Need Spa Recommendations

Updated on November 14, 2007
A.R. asks from Keller, TX
12 answers

My wonderful mother-in-law has decided we need to do a girls day at the spa when she's here for Christmas, so I need some spa recommendations!

She wants a facial, wrap, and massage with scrub.

Can you ladies recommend a good spa in the keller, n. ft worth, southlake, grapevine, n. richland hills area?

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answers from Dallas on

I have used Elixir in Colleyville, as well as Southlake Terrace Retreat. I enjoyed both of them and would send my recommendations for either of them.

Have fun!!!!

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answers from Dallas on

The Terrace Day Spa in Southlake Town Square is fabulous! Beautiful, calm, and relaxing environment and very friendly staff. Enjoy your spa day! I SO wish I were in your shoes! ;)



answers from Dallas on

I went to Coldwater Creek in Southlake and it was horrible. My mom has been there 3 times and every time she went it was horrible. (She had a gift card, otherwise once would have been enough) So I strongly do not recommend them. My mom has since been going to the Galylord spa Relach. She loves it. I have not been, but we have similar expectations on what a spa should and should not be. My absolute favorite is the spa at Hotel ZA ZA in Dallas, a little out of the area, but if you have a chance I recommend. Enjoy your spa day! What a wonderful idea!



answers from Dallas on

I'd recommend the Coldwater Creek Spa in Southlake (there's one in Highland Village too) as it is a wonderful spa experience. The added bonus would be that you're in the heart of Southlake, which is always a treat for me - shopping and the spa! How much more girlie can you get? Enjoy!



answers from Dallas on

Terrace Retreat..they have three locations, Colleyville, Southlake Twn Sq, and the Hilton in Town Sq. check out they have specials on all the local spas' there.



answers from Dallas on

cold water creek or whatever the name is now in Southlake Town Square. a fun place to shop around too.



answers from Dallas on

Go see Will for a massage at Coldwater Creek in Southlake. He used to work at a resort in Hawaii and worked with many celebrities. He's only been here in TX for a short while.



answers from Dallas on

Hi I highly recommend The Gaylord Spa. I did a bachlorette party there a couple of years ago and we have been going back every chance we can. It is such a nice treat. They have a great staff and a beautiful relaxing spa.



answers from Dallas on

Spa D'Aroma in Southlake is fabulous. My husband sent me there for my birthday.



answers from Dallas on

Hi Abby,

At the Gaylord in Grapevine, there is an awesome spa. It's the Relache Spa.

Have a great time!



answers from Dallas on

I have been going to Terrace Retreat Salon and Day Spa in the Southlake Town Center and really really enjoy it. They do a great job!


answers from Dallas on

Coldwater Creek Spa is beautiful...
They are located in Southlake in the Southlake Town Square Shopping area off of Southlake Blvd.
I highly recommend!
G -

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