Conspiracy Theories Have Infested My Brain - What Are Your Thoughts?

Updated on August 13, 2012
Y.C. asks from Frederick, MD
17 answers

Hi all - I am normally sane, rational, and optimistic, even in a world with lots of questionable media and where horrible wars and things are done in the name of profit and power.

But a few days ago I really found myself caught up in a bunch of conspiracy theory 'research' ... i.e., reading a bunch of speculation and chatter on the Internet about everything from the Masons, the Illuminati, mind control, imagery in movies and pop music, 9/11, HAARP, the New Word Order, the Georgia Guidestones, blah blah blah...

I've looked into some of that stuff before, but never this much, and after a couple days I found myself really and truly terrified! And depressed, and fearful for my children, and so worried about the future, and so paranoid. I've been having nightmares about it, and my dh, who is very good to me overall, said he was kind of disappointed that I would allow such sketchy bs to really worry me so much. I do agree that I don't really need to be actively frightened about any of this stuff...but I find that I'm having a hard time letting it go. I mean, all those websites don't have much in the way of credible and verifiable proof...they are so heavy on speculation and hearsay.

Part of me wonders if I'm just a bit depressed after losing my mom a few months ago...and that my mind is tending towards a dark path right now?

So what are your thoughts? Do we have anything to worry about?

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answers from Seattle on

I try to only worry about things I can do anything about.

Politics is GENERAL is not something I can even begin to touch. Much less shadowy super secret whatever's.

So I don't worry.

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answers from Springfield on

Does it really matter? If there is really scary stuff going on, does it help in any way if I know about it?

It is so hard to know what is truth and what is theory and what is being spinned.

I've read some of the political posts (Obama vs Romney, Democrat vs Republican), and I have to say I think most of it is gut. I think most of us really have no idea about he issues. Some may know quite a bit about one or two issues, but most of us do not have the time to delve too deeply into much more than that. Even the politicians don't have that kind of time, and it's their full-time job. They have advisers that are "experts" on a few subjects, but they themselves cannot possibly spend enough time on everything.

I kind of rambled, but I guess my point is focus on what you do have knowledge of and can have an impact on. And try not to worry too much about the rest.

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answers from Washington DC on

yeah, we do have stuff to worry about. but not to carry around with us and let it piddle on our sunshine.
separate it into piles of 'can fix' and 'not my burden.' vote for people whom you think represent your pov. speak out when you see sketchy claims, behavior and trends.
but don't let it weigh you down. in the end, our immediate sphere of influence is about all we can actively change.

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answers from Columbia on

I cannot believe you put this on a public website.

They're watching.

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answers from Boston on

Sorry to hear about your mom - grief and mourning can certainly increase concerns about survival. Also, without your own mother, you are taking on the mother role to your own children even more diligently.

That said, these conspiracy theories gain ground because the internet is so accessible and there is no research, fact-checking, or sense of journalistic balance involved. Back when everyone got their news from reliable newspapers, news magazines, and even network news, there was a sense of reputation by these organizations - they were supposed to be non-partisan, apolitical, and "facts, just the facts" unless it was on the editorial page. Reporters and others lost their jobs if they did not check their facts with multiple sources. The weekly newsmagazines gave even more analysis because they had the whole week to explore certain stories.

There have always been paranoid people, but their views didn't reach the entire world. I don't want to pick apart everything you have listed, but the Masons have been around for centuries and some of our founding fathers and greatly admired Americans were members. You might not like the organization, but if they're planning to take over the world, they're incredibly inept. The Illuminati make great fiction in things like "The DaVinci Code" and its sequel, and that's not to say that there aren't a few people out there who believe it. There are also Nazis and fascists but they don't get too far as a group in terms of taking over anything. (That's not to say there aren't occasional individuals who rear their ugly heads, but that's no different in terms of a daily threat to the rest of us than criminals and drug addicts. It's out there and it needs to be watched/monitored/restrained, but the likelihood that anyone's coming in your front door is essentially zero.)

I think that THINKING is key to preventing mind control. I believe we are too smart, if we exercise our brain power and get a real education (both formally and independently acquired), if we insist that our public schools present facts and not the theory-of-the-month, and if we engage our children and all our citizens in critical thinking, there is no possibility of mind control. No one can take over an active mind, only an inactive one.

If you still have these thoughts in a couple of weeks, then you might consider hashing it out with a professional. Your husband wants you to just stop it, but you are going through a lot of transition and it's okay to work that out in a sympathetic environment with an objective person.

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answers from Boca Raton on

Absolutely we have stuff to worry about . . . but you have to stay in your sphere of influence.

Get out of debt, stay in good physical health, have a stock of food, meds, supplements and cash - and hope for the best!

If nothing happens or goes wrong then you're in good shape anyway. That's how I look at it.

My dad used to hum the song "I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden." :P

Life on this earth has never been easy and it never will be.

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answers from Norfolk on

There's no point in worrying about what you can't change.
And there's no point in worrying about what you can change.
Worry accomplishes nothing, wastes energy and can only give you an ulcer and/or insomnia.
Some people give the worrying to God and let Him deal with it.
He's better equipped to handle it than any of us mere mortals.

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answers from San Francisco on

I'm not going to address the validity of any of the consiracy theories you mentioned (or didn't mention). I think you are on the right track as far as thinking this may have been set off by the grieving process of losing your Mom. Sort of the grieving process gone awry and getting out anyway it can. It will take a long time to get over the pain of losing your Mom. Maybe you can find a group that focuses on grieving or go to counseling for awhile to help you through this. As far as your husband being dissapointed, I know he probably means the best but I hope he can see this for what it is and be supportive of you in what may be a long process.

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answers from Omaha on

Absolutely 100% agree with everything NY Metro Mom said. Perhaps you should look into some books about spiritual warfare. Yes there is bad stuff that happens in the world, but we don't have to be gripped with fear by it. God does not give us a spirit of fear and as long as we walk in His light, we can walk in peace and with confidence despite the evil that may be around us. Even in the dark times of our lives. God Bless.

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answers from Hartford on

I don't put any stock at all in any of those tinfoil hat "theories." They're not even real theories. They're hypotheses. They're guesses. They're from people who want to believe that they're part of something bigger because they know something that everyone else isn't part of or are too stupid to know about. They're smarter than everyone else because they see the truth.

It's all foolish nonsense.

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answers from Houston on

I think the moon landings are a hoax.
I love conspiracy theories!

Yes you sound depressed, or maybe just searching for some meaning in life - You could try a spiritualist church, or a regular one if you're a Christian

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answers from Kansas City on

I'm going to answer this and will get many opposed to what I am going to say. I believe there are many things on the internet that are just way out there and not facts and false in fact. On the other hand some of what you mentioned is true and there is a time coming when things will be very bad. I believe the Bible and Revelation speaks about things coming when it will be terrible. ( Yes I believe the Bible is true...all of it ) Worry is not the answer though. You need to find the answer to how to be ready in the Bible, to know Christ and then there is not fear of the future at all. Being frightened is not the answer and you can't live in fear.

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answers from Norfolk on

Hi, Y.:

I am sure you are dealing with shock from your Mother's death.
In reality, instead of becoming afraid, get involved in your local government.
I don't know what kind of government you have, city manager or county supervisor, but go to meeting. Get the e-mail addresses of your representatives in your City and give feedback to the meeting you attend.
Do research on the voting records at the Registrar's office by age. See who's voting. Check out the voting statistics for the representatives of your city in the last 2 elections. Next, check out the civic leagues that are listed in each precincts. See the civic leagues schedule of meetings. Go the the Civic league meeting in your precinct. If there isn't one, start one.
Yes, our Country is in deep trouble from the local, to the state, to the Federal level. Get involved.
I checked the voting statistics in my city, it ranged from 33% down to 10% for both election years. What a sad commentary when it is our duty to get involved.

All the Best.

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answers from Washington DC on

There you have proof just talk and theories and more talk and speculation. Let it go. Chuck it up as entertainment. The only thing you have to fear is fear itsself.....and it is all in your head. Go have fun with the kids.

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answers from Austin on

I love conspiracy theories! They're fun - but that's it - just fun - entertaining.

I'm the sort of person who says "hello" to homeland security when I'm on the phone. And, this reminds me, I need a new copy of "Catcher in the Rye." Which I will pay for with a credit card, of course, and probably order through Amazon, just to make sure people are watching. I will be very disappointed, if I find out one day that I didn't make any "lists."

I DO try to give the benefit of the doubt to some people, though. I dutifully look up their websites and references. And, I'm generally disappointed. My reasoning is, if someone doesn't have proper spelling, grammar, or punctuation, then I don't really trust their "research" into bigger topics. If they don't have access to an MLA Handbook, or at least a copy of Webster's New World Dictionary - or the Oxford Shorter English Dictionary (everyone has their preference, I suppose), why in the world would I believe they have access to secret government documents? And if their cause were REALLY that important to them, anyway, they would have made the effort to be credible.

Incidentally, I have a copy of the Constitution, and have been known to look up other various laws as well (maritime law was the last one I found myself compelled to look up). I am generally disappointed at how often things seem to be deliberately misinterpreted, or quoted out of context.

And then there was the man who was passing out his missive on why it is so important to think for ourselves, because the government is trying to control us through the media. His paper? Word-for-word retyped from a popular conspiracy theory website. Including spelling errors. Thinking for oneself, indeed.

There is a huge subculture of people, too, who are "preppers." You could have worse hobbies, I suppose, than stockpiling food and toiletries for the possible breakdown of civilization. I think you CAN go too far, though. Some of these folks have their heads on their shoulders, but a lot of them have gone so far that they have alienated their children and spouses. With anything, you can always go too far, and you have to pay attention to life RIGHT NOW, not what might happen in some imagined future apocalypse. (Myself? I keep a small cushion of food (honestly, mostly because I can't resist a great bargain on something we eat anyway - coupons AND a sale on Cheerios! cool!), a well-stocked first aid kit in the house AND in the car (we are accident prone, anyway, so it's hardly a bad idea to have easy access to first aid kits), a few gallons of water (good to have on hand for the humidifiers, anyway), and my gas tank always more than a quarter full (my last car had a bad gas gauge, though, so that's an old habit). That's all the "prepping" I need to be comfortable.)

Anyway, please don't let the theories bother you that much. Just control what you can, and leave the rest to the Higher Power.

And, I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I am sending you prayers for comfort, and peace.

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answers from San Francisco on

My first (and only thought) - paranoid schitzophrenic!

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answers from Tampa on

You must be watching way to much Brad Metzer LOL

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