Money: Myself, First Response

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11 answers

First Response Ovulation Tests

have any of you had luck using the first response ovulation tests? i used a friends fertililty monitor when i got pregnant w/my son, but we can't afford one of our own, so i was just wondering about any experiences w/the first response ovulation tests. thanks!!! (i also am charting my cycle and doing basal body temp in the morning)


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43 answers

Swallowing Your Pride

Ok... please don't think I'm a total witch after reading this. You all have been so helpful and offered so many different perspectives over the years, I've really used this site to help me through some things I couldn't (or didn't want to) discuss with my friends - or KEEP discussing with my friends :) So here it is.... I've been a SAHM for pushing 10 years. My youngest entered full day K this past fall and I found myself with more free time than I needed, but I wasn't ready to go back to work full time. I started looking for a part...


Kids & Money

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14 answers

Have You Ever Used a Child Nutritionist? How Did It Work for Your Child?

My almost 8-year-old daughter told me this morning that she feels bad because she thinks she's fat and she's feeling left out because none of her friends are. She IS significantly overweight, and this has been going on since she was 3-4 years old but hasn't been something that we have been able to successfully get under control. I've talked to her pediatrician and he gives me the run-of-the-mill food group education and portion control and exercise... the stuff I know like the back of my hand. She has had one blood test when she was 6...


Spacing of Children

I have a beautiful 2 1/2 year old son. My husband and I know that we want...