I Need Easy Recipes - Spring Hill,KS

Updated on October 13, 2009
E.V. asks from Spring Hill, KS
4 answers

Anyone have any good easy recipes?? I feel like Im making the same thing every week! I use my crockpot alot too so those recipes are good too! Thanks in advance!

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answers from Kansas City on

Tonight we are having a pork loin roast cooked in a mixture of 1 can of whole-berry cranberry sauce & a packet of onion soup mix. You can also use that same seasoning mix with chicken too.

Also, squeeze a couple fresh lemons, a little olive oil and rosemary (dried is ok) in a baking dish and bake chicken in that. My family's favorite. If you use skin-on chicken, broil the last few minutes, skin side up, for a crispy top.

Go to the spice aisle and find the McCormick seasoning packets. They are WONDERFUL and very easy. They have cooking bags with spices...you add fresh meats, some need vegetables and the spices to the bags and bake. I use these about 3 nights a week for dinner. I think a lot of them are good enough to serve to company (and I have).

Go to web sites like Epicurious.com and check out easy recipes there. You can create an on-line recipe box and store all your favorite recipes so they're as close as a click of your mouse.



answers from Kansas City on

Do you get the Food and Family magazine from Kraft? I love that and use it all the time--very easy, inexpensive, family-friendly recipes! If you don't, all you have to do is go to the website (either kraft.com or foodandfamily.com) and you can access each month's easy recipes. I love the features like "One Bag, 5 meals." Hope this helps!


answers from Kansas City on

#1. any kind of meat
#2. any kind of gravy (cream of chicken or mushroom, brown gravy mix, etc)
#3. rice or noodles or potatoes
#4. a veggie as a side
(#5 if i feel motivated is a kind of fresh bread, in a can, or from a mix maybe)

this is my catch-all, no new ideas, really just want something wholesome and a good hot meal trick. probably a no brainer, but it's what i do. i can get several meals out of this in a week without my family getting bored. also will sometimes mix veggies into the meat/gravy mixture, or mix it all with diced potatoes for a one-dish thing...not fancy but there ya go. hope it helps.



answers from Kansas City on

Hi E., I just started cooking recently (I know i'm 26 mom's a great cook and fiance is awesome cook...spoiled). Anyway, I found these 2 online and plan on using my fiance as a guinea pig. I also made a slow cooker meal for him the other night. he doesn't eat pork so i used imitation bacon bits.



Slow Cooker recipe
2 tablespoons margarine
1/3 cup chopped white onion
1/3 cup diced celery
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon flour
3 medium baked potatoes
1 (14.5 oz) can chicken broth
1 (12 oz) can evaporated milk
3/4 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
Bacon bits, optional
Shredded cheddar cheese, optional

In a medium skillet, melt margarine over medium-high heat.

Saute onion, celery and garlic in margarine about 5 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender.

Stir in flour to coat.

Pour sautéed vegetables into a greased 4-quart slow cooker.

Meanwhile, remove skin from baked potatoes. Place potatoes into the slow cooker and mash slightly.

Stir in chicken broth, evaporated milk and black pepper. Cover slow cooker and cook on LOW for 7 to 8 hours.

Serve topped with bacon bits and cheese if desired.

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