First Question-extremely Tired and Need to Loose Weight

Updated on May 31, 2010
T.H. asks from Albany, LA
18 answers

I am extremely busy and tired all the time. I need to loose a lot (100lbs) of weight but I don't have the time. Any suggestions???
I work full time, go to school part time, have 3 children playing sports, my mother in law is in a skilled nursing facility and we (me) are taking care of her. I get up go to work, go by nursing home, pick up boys for practice/game, stay at ball field till 9:30pm, grab something to eat on the way home or eat cereal. How in all of this chaos can I gain some energy and loose some weight? Did I mention my house is a wreck? Please be kind cause I don't need anymore negativity in my life. Thanks!!!!

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond. There are some great suggestions that I will try. My husband does help with the kids as much as possible but he helps coach one of our boys which leaves me to shuffle the other two. My work schedule has recently changed M-Th 7am-5:30pm. Hopefully on Friday I can get some house work done. I don't know if it is a boy thing or what but the kids have chores and we remind them to do them but they forget and truly I don't have the energy to fight them right now (working on this too). I'm an amateur photographer so I am photographing the games while the kids are playing and yes we have a game every night except Wednesday's. Thanks again for your time and suggestions!

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answers from Dallas on

I can help you. I have a great program. It's healthy and involves 2 healthy meal replacements daily. The third meal is a normal healthy meal we can design together. This works. This is healthy and I'm happy to help.
Contact me if you would like the details,


answers from Oklahoma City on

You can do weight watchers online. Also something that may help is getting up a little earlier and walking. I hope you find something that works for you!

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answers from Dallas on

It does sound chaotic. I would suggest baby steps. You don't need to overwhelm yourself even more. I am working on losing about 30. I have found it is best for me if I change my habits slowly. The first week I gave up soda. Two weeks later I vowed to drink A LOT more water. Two weeks after that I started working out twice a week and I went up from there. For me if I try to change too much at once I give up. So far I have lost 10lbs and feel so much better. Is it possible that you could walk while your sons practice? Maybe around the field so you can still watch and be a part of the games and practice, but also squeeze in a little exercise too?

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answers from Chicago on

OK, some basics:
1. Clean up your diet. 90 % of weight loss is your diet. Watch your sugar intake particularly. You'd be amazed how much sugar is in things like milk, juice, yogurt, etc... Try to eat more lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish) than carbs in each meal. Don't eat white starches, only whole grain. Again, read the ingredients of what you're buying and make it's the read deal.

2. Get up early to work out. I get up at 4:30 in the mornig to get my hour in everyday. If you can't do that, take the stairs, park further away in the parking lot, walk aroung the nursing home before going in, do lunges down the hallway, squats outside the car while you wait for the boys... The more exercise you get, the more energy you'll have. Period. But you have to FORCE yourself to do it.

3. Get a blood test. Be sure that you don't have an underlying thyroid or other issue that may be causing your weight gain and exhaustion. Those are telltale signs of thyroid disease (I have it).

Bottom line. It's all up to you to make lifestyle changes. No diets. No fads. Fitness and healthy eating is a lifestyle and you have to do it for yourself. You can! Give it 2 weeks and you'll see changes in how you feel and look. the rest is it's own motivation.
You can do it!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

You've gotten lots of great advice! You obviously care a great deal about your family; I commend you for the INCREDIBLE amount of work you do. With everything on your plate, you've done brilliantly just keeping hold of your sanity, let alone your health.

However, I think DanaW has an excellent point: you shouldn't have to do everything yourself all the time. It's okay to ask for help, and okay to receive it. Sharing our burdens with someone else not only strengthens our relationship with them, but also gives our children a valuable example of the power of respectful cooperation.

I wish you the very best of luck.

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answers from Tulsa on

They say that evening is the worst time to excercise because it wrecks your sleep, but with your schedule I bet getting up earlier is just not an option right now. What are you doing while your kids are playing ball? Could you walk around the ball field to get some excercise?

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answers from Indianapolis on

Is there anyone who can help with some of the responsibilities during the week?

You mention your house is a wreck - are you in a financial position to be able to have a cleaning service come in once/month to help? I personally don't use one, but my obligations are full-time employee, mom to 2 kids under 4 and a husband (plus family pets). I don't have school, MIL to take care of, etc., but we have no family nearby, so we're always with our kids and have to accommodate everything we do because of needing to care for them.

Would your kids understand if you were to have someone else take them to practice once/week? Could you arrange a car pool with some of the other kids on their team so everyone helps out equally?

I didn't think I had time to work out either. I am the kind of person who goes into everything head first. My husband started training for a 1/2 marathon last year, and I was committed to doing it, too. We both ran it last weekend, and finding the time to train was tough, but we did it. We had to alternate training days and times. Initially, we'd set the kids-up with a movie in the basement, and one of us would be on the elliptical or doing a video while the other was running on the treadmill. We made it work. I was bound and determined once I hit the one-year cancer free mark and wasn't as healthy as I promised myself I'd be.

I'd recommend seeing if you can do it while the kids are at practice/games.

I'd also recommend something like Weight Watchers online where you can spend a few moments tracking what you're eating and making more conscious efforts to make healthier changes - if possible start by attending a one-on-one session with a Registered Dietician to see how many calories you should be consuming to meet your goals and what realistic weight loss/week really is (most people get really disheartened when they slow to 1-2 lbs/ month though it's healthy and physiologic).

Another thing is to learn to add things like fiber to your diet to help satisfy your hunger, slow how quickly you eat (takes 20 minutes to feel full), drink more water to help feel full, break your meals into 6 large snacks, etc.

Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Great suggestions here!

I cannot stress planning and organization. Plan your meals and make sure you carry pre-portioned snacks, veggies (carrots, celery, cucumber, tomatoes) and fruit (apples, bananas, grapes all very portable) with you along with water (either bottled or in a sports bottle). Make a sandwich on whole wheat bread for your lunch (or dinner). You can keep a small cooler in your car.

It also takes time, but you should start reading labels - at least to see what a portion is and how many calories, fat and fiber are in the food item.

Some filling snacks I like are:

Fiber One Toaster pastries
Kids Cliff Bars (I eat them because they have less than 200 calories in a bar and are tasty)
Kashi Granola Bars
100 calorie snack packs (crackers, cookies)
Strawberries, blueberries
Cucumber (peeled, seeded and sliced into spears)
Sliced Red Pepper

I can't give you any exercise tips because I have trouble fitting it in as well. Some weeks I'm good, others, not so much.

Good luck!

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answers from Sacramento on

Consider Weight Watchers' online program. I started it last week and lost three pounds! It teaches you sensible eating habits, yet doesn't deprive you of foods you love. You can eat and drink anything, just in moderation. They give you bonus points you can use throughout the week for instances such as a meal out or splurge food. For instance, this week I'll be using my extra points for a birthday lunch out and birthday cake. You learn to eat the healthy foods because they carry the fewest "points" on their system. I feel satisfied throughout the day. I tried a 1,200 calorie diet and was hungry all the time and lost nothing! (my body apparently went into starvation mode).

With the online program, it takes just minutes to enter in your food data and it calculates the food values for you. Even if you have to enter in your own food manually or a recipe manually, it does the calculation and the whole thing takes literally just a few minutes. I really like it because I'm way too busy to attend their meetings. The online program also sends you valuable tips to help with your weight loss and stay full.

Good luck!

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answers from Atlanta on

I can relate! 2 suggestions only: 1) have you checked thyroid? and 2) can you increase protein and easy (canned/frozen) veggies and decrease carbs? These things both are helping me for weight and energy -- good luck:)

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answers from San Francisco on

it sounds like you need some "you" time. Even if you can walk around your building on your lunch hour.. make small changes.. prepare some meals ahead of time and freeeze them. You can do weight watchers online.. you never have to go to a meeting.. its awesome!!! less carbs, more vegetables. I am in the same boat as you, I have about 50lbs to loose, I have three kids, take care of my parents, work full time. I have found 1 hour a day to make it to the gym.. my house is a mess, but I feel great after that one hour!



answers from Los Angeles on

You poor thing! Goodness, you have a very full plate. I would start off, as I have, after having my third baby, eating a good, healthy, balanced diet, limitting white flour (no white bread, white rice) and sugar products. I lost all my pregnancy weight and more after my second just based on my everyday eating pattern. I eat the Go Lean cereals every morning- LOVE them, great tasting, low-fat. When I was pregnant, I was hungry all the time, and the nurses and doctors recommended eating proteins every few hours. That fills you up and is the best way to eat. So pack up a bunch of protein-packed items to bring with you to work daily- string cheese, wheat crackers, a hard-boiled egg or two, handful of nuts, yogurt, fruit. Those would be my snacks in addition to a good lunch- half sandwich with turkey and a salad with garbanzo beans, veggies. It's quick to prepare the night before. You could do 2-3 days worth at a time so you have it ready. Have your boys help you with some basics in the house so it's liveable and you can see the floor, walk without tripping over things. The kids shold learn to help, put things away. You can all work together for 10-15 minutes and whalah, it's done! You don't have their games everday do you? Perhaps certain days you can take a walk. Do you have any help with the kids in the afternoons so you can have a break? Doesn't sound like it. Perhaps you can take the kids with you on certain days and go for a walk. But while you're running around, it's best to have your own food with you, healthy things- I grab a wheat pita with turkey meat, and a cucumber before I run out the door. I always try to have something healthy with me. It's easy to pick something up on the go, but that fast food will be filled with lots of calories, and bad stuff. So, that's your first line of defense to lose weight- eat well and bring it along. I used to be out all day at work, and with the kids, so I'd have my cooler bag prepared with all my own food I liked and was healthy. Good luck!



answers from Lafayette on

I can honestly say that losing weight is not easy. I'm just really losing the lbs from my second pregnancy and she is almost 3. Here are some tips I am following.

- Stop drinking all sodas (even diet). I have not had a drop of anything other than water, tea, small (and I mean very small) servings of fruit juice, and milk. If you can't take water, treat yourself occasionally to Crystal Light or simply add squeeze of lemon to your water.. Don't get me wrong, it's hard not to drink soda and I do crave it. But I found that drinking water is the best thing. After drinking water for so long, I had a sip of Hawaiian Punch at a birthday party and it was like drinking pure sugar.
-Cut back on sugar. If you must have something sweet, try a small piece of dark chocolate, peanut butter, or fruit. I won't lie to you, it's tough. But every once in a while, it's okay to treat yourself. I love Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and Snack Wells Devils Food Cookies (2).
-Park far away (if possible) at your destinations. When I go to Walmart or school, I park in the farthest parking spot in the parking lot and walk. If there is an elevator, I take the stairs instead. I also invested in Sketchers Shape Ups. They have helped me to tone my legs.
-Others have suggested Weight Watchers. I have a friend that has told me about her experience and she has lost 28 pounds just by watching her portions and eating better. She gave me a few recipes and they are delicious.
-These are other random changes I have made:
-eat high protein. Peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread (if you must have jelly, use one that is sweetened with fruit juice), drained tuna, grilled chicken, and Special K protein bars are my favorite.
-if you crave something crunchy try carrots and celery.
-try waking up early to exercise. I have been doing this since I stay home with the little one. I get up before hubby, make two laps around my neighborhood and when I'm done...I have LOADS of energy. And I feel like I've accomplished something. It was hard at first, but I'm now getting up on my own. It also gives me something that I rarely have: alone time. And it's nice!
-eat 5 or six small meals a day. DO NOT skip any meals. This will help your metabolism. Here's a sample of one of my days
Breakfast: Special K bar
Snack: a small apple
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich on wheat with as many carrots as you can handle and 1/2 cup of milk
Snack: a handful of tortilla chips w/ salsa
Dinner: 2 chicken fajitas
Dessert: Sugar Free Jello cup with Cool Whip on top
I drink water all day long and this also helps fill you up!

-I have invested in the Eat This, Not That books (Walmart has them). They will truly open your eyes to how unhealthy Americans eat and help you make better decisions.

-Take a multivitamin. Make sure you eat enough calories and drink plenty of water.

Following these changes have really helped me understand portion control and I have felt better. You can do it. Have a positive attitude and you WILL achieve your goals. Good luck and God Bless. :)



answers from Tulsa on

hmmm... how is your job about leg weights? wal-mart has some good ones that are adjustable weight. just put them on your legs as you walk around, that will burn some extra can get wrist weights also. it sounds like you move around a lot. there are some books, "eat this, not that" i've not read them, but i've heard good things about them.

good luck! weight loss is something that is a challenge for all women.



answers from Birmingham on

You sound like an amazing woman and it's no wonder you are tired. That is quite a plate full of caring and commitment to everyone else for any one person to be handling on a daily basis. When you are at the ball field, maybe there's a track or sidewalk around the fields that you could briskly walk around on. Sometimes when I have felt overly tired and too busy, I actually felt better when getting back on an exercise program. As your boys get older that will free up some of your time and hopefully, your schooling is nearing completion. Take a room at a time and get your boys to help! Make it fun by setting a time limit of 30 minutes and see how much you can get done in it. You would be surprised to see how the kids watch the clock and rush around to pick up and help you. This helps with an initial goal and then maybe after that each evening take 15-20 minutes to pick up and be ready for the next morning (again, have the boys help). I know after your post you will be in the thoughts and prayers of many. I hope your day is a good one and your goals are accomplished.


answers from Houston on

When my life is super hectic, like right now!;), I usually drop sugar for awhile and it helps a lot. Also since you know you will be away from home during the dinner hour some days, how about packing a protein bar or a lean pocket along for something relatively healthy and quick. If the nursing facility has a microwave, it's dinner in 2 minutes flat. Your life is so hectic at the moment, but you can make some small changes and then when things cool out a little maybe try something like Weight Watchers. Bless you, you are an angel for visiting your MIL everyday, she needs it so much! My sis was in one for quite some time and we couldn't do much else but it made such a difference in her life. So good job!



answers from Fort Smith on


I don't have any answers on the weight loss other than, if you can, get a full blood work up from your doctor to make sure you aren't getting insulin resistant. It's kind of an early diabetes thing that can make it a lot harder to lose weight. It happens with being heavier and having an on-the-go diet. Make sure you eat protein at every meal since it lasts longer and keeps your blood sugars more balanced which can help fight the fatigue. Also, make sure that you're not depressed. Depression can cause fatigue and food cravings. There are several brand and generic medications that can fix depression. Hormonal changes from peri-menopause (usually in mid-30s or after) can cause the same things.

For food ideas, I make double or triple batches of homemade vegetable soup or chili and use one for that nights meal and freeze the rest in a ziplock freezer back to reheat for dinner later. I even freeze single bowl size amounts in the freezer for just me for when the kids eat fast food so that I have another option.

Finally, I want to finish with the main reason I responded to your question: You sound like a wonderful woman. You deserve a standing ovation for all that you do!!! If you can, delegate something, (anything!) to your husband and kids and take a little time for yourself so that you don't completely wear yourself out. It's not selfish to take a little "me" time. It keeps you healthier so that you can be around to help your family for longer. And you definitely deserve it!!

Good luck.


answers from Pocatello on

With such a busy life I would just focus on your calorie intake and then just try to fit in a walk when you can. Which can be pretty easy. You could do slimfast. Grab a shake and drink it as you are driving. Or when you come home have a prepared meal like smart ones or lean cuisines. All the calories are on the box so you don't have to take the time to measure things out. You can also go online and look up the calorie contents of any of the fast food you like. You can decided what is the best thing to eat a head of time so you know your not blowing your whole day with dinner. Most places are coming out with lower calorie meals. So then when you do eat out you still are in control.

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