evening (supper time for us) us such a hard time for babies. A parent educator once explained it to me (on my 3rd baby) that they can't really "unwind" from the day so it comes out physically as fussiness. She said, think of all the stimuls they get during the day...we can talk and relieve some of that strees, babies can't so they get fussy! I wish I had know that with my first would have helped me understand. As far as the tummmy goes we also did alot of baby massage on our 3rd tummy. As your ped or find an infant massage book and learn the stoked and sequence for the tummy massage. You can actually FEEL the gas bubbles in their little tummy and help push them through out thoes cut little butts. Baby might fight you a little at first because it feels weird, but once they learn you are helping them, they will actually be excited when you lay them down to do this. Another thing we did all the time was lay her on her back, push her knees up to her tummy and roll her legs (lifting her butt of the ground) from YOUR left to your right. (if you do it the other way, you actually push the gas back up) Once you get the hang of can make them toot and get that gas out! Smells up the room a little but a HAPPY baby is worth it :) Good luck...ot is so nice to learn how to help them!!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Hi J.,

My advice is to trust your Doctor about the formula. Just watch for blood in her stool, that's the sign of a milk allergy according to, Baby 411 by Dr. Ari Brown.

I bought a great DVD from Target called "Mom and Baby Fitness" it runs about $12.00 and has a special section just for baby. The exercises on there are great for working out baby gassiness and overstimulated issues. Another responder described some of these exercises and I agree that they work really well. The dvd is helpful for following along and the "yummy toes" section still makes my son giggle. Another plus is the exercises are modified for all baby ages.

Congratulations on your new daughter! Hang in there, this gets sooo much easier.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Definitely no water! If you feel your baby is constipated (strains/turns red trying to get out hard/solid poops) ask your doc about giving a little prune juice in her bottles. My son had a terrible time on enfamil, did better on similac, but we had to add about a half teaspoon of prune juice to every bottle to keep him regular (the amount increased as he grew - start with just a few drops in each bottle). We also used Mylicon regularly for gas pains and did the bicycle exercises and tummy time - also, sit-ups were something he get a kick out of (gentle, supported situps - with a kiss on the nose once he was upright!)
Good Luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

First of all, congratulations. Second, my son did the same thing. He has never been regular, and he was always gassy at night. There are mylocon drops that really helped, especially when he was little and not moving around too much (now he moves and can excrete his gas). I wouldn't worry too much, but if you are worried, try a gentle formula such as the Enfamil Gentlease or the generic version of it. That worked for us. Good luck!

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