Naps: Toddler, Baby Bjorn

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16 answers

Baby Bjorn Carrier Vs. Ergo Baby Carrier

Looking to get a carrier for our new baby. I've read up on both the Baby Bjorn and the Ergo and they both seem nice. Just can't decide which one to get...Which one is more comfortable and easy to use?

Afternoon Naps

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17 answers

Naps for a Three Month Old

Hello all--I am seeking advice on a nap schedule for a three-month old. My daughter sleeps well at night in her crib (down by 8:30, wakes for one feeding around 3, then back up around 8) but the rest of the day is inconsistent. Up until four days ago, she would only nap in her swing, now she at least takes a morning nap that lasts around 90 minutes in her crib. The rest of the day, she eats and plays, but won't go back down for an afternoon nap. By five o'clock, she's exhausted and has a melt-down that lasts till about 6:45 when she...


Naps for 6 Week Old

My six week old refuses to nap. She takes maybe a few short cat naps during...

Morning Naps

See all 272 articles
17 answers

Naps for a Three Month Old

Hello all--I am seeking advice on a nap schedule for a three-month old. My daughter sleeps well at night in her crib (down by 8:30, wakes for one feeding around 3, then back up around 8) but the rest of the day is inconsistent. Up until four days ago, she would only nap in her swing, now she at least takes a morning nap that lasts around 90 minutes in her crib. The rest of the day, she eats and plays, but won't go back down for an afternoon nap. By five o'clock, she's exhausted and has a melt-down that lasts till about 6:45 when she...


Naps for 6 Week Old

My six week old refuses to nap. She takes maybe a few short cat naps during...

Nap Schedule

See all 247 articles
44 answers

Nap Time and Church

My husband I have not been church goers but we have recently found a church we are interested in. The problem is that the Sunday service falls in the middle of our daughters (twin 15 months olds) nap time. The past couple of weeks I have gone alone and my husband has stayed home with the kids. I was just wondering what other people usually go about this. Do you just trade off weeks or try to change their Sunday schedule from the rest of the week? Thanks!