8 Week Old Slept 9 Hours Straight

Updated on September 18, 2008
E.C. asks from Richmond, KY
47 answers

Should I be concerned that my 8 week old slept 9 hours straight last night? I put him down at 10pm after his feeding, and when my husband was leaving for work at 6:45am he asked if I ever fed the baby. I even had to wake him up to breastfeed him at that time. He didn't even act like he was starving. He has just recently gotten to the point to where he was sleeping from about 10:30pm until 4:30am, but he always wakes me up crying to eat at that time. Is this normal for a breastfed 8 week old? I don't know if I should be concerned or just thankful...

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So What Happened?

Aidan continues to sleep 7-8 hours a night, and is still getting enough to eat during the day. He is evidentally just a very good sleeper, which my husband and I are very thankful of! I would also like to point out that if anyone thinks that nurses know it all about all specialties they are wrong. I know a lot about taking care of a laboring woman, but I only deal with babies for about an hour after they are delivered at work. I really wish some women would not judge other moms on this forum, lets make it a place where any mom can come with any question and not be demeaned or felt stupid about their questions/concerns :o)

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answers from Nashville on

Yeah for you! My first (also breastfed) slept through the night (7 to 7) for the first time at five weeks. She never looked back. I wouldn't worry.



answers from Clarksville on

My son in almost 8 months old & wakes 2 times at night. For awhile he slept thorugh the night but that has changed. Take all the sleep you can get.



answers from Raleigh on

Thankful! He's catching up even at 8 weeks. I've had three and they all did this eventually. You may be seeing good progress on his ability to sleep or you may just have a night of good luck. I wouldn't worry a second about this! ZZZZZZZZZZZ ;o)

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answers from Binghamton on

Girl, thank your lucky stars!!!! My son didn't sleep that long of a stretch until he was almost 5 months old. I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Never wake a sleeping baby!!! If he's hungrey, he'll wake up and let you know. Unless he's underweight, I wouldn't give it a second thought.



answers from Charlotte on




answers from Jackson on

I'm not a professional but all of my children ate about every 2-3 hours i'd be concerned it seams to long between feedings. i'd check with my doctor be on the safe side.yet my children were small babys the 1st was 3lb 9 2/3 ozs secound was 5 lbs 1 oz and my son was 6 lbs 14 ozs.if you had a large baby it might be normal so i'd be concerned.



answers from Raleigh on

Extremely thankful!!!!



answers from Fayetteville on

Be very thankful at this point - but do not be surprised if he begins waking up again in a few weeks as his demand exceeds your supply. For now - get your sleep and trust that when he is hungry - you will know.
All three of mine slept through early on and went through periods of waking up as my production had to adjust to their demand.

Good Luck!



answers from Charlotte on

This will happen from time to time. Don't worry about it at all. Enjoy sleeping through the night when it happens!



answers from Lexington on

Hi E.,

Just be thankful. :)

He most likely won't continue to sleep 9 hours every night from here on out. But it's perfectly normal for an 8-wk-old to sleep at least 6-7 hours at night. And it's also normal for him to have an occasional night when he sleeps longer.

Congrats. Sounds like he's doing great and getting plenty to eat!



answers from Nashville on


Enjoy the time you get to sleep. My doctor told me to never wake my baby up to feed. He said they will wake up and let me know when they are hungry. It must have worked for my baby is now 25 and my oldest is 28.




answers from Raleigh on

Wow, that's amazing. Just remember that sleeping patterns might change when he will go through major milestones(then you will be here asking how to make him sleep more than 3 hours at a time:))



answers from Nashville on

I nursed my babies when they were hungry and I never woke up a sleeping baby. Babies eat when they are hungry and sleep when they are tired. For the first couple of months it takes a while for them to settle into a routine. I don't think there is anything to worry about. Consult your pediatrician if you are worried.



answers from Louisville on

be happy! my first child started sleeping all night at 2 weeks (no im not lying) while my youngest didnt sleep all night until about 3 months it was horrible! but realize this could also be a fluke just pray its not!



answers from Memphis on

My little boy did exactly the same thing at 8 weeks. I called the dr. & he said be thankful and that a baby will wake up when it's hungry. My sweet one is a plump & heathly 17 month old now. Count your blessings and let your little one sleep! :)



answers from Nashville on

I think as long as it is not presenting a problem then go ahead and let him sleep. By problem I mean as far as growth, if your breast feeding then the milk production. Babies go through many sleep patterns and with our first we did wake him up everytime he was due for a feeding and all that stuff. My second one we let sleep and he was fine, but he went through several schedules and so did my first. I did not notice a significant difference but then I did not breast feed due to pregnancy complications.



answers from Raleigh on

I wouldn't be concerned. My son started sleeping through the night around the same age and I breastfed him. I know the first time your new baby sleeps that long it can be kind of scary, but as long as he is eating well during the day and gaining weight, just enjoy the extra hours of sleep.



answers from Raleigh on

Girl, don't worry- do a celebration dance!I breast fed all 3 of mine and you are apparently doing very well! Let your doc know if your worries persist, but it is perfectly normal for a 2 month old to sleep thru the night, breast fed or otherwise- don't wake him up at night or in the early am again! (i made that mistake with my first- its easy to do!) let him get used to sleeping- and praise God that you get too, to!



answers from Knoxville on

A pediatrician once told me that once an infant reaches a certain body weight - I believe it was 12-13 lbs - it is not unusual for them to be able to sleep longer.



answers from Huntington on

Dont worry it is perfectly normal you just have a "good" baby my little guy he is 3 now started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks old about 8 hour straight....Just enjoy it while it lasts!!!!!!!!!!!



answers from Louisville on

I would say that is okay. My little boy (Aidan) started sleeping 6 hours consistently around 8 weeks. He is also breastfed. I am wondering how often you are feeding him during the day. Especially if is cluster feeding, like every 2 hours, I would think he would have had enough to eat.
Congratulations on such a good sleeper!



answers from Charlotte on

Ah the wonderful world of Growth Spurts... Beware because after the sleeping frenzy comes the eating frenzy lol... Your baby is fine , just take advantage of this time... but don't get too used to it lol...



answers from Raleigh on

I agree with the others. It is time to celebrate. I know it is a frightening, but don't worry you will have other nights you will have to get up in the future. :-)



answers from Goldsboro on

It scared me to death the first time my son slept through the night. I woke my husband up and made him check to see if he was breathing. I didn't get many nights where he did sleep all the way through so as long as he is healthy and getting the nourishment he needs I wouldn't stress too bad. If it worries you too much check with the pediatrician. I remember the first time mom jitters.



answers from Nashville on

Didn't breastfeed so don't know anything about that but my mother always said when a baby is sleeping don't wake them up to feed them or change them. She said they will let you know. My children are 28 and 29 and it worked so maybe you should just be thankful. Of course, look for any sign of illness or not eating but if the baby eats well when it does feed just be very, very thankful.



answers from Raleigh on

Count yourself one of the luck ones. Both of my children (both breast fed) were sleeping that long around that age, but several others I know were not. If you are too concerned that something may happen, get yourself a baby monitor that detects motion. (Babies R Us has one, I thing the BeBe Angel). As long as Aidan is growing I wouldn't worry about him going that long without eating, he will eat when he is hungry. If he continues to sleep that much at night, he may start staying awake more and having more playtime during the day. Also babies sleep more during a growth spurt.



answers from Pine Bluff on

Be thankful! :) It's a scary thing, especially when they're that young and you hear so many other mothers talking about wishing for a full night's sleep with a much older baby. But, it's okay. By eight weeks they are mature enough to sleep through the night. My oldest (breastfed as well) went nine hours at seven weeks, and by nine weeks was up to at least twelve hours. She is now seven years old, and she has been my healthiest child!

One thing I would do, though - if he is sleeping that long, I would push his bedtime back. Start trying to push his bedtime back by fifteen to thirty minutes at a time until you get him to where he's going to bed at such a time that his morning routine will be in line with your family's when he settles in to a 12-hour night in a few weeks. (For example, if you want him up at 7 each morning, gradually work his bedtime back until he's getting his last feeding at 7 the night before.) For a week or two, that will mean you still getting up in the early hours for those last few early feedings, but he will outgrow those pretty easily.



answers from Charlotte on

BE thankfull you are getting a full nites sleep so soon..lol..



answers from Nashville on

Thank your lucky stars! My oldest daughter couldn't go longer than 2 1/2 to 3 hours at that age at night between feedings without getting hungry and screaming.

My second daughter, however, was the complete opposite. She was very calm, and withing weeks of being born was sleeping completely through the night, and like you also mentioned, not seeming ravenous after 8-10 hours of continuous sleep.

I breastfeed both of my daughters, too.

At this point, both of my daughters are great sleepers, but I will never forget the drastic difference at first, and my relief at knowing that I simply had a great sleeper.

BTW, she ate well during the day, so there were no problems with appetite while she was awake. If your child is eating well outside of his night-time sleeping hours, you are very blessed!



answers from Charlotte on

E. that's great. My ped. told me that the reason they don't like babies to sleep past 4 hours is because of dehydration. BUT i'm one that thinks mothers knows best. My second would sleep for long periods at night and that's why he told me that but i never changed her sleep habit. My sis is a neo-nate nurse and said if i'm stuffing her during the day she'll sleep better at night and continue to gain weight. And she did. She's a petite girlie like her aunt and her older sis is tall like her mama but both are healthy! So mama knows best. I'd watch for dehydration. But if she's eating good and gaining. Sounds like u are a lucky one. GOOD JOB!

V. (SAHM of Two)

(Unique Candle Creator)




answers from Charlotte on

Enjoy it as long as he is wetting normal diapers. My son slept too long and was "happy to starve." I had to coax him to eat and he had two diapers with pinkish-salmon looking crystals in it. NOT good! We had to wake him up with wet towels and get some pumped breastmilk in him since latching on a tired baby was impossible. (Just a bit later, he switched to waking us up every three hours!!!)

Now, my fourth child slept great and had NO such problems! She ate and wetted like a champ and I just enjoyed the rest. I hope you can too as long as you rule out the above! She is a happy and very healthy three year old (and my son turned out healthy and unbelievably smart too despite our earlier concerns!!!)



answers from Jacksonville on

My daughter slept a full 8 hours for the first time when she was 6 weeks old. It happened to be Christmas Eve! It scared my husband and I when we woke up and realized she wasn't fed her early am bottle! Thank goodness we were with my family and my mother was there to tell me to be grateful for the rest! Since then she has slept through the night, first 8 hours, then 9, then 10, and now she sleeps a full 12 hours at 10 mos old! She has always slept well since then, except when she started to crawl and pull-up. Developmentally something happens and they start to awake for brief periods at night. I never fed her, just gently rocked her and soothed her back to sleep and she would usually only be up for 30-45 mins at the most and then right back to sleep. She only did that for about a month. Your baby will develop his own sleeping patterns and as long as throughout the day he is getting the recommended rest, be thankful for the short or long "mommy time" breaks! :) Hope this helps! Take care!



answers from Raleigh on

My daughter did the same thing. She is now just over 3 months and is continuing the trend-yesterday she went down for 11 hours, woke up and ate, and then slept another 2 hours. I was concerned at first, but I've been told to be thankful.



answers from Raleigh on

let sleeping babies lie! :) chances are your little one is growing. That's when the Petuitary gland kicks in...when we're sleeping. Anytime a child sleeps a really long time, they're growing. Unless this keeps happening and you notice other strange behaviors, I would enjoy the sleep!

He's eating well the rest of the day right? once my son was about 2 months, he started givning up his middle of the night feeding. I wouldn't worry about it if there are no other unusual things going on. He's probably growing.


answers from Memphis on

My sisters 1st baby did this on her first night home from the hospital, she was terrified to look in his crib. But he was fine. I think you should just be thankful, it'll most likely change soon enough. He sounds delightful. Get the rest while you can.



answers from Chattanooga on

Enjoy it :) He won't starve in 9 hours. I am a little concerned that he's not guzzling the milk down after waking though, but sleeping that long is fine. My kids started sleeping through the night at about 6 weeks. I loved it, usually it only lasted for about a month though, and they started waking up again in the middle of the night.



answers from Jacksonville on

Well, thank God first of all that your baby slept for 8 hours. I am a mom of two and I worried over everything, I am a Child Protective Service Worker (DSS, DFAC, whatever you want to call it.) Anyway, I found that my children were different in many ways. Sometimes they would be so hungry I did not think I could fill them up, and the next they would sleep and not eat. Old Wives Tell that I believe in is let a baby sleep because that is when they are growing my children are 6 and 3 and still have times when they eat everything in the house and others when they do not even want to eat dinner. If you ped doc does not think there is a problem then I would not worry, but remember doctors do not know everything, I like to rely on other mother, elders in the community and my elders in my family for advice. Good luck with you baby. If the baby had no fever was breathing normal and did not seem to be in distress then I think everything was fine. Hope this was helpful.



answers from Charlotte on

Hi E.,

don't worry, it sometimes happens and unfortunately it will probably not happen many times yet! That's what I remember from my first son who was breastfed until 9 month old and he is soon turning 2. Just enjoy your good night sleep!



answers from Chattanooga on

Yeah, just celebrate! My dr. says that 11 lbs and 2 months is often the magic combination when babies start sleeping through the night. My daughter was 10lbs 6 oz at birth and started sleeping through at 5.5 weeks. My DS is 5 weeks and will sometimes go a 7 hour stretch (though 3-5 is more usual at night). Unless he goes through a growth spurt, you may have just entered a new season in your life as a sleeping parent! :)



answers from Nashville on

Don't be alarmed! Be glad! Babies honestly do not need nutrition in the middle of the night. By the time they are two months old, most of their eating at night is from habit not health. If he starts waking up again, leave him alone and he'll cry himself to sleep. It will only take a few nights, but he'll learn to sleep soundly and so will you. Don't people rope into feeling guilty for it either. You just witnessed that your child is perfectly healthy and happy and at 2 months he will not feel you are abandoning him or not loving him for making him sleep through the night. I breastfed all three of my sons and while I had to help them make that transition at night, it was certainly worth it!!



answers from Charlotte on

BE THANKFUL!!! Mine also slept about that much at 8weeks and she was (and is) perfectly fine!!! But, if you're still concerned just run it past your pediatrician.



answers from Hickory on

See how long it lasts. Did it just happen the once or is it still happening. Does he act right the rest of the time? Call your pediatrician and ask. They're used to it.



answers from Raleigh on

Congrats, E.!

My first one was like that. Hubby and I woke up the first night home and went to watch our daughter breathe, to make sure she was OK. She regularly slept for 11 hrs at night and fed every 4 hours like clockwork during the day. I had to stay up late and express milk or I'd be up in the middle of the night rock hard and leaking all over.

'Course, every baby's different. My second didn't have a schedule and didn't seem to sleep more than 1-1/2 hours at a clip. Somebody forgot to tell him how the program was supposed to work! :-) That went on until he started walking at 1 year, 1 week.

Count your blessings and your sheep!



answers from Memphis on

I think concern is healthy, is this your first baby? When I was pregnant last year the l&d nurse that was giving the labor class said she could have babies sleeping through the night by 2 weeks. A trip to the doctor is never a bad thing, it's always better to be safe than sorry, especially with a newborn. I know babies sleep A LOT, and I think I could have had my baby sleeping through the night at 8 weeks if I figured out the "change the diaper in the dark" trick a lot sooner. I had abdominal surgery 5 weeks after I delivered and I honestly think my boy would have slept through the night if I'd stopped giving him a bottle at 2am. Sometimes when he was only a week or two old he would 5-6 hours at night without waking, but only rarely. Uhm, I'm not sure if this is helping you or not, I think at this point you should be concerned if he doesn't seem to be getting enough fluid, like he's constipated, has hard stools or very few wet diapers.



answers from Raleigh on

It scared me to death the first time my daughter did that, but honestly you should be jumping up and down! And, as someone else said - don't get too used to it...not likely to continue, unfortunately.



answers from Knoxville on

Yes, it's normal! Congrats! :) Two of my daughters began sleeping through the night at 8 weeks...the other daughter never slept. haha Oh, and I breastfed each of them. My 4 mo old is a wonderful sleeper. From time to time he may wake earlier, but every once in a while is much better than always waking early. :)



answers from Wheeling on

Take it night by night, but as long as he's acting OK, just count your blessings! Our oldest (now 31 with 3 little ones of her own) started sleeping through the night before she was 3 months old. Then on the day she turned 3 months, she and I had a pretty severe car wreck and she spent the night in a university hospital in a room with 5 other babies) for observation. (She had a slight skull fracture caused by the car seat, but this was in 1977 before car seats were even required! and the company sent us a new, modified replacement seat), then it took her another 2 months to start sleeping all night again. Our other 3 kids took longer. She was just 'easy' (and still is!)

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