32 Weeks Pregnant with Possible Gall Stones

Updated on April 29, 2008
K.L. asks from Chico, TX
31 answers

I've been having pains in my upper right abdomen that shoot into my back since I was about 26 weeks pregnant. My doc said that it's probably gall stones and that they can't do anything until the baby is born. My daughter was born on her due date so if this birth goes accordingly I could be looking at 8 more weeks of pain. I spent last night in the recliner, which helped a little but the pain was still there. I notice the onset within 30 minutes of a meal, no matter how small the meal/snack. Even a bowl of Raisin Bran caused the pain this morning. HELP!!! Has anyone gone through this that can recommend some measure of relief? I pray that God will heal me and I won't have to get it removed after birth, but until then I would love some advise on recommended foods or stretches or ANYTHING. Thanks to all the mommies out there!

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So What Happened?

I had my routine 2 week OB checkup today and asked if they'd do a sono just to confirm whether it's a gall stone, but the nurse said their machine is not good enough to tell. The doc offered to send me over to the hospital for a sono there, but suggested that I try a med for acid reflux first since there is nothing they can medically do for me right now anyways. In the meantime, I've been watching my diet closely, no more milk/dairy, drinking only water and eating a ton of ice! I've also been taking organic apple cider vinegar twice a day. So far the pain has subsided a bit, at least I slept most of last night...PTL!!! Thanks to all of you that responded. I appreciate your advise and well wishes. Future plans: I do not intend on having my gall bladder taken out by any means, as I believe we are given each organ for a reason and it serves a purpose. I will continue to take the other measures you suggested and pray for God's healing power. Bless you all for your caring messages!

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answers from Dallas on

I was 5 months pregnant with my son and they did take my gall bladder out. And this was in 1987. He and I were both fine. Hang in there I know what you are feeling.



answers from Dallas on

I just had my gall bladder removed in Nov. and my husband had his removed in Mar. I highly recommend eating foods that are fat free! What causes the gall stones and also aggrivates them is fatty foods, so avoid them at all costs! I know how much pain you are in, and would love to tell you it gets better, but it probably won't until you have it removed. And once it is out you will feel so much better. But I strongly suggest that you eat the most bland diet that you can tollerate, with as much fat free stuff that is availible. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better. T. G.

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answers from Dallas on

OH you poor baby! I had my son Chase, now 4, with a huge gallstone. My Dr. said it was the size of Dallas! It was HELL!!! I had attacks from about 12 weeks pregnant. He was delivered by C-Section 3 weeks early, and I highly recommend it. He was breech too and our daughter was born breech 5 weeks early, so that was why the scheduled C-Section. I had to keep to a very low fat diet, NO pizza, ice cream, cake frosting, you know the biggies. I found that sandwhiches, pasta, rice, cereal and yogurt were the easiest to digest. Girl there is nothing easy about this process.

Why hasn't your Dr. done an ultrasound and KNOWS that it is gallstones? Your gallblatter is right above the baby and below your bust. Mine actually found the gallstone before I was symptomatic. Anyway, I had mine out when Chase was 7 weeks old and felt like a million dollars ever since! My husband wanted me to wait and I said NO WAY!!! GET IT OUT! I had two terrible attacks where I truly thought I was in labor, but they were over in about 4 hours. Up all night, you know the drill. My Dr. told me he could take it out, when I was 32 weeks pregnant, but I told him as long as I could stand it I was not willing to take that risk. But WHEW it was hard to make it through!

I hope any of this helps K. and I will pray for you and your sweet baby. It is HARD!!!


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answers from Dallas on

Hi K.,

There is ALWAYS something you can do to heal your body. What your doctor meant to say was that he isn't educated in any treatment protocols for gallbladder health other than cutting it out with a scalpel and that is not recommended until after the baby is born. He should not have mispoken and stated "nothing" can be done until the baby is born.

Even after the baby is born, it is worth trying to save your organs. God gave you each body part for a reason. Just because the doctor doesn't fully understand its function, doesn't mean God didn't have a good reason for giving it to you. That makes sense, doesn't it??? Don't assume the doctor has more common sense than you.

They used to think the spleen was unimportant, then they discovered it's vital role in the immune system through the manufacture of antibodies and lymphocytes. They used to think that the appendix was unimportant, but now researchers at Duke University believe it plays a vital role in the manufacture of good bacteria, another important immune system function.

What doctors MEAN to say, is that they simply don't understand what the organs in the body do for you, why they get out of whack, and what you can do to heal them. But that sort of truthful admission would present an ego issue for them. So, just move in another direction.

You need your gall bladder. It helps the body process fats. If it isn't working right, you will have a hard time digesting fats. If you cut it out and throw it away, you still won't be able to digest fats because you have no gall bladder. You'll need supplements to help your system. If your gall bladder is giving you painful messages now, think of the pain as little angels speaking to you saying "I'm not healthy, I'm hurting, I need you to pay attention to me and give me more love and care! Eat different foods! Change your lifestyle before I wither up and die on you!" This mentality shift of listening to your body is the first step to receiving the information you need to heal it.

So, what CAN you do. Well, get on the internet for starters. Go to www.mercola.com and read all his articles on Gallstones and gallbladder health. Dr. Mercola is a DO with the largest natural health clinic in the country, located outside of Chicago. He recommends exercise. If you make an effort to walk after meals, rather than sit and lounge, this probably would help. Also, don't overeat. Small meals, several times a day. Also, he recommends taking digestive enzymes. I like the ones from www.liverdoctor.com. Doctors don't know anything about these very helpful supplements. I agree with the mom who mentioned apple cider vinegar -it helps my digestion. You also very possibly have an underlying food intolerance issue that has always been there, but may be exacerbated by pregnancy. Gluten and dairy are the biggest offenders. Your health will suffer in MANY ways, including hormonal imbalance, if you have this. Half of the population suffers from this, most undiagnosed. Chances are good that you may be one of them. I am. A great lab to diagnosis this with a simple stool analysis is www.enterolab.com. You order test kits online, you mail back specimen, they email you the results. No doctor referral needed. Easy as pie! Except, maybe you should skip the pie.

Good luck! Congrats on your pregnancy!

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answers from Dallas on

Right before I planned to get pregnant I did a gall bladder flush,(cleanse), and tried to avoid the very thing. Got a lot of stones out. I am very familiar with the pain so I feel for you. I don't know much you can do while pregnant except drink purified water with a fresh lemon/lime juice, about 1 lemon or 1 lime a day alternating. My suggestion to you is once you deliver and not nursing do this GB flush. Get the book "Are you stoned" or check out Hulda Clarks book for a variation of the same cleanse. Doing this cleanse will remove the stones and save you from surgery. You may want to repeat it periodically after that. This REALLY WORKS, I know because I have done it 3 times. Your gall bladder is too important to give up needlessly. Any questions let me know.

Best of luck! http://www.curezone.com/cleanse/liver/Are_You_Stoned.asp

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answers from Dallas on

I went through the same thing and had mine removed 6 weeks after having a C-section. You've gotten some good advice on foods not to eat. The problem is once you have your gall bladder removed you still have to avoid all those same foods. Anytime I eat lettuce, fried foods, sugary foods, pizza.... I have major intestinal problems! (Which I guess in a way is good because it makes me eat more healthy)
My doctor said that there are so many people that have had their "gallbladder" removed 3 or 4 times, because you can regrow a pocket where the gallbadder used to be.
There is a way to pass the stones naturally without having surgery. I've done it when I started having pains again after 4 years. It's not the most pleasant thing but I SO VERY MUCH wish I had done it to begin with and not had the surgery!!! Do some research on line first. It's a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.
www.treelite.com/downloads/GallBladderFlush.pdf (just one example)
But do the research on your own, talk to your doctor to see if it's safe to do while pregnant. But since you can't have the surgery until after you have the baby, I would try this first before having it removed. If it doesn't work you can still have the surgery.
I just cannot tell you how much I regret not trying everything else before having the surgery!
Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes!

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answers from Dallas on

I've been there!! It started with my 4th pregnancy. I had 4 kids in a 4 year period and my first symptoms started about the time of yours. I had a couple episodes before she was born and then not again until she was 6mos. Like you, they started 30min. after I ate and lasted for several hours (3-4) and did this for about 3-5 days at a time. I would have an episode every 6 months almost like clockwork. I finally had the surgery - first surgery in my life so I was nervous. It was the best thing ever!! Not one ache/pain or change in diet since!! It's amazing how many moms I've met who siad "Oh, I had mine taken out, too!" Having said all that, my cousin had your symptoms at the end of her pregnancy (with twins) and hasn't had a symptom since (they are now 10 yrs old). I studied up on it and recomend that. Half the population have gall stones but never have symptoms - aren't we the lucky ones :)
Hope you find some releif soon! I feel for you!



answers from Dallas on

Sometimes an ultrasound can break up the stones resulting in less pain - I had kidney stones when I was pregnant and that worked for me!



answers from Dallas on

I had pain throughout my first pregnancy and just attributed it to the pregnancy itself. Some days it was unbearable to the pointg where I cried hysterically. The only piece of advice that I can give you is to stay away from greasy, fried or spicy foods. It KILLS you! The only other advice that I can give is to have the surgery as soon as you can after you deliver. I had emergency surgery 4 weeks after I delivered my son by c-section. It was not fun, but I felt so much better. By the time I had my surgery, they were not sure that they were going to be able to remove my gull bladder by laproscopy because it was so infected and large. I was in the hospital for about 4 days. I wish you much luck and I will say a prayer for you. I know how awful it is.



answers from Dallas on

Try a chiropractor. It can give you some relief!



answers from Dallas on

I had those pains the exact same time in my pregnancy. it was awful to the point where I didnt sleep for DAYS and I feel you and I am so so sorry the very last "attack" I had lasted for A MONTH the pain was there for an entire month it was horrible, even when I gave birth, I had went to the ER for the pain (at the time i didnt know i had gallstones) and I gave birth instead and after i gave birth the pain was still there, I had medication I was taking so it eased it ALOT, you can ask ur doc for some pain medicine im not sure he will give it to you but i have heard of people taking hydrocodone while pregnant and it being okay so just check and stay away from milk, grease, stick with veggies and fruits it helps and dont eat til your full eat in increments



answers from Dallas on

Oh bless your heart!!! I know how terrible it is. I had the same problem with my 2nd pregnancy. I had several of the attacks but one that was so terrible that I literally lost my mind. By the time it was over 3 hours had passed and my mind could only wrap itself around about 5 minutes of it. It was worse than child birth.
The only advice that I have for you is watch your diet. NO Grease!!! No Dairy!!! No refined sugar. Keep a diary of EVERYTHING that you eat and exact times and then times of the onset of attack and legnth of the attack. Hopefully it will help you find the triggers.



answers from Dallas on

I just recently had to have my gallbladder removed, so I know the horrible pain that you are going through!! While during the month that I first had gallbladder attacks to the time that I had my surgery, I found a couple things that help. Aloe vera juice, sold in the pharmacy section of the drug store or Wal-mart is a MIRACLE in stopping the pain of the attacks! It cost 10 dollars for a gallon, but well worth it! When I first tryed it I was desperate, and within 5-10 minutes of drinking it the problems were solved. I drank a glass or two a day until my gallbladder was removed. Also, cucumbers. I hate cucumbers, but tried eatting them anyway because I saw on a website that they were suppose to help. www.gallbladderattack.com is the site that I referenced and they have diet suggestions to help prevent gallbladder pain. Nothing listed will interfer with the health of your unborn baby, and it list foods to absolutely avoid to prevent gallbladder pain. I am almost 2 months past my surgery and it was the best thing that I could have done.

Feel free to messange me if you have any questions, I can give you my email if you want and I'll answer anything I can!!

Good luck, and I hope this helps!



answers from Dallas on

I found out I was pregnant with my youngest daughter and 2 weeks later was told I had massive gallstones. The doctors recommended having an abortion because waiting nine months could endanger both of our lives. Needless to say I refused and was very sick throughout my pregnancy. HOWEVER... there is relief! With me they ended up removing my gallbladder when I was safely into my fifth month of pregnancy. Prior to that the doctor had given me some medication that was baby safe. I don't recall the name of the medicine but it was a green liquid that tasted awful but it did keep me from having the spasms that cause the pain. Just before the surgery was done I was to the point where I would take a bite of food and a swallow of the medicine in order to eat. So there is relief out there you will just have to push your doctor to give it to you.
Good Luck!



answers from Lubbock on

A co-worker of mine had over 100 stones in her gallbladder when they removed it. So she knows pain. I myself have a stone that measures over 3cm, and another small one in the common bile duct. I, too, know your pain. This co-worker tells me to put a hot towel over the gallbladder. I haven't tried it yet. Good Luck to you and your baby.



answers from Dallas on

I have felt your pain. I had gall stone durning my 3rd pregnancy but after delivery all the pain seem to disapear. When I got pregnant again, the pain was overwhelming and I simply could not eat. I had my gallbladder removed at the end of my fourth month. I was terified for my son(miscarried durning my 4th month previously). My surgery went smoothly and my son was born very ____@____.com for pain releif I agree with getting rest during the day, and skipping the dairy items. I also drank just a few sips of wine, it seem to ease the pain and settle my digestive system down. Congrats on your new little one, will pray for you too. K



answers from Lubbock on

Try to get plenty of rest during the day, because you'll probably be up most of the nights. Remember to sooth your baby, talking and rubbing your tummy. The baby probably feels your pain as well. Drink lots of fluids, and eat as blandly as possible. Sounds like you might have them. Can the Dr. not do a sonogram to see if that's what it is? I've had them. I suffered with gall stones sitting on my couch clutching the pillows or anything I could find because the pain was so intense for a whole year before I had them taken out, simply because I didn't have insurance to cover the surgery.It's possible you may have to wait and bite the bullet. I will tell you that what you eat makes a lot of difference in the severity of pain. Greasy foods, spicy foods, etc. will set you on fire. Hope you can hang in there. Wish someone could help. A.



answers from Austin on

I had similar pains during my pregnancy. I had a sono and there were no gall stones! Just the pain that occurred after I ate anything, like there was no more room so my organs were being pushed around. It was a relief to know that it wasn't stones and the pain was gone as soon as I had the baby. Definitely request a sono to know for sure.



answers from Dallas on

Drink Olive Oil and Lemon Juice every day until the pain stops. This combo helps to break up the stones.
Hope it helps.



answers from Tyler on


Please know that I will be praying for you regarding the pain you are experiencing at the present time.

Someone told me that if you have gall stones, that if you raise your shoulder it should help alleviate some of the pain. It's worth a try. I'm sorry that you are going through this, however, just be encouraged that the Lord is there with you. Blessings,

Janna M.



answers from Tyler on

K. - the exact same thing happened to me when I was pregnant. Do NOT eat anything spicy. The pain will only get worse. Mine got worse after I delivered the baby. The best thing to do is to have the gallbladder removed after delivery. Easy, Easy outpatient surgery...very little pain...I only took Advil for pain. You will feel so much better. You can search the internet for foods to avoid, but until the gallbladder is removed...you will continue to have problems. Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

I had the pains at the same time as you 28 weeks. i went to the ER freaked out and the doc told me the same thing. he was the doc on call and also worked with my OB. so i went to my reg OB the next day and he said that the pain was due to the organs pushing and made it feel like gall stones. when he did my next sono he checked and there was nothing there. after i had my daughter the pain went away. if you haven't had your docs offc check by sono yet I would suggest that so you can be at ease about having surgery for it later. hope that helps good luck



answers from Abilene on

I had to have mine removed right after my son was born, I am fine now, stay away from milk and fat, toward the end of the pregnancy, even water hurt, so just bear with it, and eat as many tums as you can handle, it seemed to help.



answers from Dallas on

Hi K.,

First off congrats on your pregnancy! I have had alot of trouble with pain in my gallbladder too. One thing that always works for me is to pour 1 tablespoon organic raw apple cider vinegar such as Braggs into either a little organic apple juice or even water. It is kinda hard to swallow, but within minutes the pain is gone. Good luck, and God Bless!!



answers from Dallas on

Stick with low-fat, bland foods and lots of fluids. There is a huge difference between gallstones and kidney stones--kidney stones can pass, gallstones cannot. That is why they remove the whole gallbladder. A gallstone the size of a pinhead can cause excruciating pain if it gets stuck in the bile duct, so having some kind of treatment to break up the stone(s) will have little to no effect on your discomfort. Have the surgery as soon as you can after delivery, and you will feel much, much better. The longer you wait the worse the pain will get.



answers from Dallas on

Eliminate fat as much as possible. It's the gall bladder trying to shoot bile into your stomach to break down and digest the fat you've eaten. The gall stone(s) bump up against the bile duct and cause pain. Do you know how big the stone(s)is/are?

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I'll send you healing energy for the stone(s) to break up and pass on their own.

Warmest regards,
Little Elm



answers from Dallas on

I had gallstones in 1994 the worst thing to eat is anything dairy. Dairy products are the hardest food to digest and need to be avoid if you think you have gallstones. My sister had her gallbladder removed two weeks after the birth of her first child. Don't worry about the surgery; it is a day procedure the only complication will be with general anesthesia you will not be able to breast feed for 24 hours so either plan for it with stored breast milk or formula and now a days they use surgical glue to close the openings.



answers from Abilene on

I know exactly how ya feel. I was going threw the same thing almost 4 years ago. I had to wait until my baby was born and then I threw up for almost 9 months and then we found a surgeon and said that my gall bladder needed to be removed. Talking bout losing weight. lol I lost over 90 lbs with all that. Try everything.... We tried demrol for pain and that waqsnt even workign for me. lol I was in so much pain. Try cool baths, heating pad, tynol. I know that you can't take much but, just try it..... I hope that you have a safe and healthy delivery. Gl sweety!



answers from Dallas on

Hi K. - I suffered with gall stones my 3rd trimester also. Unfortunately during my attacks I usually had to vomit before I felt better (I know that sounds gross). What helped me was completely cutting ALL FAT out of my diet. I ate a very bland diet of a lot of carbs, fish, and grilled chicken until I was able to have my surgery 1 week after my daughter was born. My surgeon was Dr. Parker down at the Los Colinas Medical Center and he was fantastic. I'm not sure if he's still there, my daugther is now 5. I had no complications and within 24 hours was back to normal. Good luck. K.L. - Flower Mound



answers from Dallas on

I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I can't even imagine. I am 38 weeks pregnant now, and my doctor is going to induce me next week. If you are not against being induced, why don't you ask your doctor to induce you? This way, you won't have to wait 8 more weeks - maybe 6. Six weeks of pain is better than 8 weeks of pain, right? Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I had gall bladder attacks while I was pregnent. The thing that helped the most with the pain was heat packs. I used the kind that you heat up with warm water. HTH.

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