Anyone Else Want to Strangle Moms Who Yell Their Kids Names Constantly???

Updated on May 20, 2010
M.O. asks from Barrington, IL
23 answers

Ok, so this is kind of funny, and kind of serious. I was just at the playground with three of my own kids and another child who was with us. There was a mom there who constantly was yelling, "Michael stop that." "Michael, come here." "Michael, get over here." After about 30 minutes I wanted to either strangle Michael or his mother, I'm not sure which - LOL.

So we left to go play in another area of the, three kids and a big ol' stroller with the baby. Suddenly there's this toddler running ahead of us, right into the street and there's a car coming! So I leave my stroller, run up to the kid, grab his arm, turn him around and say, "You need to go back to your mom."

Guess what! He's Michael's brother! She had NO IDEA her toddler had wandered off, let alone walked into the street with a car coming.

UGGGHHH. Anyone else biting their tongue already this year?

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So What Happened?

I had a great time reading all of your posts. I especially like the ones from the people who had a sense of humor about this.

I think one day or another we've all "been there" feeling like our own child "ignores" his/her own name because we keep saying it. I have no doubt that "Michael's mother" has her hands full and that she likely took her kids to the playground to let them burn off some energy.

Thanks to those who made me laugh. Although someone commented that this isn't a discussion thread, I still thought my question was relevant. It's interesting to see everyone's replies. Some were able to laugh about it, some were saying cut her a break and others were saying, oh poor Michael's mom!

I am sorry if I sounded harsh and judgmental, I don't claim to know Michael's Mom, nor if this is how things normally go in their home. I was simply posting my question to see if I'm the only one that gets annoyed when I was going to the park to have some fun with the kids, and most of the kids & parents on the playground were doing just fine, but felt like we all had to listen to the yelling. Clearly, it wasn't working. I just really wished that this yelling mom would have used another technique to attempt to control her son.

Please note, I did not say ANYTHING to her. I kept my mouth shut and decided to move my brood along to another park of the park. I felt this was the best thing to do since I had enough of her yelling. So despite my posted question here, I did not "judge" her, just disagreed with the constant yelling. (I felt I needed to say that since some of the replies seemed to think I was so angry or mean about this.)

Anyway. Thanks all for your insights!

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answers from New York on

hahaha, you know what, I am one of those moms. But I don't even realize I do it - my hubby tells me that I do this...apparently I do it with the dog too "Rocky no, Rocky get down, Rocky get over here"

I guess I just don't know how else to get his attention. If he is doing something or into something that he shouldn't be - what am I supposed to say "Hey you - don't do that!". I'm seriously asking, I'm not trying to be smart. How do you handle it?

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answers from Houston on

I just had to laugh. I was at the grocery store with my 2 1/2 year old this morning. We had the cart with the car on the front for him to ride in but he wanted to walk which is normal for him so no big deal. I wasn't yelling his name but every few minutes I was saying "come on Calvin", "Calvin, no touch", "let's go Calvin". I was laughing to myself by the time we reached frozen foods that everyone in the store must know his name by now :-)

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answers from Chicago on

This makes you want to *strangle* another Mom? This Mom's repetitive calling (and obviously struggling with her child), is SO serious an infraction to you that you must publicly post and try to get other Moms to "gang up" about how irritating this incident was? (Not withstanding the fact that you kindly helped a child from being run over.)

Why so judgmental about another Mom? Don't be one of the Mean Girls. This parenting gig is difficult enough as it is. How about we cut each other a break? May I suggest these words of wisdom, "Always be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

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answers from San Francisco on

Wow….When you’re blaming and shaming others, you’re just projecting your negative thoughts and feelings on them and nothing more….it’s not about them, it’s about you. What I read from your posting was a mother of two, who was trying to discipline a child, doing the best she could at that moment, whose hands were full, and is probably grateful that there are others who can help out.

We need to teach tolerance. I really do apologize of how “harsh” I’m being, but we need to teach our kids to be compassionate and tolerance….therefore we must model it…albeit hard sometimes.

I get that you were frustrated when you wrote the post….but don’t you think the mother at the park was too?

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answers from Houston on

I understand that we can all get frustrated by everyday things that we encounter--I am not in general a happy or patient person. But, this woman clearly couldn't win....she is criticized for watching one child too closely AND for letting the toddler get away from her.

If she had been ignoring Michael and he was pulverizing another kid...she'd be criticized for that. Did you consider that maybe Michael has some sort of hearing or developmental disorder that necessitates her addressing him by name?

Yes, you are a hero, you saved the toddler from getting squashed. Thank goodness. Accidents happen...this was averted. You can't think of a single time that one of your kids ever got away from you?

I sure remember the first time my daughter really RAN. She wasn't all that far away from me, but I wasn't prepared for how long it took me to catch her.

Be irritated, but this isn't a DISCUSSION forum, come with questions or requests for advice.

I think your question from April says it best, "Why am I so testy? Why can't I be happy?" clearly you are struggling with something. I hope you can get some counseling or therapy.

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answers from Fresno on

As the mom of two girls, one of whom has always been something of a "challenge," I will plead for tolerance from you. My younger daughter is a firecracker - constantly on the go, and with little regard for her own safety. Because she's so active, I often take her to the park so she can blow off steam. Once we're there, I usually have to intervene so she doesn't knock over any toddlers, throw sand on anyone, jump off the top of the play structure, etc. THANK GOODNESS my older daughter is so well behaved or I might be that mom whose toddler ran off toward the street! I can't imagine if both my kids were like my little one!

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, I love my kids and I want to do what is best for them. We all do. I try to keep a close eye out on them and will definitely correct them by name if I need to! (In a crowded park, how else do you get your child's attention? Chase around after them? Put them on a leash? LOL)

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I think that's true. None of us can do it alone. That's why we're all on this website! This is part of our "village," right? If I see another mom who needs help (baby running toward the street, kid scared to go down the big slide), I'll do what I can to assist. I hope all of us would do the same. We've got to help each other! It's a good thing you were there to help when that other mom needed you! You did a good thing. On behalf of Moms of Firecrackers everywhere, I thank you and beg you to take a deep breath and have some pity on us. =)

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answers from Spokane on

You can only be responsible for you and your children. I know that I have enough to worry about with my own, and I can't imagine trying to make sure that every other child on the playground is well cared for, and being watched. As sad as it can be, some people need to experience the natural consequences of their negligence.

Yes, it is frustrating, but you really should focus your energy on being the best mommy you can be to your children. Some moms just yell a lot, and they don't realize it, as quite a few responses said. Unfortunately, you are going to hear things that don't please you if you are in a public place. The other thing I wanted to point out is that Michael's mom may not be as oblivious or negligent as she appears to be. Maybe she was having a bad day....Her hubby may have asked for a divorce, her mom might have died, she might be a single mom who just lost her job. Lots of things can divert our attention. Don't get me wrong-I'm not excusing her or standing up for her, but you will probably be much happier if you take care of your family only. Hope I don't step on any toes.


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answers from Raleigh on

We were at the mall one time with my boys 5 and 3 and another 3 year old boy that I watch. I was trying to get them Subway. Boys were just going crazy, especially my 3 year old who's name s Emmanuel, but he goes by Mayo(thanks to his brother:)) I kept telling him quietly to stop this and that and finally when he was trying to run and a lady almost triped over him with all of her food I yelled Mayo, Mayo ......well the lady who was doing our subway sadwiches was pouring half the bottle of mayanaise on them. When I looked I said "No they do not like mayo on that", but she sad "you just said you did" So I went into explaining that that was my 3 year olds name, well not really ....his nickname....blah blah blah. She got even more confused. So I grabbed our stuff and dropped all 3 cups of water on the floor as I was trying to chase the boys.......... Yeah it seams funny now, back then I was horrified.

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answers from New York on

One time I was at the park with my grandkids and there was a mom with 2 kids that were out of control. Of course she didn't notice because she was talking on her cellphone the whole time. "Yes I'm at the park with the kids ...blah blah blah" for about 20 minutes. I'd finally had enough of my little ones getting pushed, sand thrown at them, shoved off things, etc. so I nicely parked myself right in front of her staring. She'd turn I'd move right in front of her again. Finally she asked what my problem was and I processed to tell her that her children were acting badly and maybe if she though they were important enough to spend time with instead of talking on the phone ignoring them they would behave better. She mentioned with some choice words that it was a public park. I mentioned that using choice words in front of a playground of young children was unnecessary and maybe she could consult a dictionary to find more appropriate language. She left, I got a round of applause from the moms around me.

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answers from Minneapolis on

So i gotta say, im on the end of being the parent that at times is constantly yelling my kids name. I never take my eye off my kids and would not let my toddler get near the road, but there are times when i have to say his name a lot! Not much i can do about it. He is a very active little boy and i have a 2 month old baby girl, and do most things myself because of my husbands work scheduale. Just the other day we were at target and they do not make shopping carts to accomodate a toddler and an infant carseat and the groceries so by the end my son (who is almost 3) had to walk. So while we are in the check out line he is starting to wonder all over so im constantly yelling his name to get him by me. what do ya do. dont get me wrong i dont have to all the time but at times yes i do and i guess if someone has a problem with it then thats thier problem. I really dont care. Im doing my best and my kids are healthy and happy and well taken care of so that to me is all that matters. If you never have to tell your kids to listen or stop doing something that is great for you but other moms do have to tell thier kids the same things over and over again at times and thats just the way it is.

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answers from Chicago on

I say give her credit that she's paying attention to her kids. I went a park once and a bigger girl (I mean, not only older, but bigger too) kept telling the younger smaller boys "go and tell your mama to give you some money". I heard her say this to at least 3 different little boys who all happened to run and got money, just to give it to her so she can go to the snack stand and much on some chips.

The 4th time I heard her tell a new little boy to go and tell his mama to give him some money, I walked up to her and said "why don't you go and tell your mama to give you some money and leave these boys alone?". She quickly put her skates on and left. I stayed around for a good hour and she nor her mama came back.

I was amazed that not one other parent spoke up. The girl was clearly at least 3 years and a good 50 pounds heavier than all the other kids in the block.

But to your point, it can get annoying to hear the same mom say her kid's names over and over again, but like I said, I'd rather hear her say their names than to totally ignore them.

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answers from Anchorage on

Letting the toddler get away from her is bad, but it has happened to the best of us when you have more than one child to tend to, so I would not judge her too harshly. As for the yelling at her son, at least she was watching him. I get mad at the moms who bring their kids to the park, and than allow those kids to be mean to others, push, take toys, ect... and are not even paying attention, leaving others to parent or redirect to keep their own children from being hurt. I actually had to hunt down a mother at McDonald the other day after the second time her child kicked my son in the head from simply trying to use "her" slide.

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answers from Nashville on

You mean I'm NOT going to be able to stop yelling his name all the time?!?

Lol- My son is 2 1/2 and I swear sometimes I am so sick of hearing my voice. I thought maybe it would get better when he was older. :)

I'm kidding, but yes, I am still kind of that mom. I try to do it in a way that he is learning from, not just random screaming that they tune out, because I hope when my son is a little older, I won't have get onto him constantly. Because I know if it irritates me to listen to myself, it has to irritate other people. I'm pretty lucky though, he is doing better. He went through the phase pretty quickly where he was nonstop messing with stuff every time I turned around. I'm sure it will be back, but I can dream, right...

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answers from Norfolk on

Thank goodness you prevented a tragedy from happening. Aggravating as Michael s Mom was, you were her toddlers guardian angel that day. Where we use to live the playground had a fenced in area around the toddler play area for just this reason. It's hard to keep your eye on multiple kids and some kids are harder to watch than others. I just have one son and when he was a toddler I had to have him in a harness on a leash when ever we went some places.

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answers from Hartford on

lol yep. i live on a lake and there are a ton of kids/moms there all summer and Im already dreading it. if you get up and take them home for not listening, guess what they will listen next time. and we have this one mom that lives right across the street and she lets her 4 yr old play at the beach, near the water, alone!!!!!!!!!!! yeah it is only for like 5-10 min at a time while she runs home to get somehting but she is not my responsiblilty. this really stresses me out, I bet I will post on this soon lol

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answers from Chicago on

I'm late to the party on this one, but to answer your question: No, I don't get annoyed by this. When I'm at the park to have fun with my kids, I don't bother sweating the small stuff.

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answers from Detroit on

It's a tough line when you are out in public. You don't want to be the parent that doesn't watch their kid and lets them push everyone elses kids and go crazy and all that. But, then, I guess it can be annoying when you are constantly yelling at them to make sure they are not. Good heads up to try for that balance anyway.

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answers from Chicago on

As a mom of 3 very active children, this mom at the park could have very well been me. It is difficult to keep an eye on more than one child at once, especially at a public park where there are soo many children running around. I am the one yelling my kids names continously. Why? For one becuase I need to keep them all relatively in the same area, and yes, sometimes one may go one way while I am looking the other. It happens. Too bad we all don't really have eyes in the back of our heads, it would be quite helpful. I also need to keep them out of trouble, I can't have them running too wild and knocking smaller ones down, and if I have to yell their names continuosly, then thats just what I have to do. I guess I can understand why this could bother someone. There are things that bother me sometimes about other moms...however, usually its things like spanking, or talking extremely mean to their child, not a mother trying to make sure her son behaves at the park. I feel bad that you posted about something that you wanted to vent about and that you got a lot of attacks for it, and i hope it doesn't seem like I'm attacking you, thats not at all what I want to do, but i think that some people probably just took offense to this post becuase they are "that" mother.

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answers from St. Cloud on

Haha! This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Poor Michael. He probably has tuned out the sound of his own name!

Good thing you were there to keep clueless mommy's toddler from being hit by a car!

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answers from Killeen on

LOL! I go to the park everyday with this mother : ) She and I sit and talk while her 3 children and my 3 children play. However 90 percent of the time she is screaming," Andrew, come back here! Sarah, Stop that!, Lauren, get your brother!" It makes me crazy!

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answers from Dallas on

Goodness gracious. My 2 kids take off in the opposite directions at the park, so it's very difficult to keep an eye on both... which is one reason I go only when a friend or my husband can be there so we can team watch each other's kids and are selective on the parks we go to which aren't close too the street.

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answers from Los Angeles on

BEFORE I was a mother I remember being at a store. I hear in the next aisle a woman’s voice saying calmly at first, over and over “Bobby stop….Bobby stop…Bobby stop”. Then a little bit more panicked “Bobby stop”, then really panicked and screamed “BOBBY STOP!!!!” By the THIRD time all I could think was “Jeez lady just go over and get him”. I couldn’t see her, as I said, I was in the next aisle. When I heard her panic voice and then screaming STOP! I quickly ran over to see what was going on. What I saw was a woman with a baby in a sling, another in a stroller and what appeared to be a 3 year old running out the door of the store into the street. Someone right outside the door stopped this child as the mother is running frantically to go get him

I ran up to her as did many others trying to help calm her as she was clearly shaken up. This Mother thanked the person profusely who stopped the child from running into the street.

That incident always stayed with me even though I wasn’t a Mom at that time because I felt bad for getting irritated that she kept saying her son’s name over and over… TRIVIAL things like this (calling a child’s name over and over) NEVER get to me, now that I’m a Mom. I totally get it.

“Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your children”



answers from Chicago on

Oh, too late but I spent a couple of years hearing Sheeeeeryy!! yikes that was twenty something years ago and I still remember it.

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