Baby Growing to Fast!

Updated on April 04, 2008
D.C. asks from Jasper, AL
6 answers

Im 34 weeks pregnant. I have been measuring two weeks bigger for awhile now. Ive just started visiting the OB weekly. At my last visit I measured between 34 and 35 weeks, Six days later I measured 37 weeks and I have gained 4 pounds. Doesnt that seem like alot of change in only 6 days? Remember Im only just now 34 weeks. OB doesnt seem worried but Im so big that its causing me alot of pain. Should I push the issue? Im having a csection so im not worried about having him. Its just the level of discomfort is rediculous. I cant even sleep and if I feel this bad now what will it be like closer to my due date. Any advice please.

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So What Happened?

Well I had an ultrasound last thursday(apr 10). Im measuring big because my son weighs 8lbs and 9oz, one of his feet measured 3in long. Im 36 weeks now and Im praying that this will be over soon.

More Answers



answers from Montgomery on

Hi D., how tall are you? I am 5'0 , and that happened to me, the doc said that when a mother is of short stature there is no where for the baby to go except out!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I gained weight like that in my last trimester with my first and last child and that part i would think is normal almost or at least safe anyway becaus my children came out healthy thank god. I hope the same goes for you.



answers from Baton Rouge on

It may just be a lot of fluid in the sac. My ultrasound tech asked me "are you sure you passed the glucose test?". She said there was lots of fluid in the baby's sac. I guess it's one of the signs of Gestational Diabetes. My daughter ended up weighing less than they thought, due to all the excess fluid around her. I found that sleeping on my right side with a body pillow between my legs to be the most comfortable during pregnancy. Don't worry, it won't be too much longer! :) Hang in there!



answers from Monroe on

I think what you are experiencing is more common in second pregnancies. I measured ahead in my only pregnancy starting at 30weeks, had my dd at 34 due to HELLP and pre-e. YOU DON'T WANT ONE THIS EARLY!!! And, even though I measured large by uterus measurements, at my ultrasound when they induced me they told me my 34-weeker would be 4-4.5lbs based on the measurements in the US...14hours later I had a 5lb10oz baby that was 18in long. I'd watch your salt intake--lying on your left side opens up room in the pelvis and abdominal cavity and can help with breathing and blood pressure.




answers from Fayetteville on

Its OK- I measured several weeks to big towards the end as well- its very common. I had too much amniotic fluid which was part of the problem but I remember the pains. My ribs spread in the front and back on one side. And as far as the weight goes- it could be fluid retention that is casuing you to show a big weiht gain in just a few days. Common too late in preg.

Why the c-section? elective or did you have one last time? You can get great info. on VBAC or a more empowering c-section experience at There are so many benefits to mom and baby if you go into labor naturally before the c-section. C-sections do have a lot of risks to mom and baby and especially repeat cs.Just something to consider.



answers from Jackson on

Hi. Congratulations on your pregnancy. First thing I want to tell you is that babies grow in size that last couple of months. The first part of the pregnancy is spent developing all their organs and body parts but then they grow in size. However gaining four lbs in 1 week does seem a little extreme and rapid weight gain can be a sign of pre eclampsia which is a serious disease. Are you swelling in the face and hands? more so then before? Are you feeling lightheaded and how is your blood pressure? I am guessing the doctor checked all of these things out. But if you are truly concerned I would def. mention it again to the doctor. This is YOUR body and YOUR baby. Doctors can overlook things and be wrong.
However if you are just uncomfortable then that is a different story. Pregnancy is majorly uncomfortable, especially towards the end. Please don't rush the baby out b/c he/she is def. not ready to join the world at 34 weeks. 40 weeks and sometimes beyond is full gestation for a reason. I know it is hard (I have a 2 yr old and 6 month old), but it is so impt. to let the baby come when they are ready. God planned out pregnancies perfectly. You should lay mostly on your left side as fluids drain best that way and use whatever support you need between your legs and back. Eat well and drink a ton of water. Good luck.

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