Have You Ever..... - Saint Louis,MO

Updated on June 15, 2011
J.G. asks from Saint Louis, MO
10 answers

Has anyone else ever bought women's clothes that have the buttons on the men's side? First I find it strange that there is a mens and women's side for buttons but still???? Are these clothes being made in some country that is unaware?

Yeah just got back from the bathroom and this has been bugging me all day. This is the first pair of pants I have had with this issue. :p


Oh yeah, and yes, work is that boring today. :(

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So What Happened?

These are def women's clothes.

What I find funny about the origin is that when I would most notice it is when I iron my dress shirts. I am so used to buttoning them the other way because my lazy ex couldn't iron his own shirts. Yet it is because women didn't dress themselves, too funny. We have come a long way baby! :p

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answers from Dallas on

There is a different side for woman's button, because WAY back in the day...woman didn't dress themselves. Wealthy woman (and that's who clothes were made for) for as long as time began, did not dress themselves. It made it easier for someone dressing them, to have buttons on the opposite side. It's just always remained on that side. Now, they are just starting to make clothing differently, because woman have dressed themselves for so long...it just seems silly to have them on that side.

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answers from Phoenix on

Hahahaha...bored at work, I feel you...
Little trivia for you, the buttons are on different sides because men have always dressed themselves but women had "dressers" to button their clothes for them. The side was reversed for the person doing the buttoning. Maybe your clothes were made by a liberated company...lol...

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answers from St. Louis on

Not pants, but I have shirts. So strange. And I am positive this was a woman's shirt! At least in this country!

ETA: I like this idea of someone dressing me.....

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answers from Dallas on

I never realized that women's and men's buttons were on different sides. Well I'm just not very observant, am I?

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answers from Sacramento on

I had that happen too. The pants fit me really well, but the buttons are backwards. I wondered about that. It drives me crazy, because now I have to think about it when I am taking my pants off/putting them on.....rrrrrr

Wow - you learn something new every day, I had no idea that is how them being on the other side originated. But I vote to leave it be!! LOL I am used to my buttons the way they are!

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answers from Chicago on

That came up at home about a month ago. I used to be able to tell my girls jeans from my son's with no problem. Now, unless they are really different, I can't just take a look at the way they button to know for sure it is my son's if the size is the same. I told my daughter that boy's pants button this way and girl's the other but then she goes and gets her pants and show me they are the same as her brother's. So much for mom being right.

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answers from San Diego on

The pair of woman's pants I was wearing yesterday buttoned the opposite way. We were at the zoo with family all day and it kept making me stop for a minute each time I stopped for a pit stop. I am 100% sure they are woman's pants, they were capris at that, made by a company that's nearly all woman http://www.isisforwomen.com/.
So weird.
Like what's already been said, the side of buttons is left over from the age of servants and dressers. Now I'm curious why it's going to the other side LOL



answers from Madison on

Maybe they are for lefties?


answers from Jacksonville on

Yes. I have a couple of items like that and I HATE that. It is very annoying...


answers from Redding on

Not knowing where you bought them, maybe they are "seconds" like you find in Ross, and T.J.Maxx, and other discount stores. Or a new fashion trend. Some designer going for the "cross dresser" look for men.

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