Behavior: Ergo

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16 answers

16 Month Old Behavior

Hello moms! I am needing advice for what to do with my 16 month old son who will whine/cry at my feet whenever I attempt to do anything that does not involve my full undivided attention on him. He has gotten very clingy and I feel I can not get anything done around the house. I really would like for him to be able to play independently for short periods of time, but he is always at my heels and wanting to be held etc. I know that this could be a developmental phase as well, but I do want to get a grip on it if it is that I am giving him...


Zyrtec and Behavior

I have a 6 year old daughter who has allergies which seem to crop up this...


26 answers

I Used to Think I Was a Good Mom Until.... son turned 4.5 years old. AHHHHHH! Is this normal? My son is driving me bonkers! He finished preschool in May and he has been driving me crazy ever since! I try to find activities for him to do on a daily basis, but he is engaged in the activity for less than five minutes and then he jumping off the walls-literally! His behavior is becoming worse and today he sat in time out for almost 15 minutes because I told him he had to stop yelling and crying or he couldn't get up. He kept at it for that long and never stopped. He is...