Work at Home - Thomasville,GA

Updated on April 12, 2011
P.D. asks from Lakewood, OH
13 answers

Does anyone know of a real good work at home job? I am so confused with all the things that are out there, they all want money. I would like to hear of a good work at home job, Any information would be helpful. Thanks

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answers from Portland on

I've read to be aware of work at home ads that require money because they are often just a scam. That's all I know about working at home. :) I've also looked at those ads and decided to not try them out.

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answers from Phoenix on

Kim Komando, also known as the "Digital Goddess" or something like that, a highly respected person in the computer/internet industry, often gives videos that are very helpful. One of her recent ones was about work at home jobs. Here's a link to the article:

She did a video on it, too. Also check out - in general, it's a public forum, owned by saving guru Kim Danger, where people contribute money saving ideas, along with many other things. In the Work at Home area, you'll find other ideas that people have contributed - they work hard to weed out spam. I've posted Kim's video on there. I moderated that forum until I had too much on my plate this summer and am still taking some time off as a mod...but I still go on as a member until I can pick up again. It's a great group of ladies. Kim has a few books out there. You can check her books at Amazon under Kim Danger. You may have seen her and Kim Komando on TV occasionally. (Mommysavers is also on Facebook, as is Kim Komando. Both are very trustworthy.) Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

What are your skills? What job do you want? Put together a short graph and advertise free on Craigslist.

My husband and I both work from home. We are always looking for people with computer design skills, programming, and CSS. But we also occasionally need typists(!) I know, sounds kooky, but sometimes you get a client who gives you a pdf that has been scanned three times, and you need someone to put it through a text reader and/or type it by hand to clean it up. Neither of us is great at that.

Anyway, we scan Craigslist fairly frequently and post remote jobs there too.

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answers from Milwaukee on

Nonya, Do you like shopping and going to the movies? I used to work for a company that offered jobs like secret shopper and movie checking. Let me know and I can send you the info on it.

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answers from Kansas City on

If they ask for money upfront, it's not a job.

Some jobs may require dedicated phone lines, or equipment, which is entirely different. There are real work at home jobs out there, but I'm sure the competition is quite fierce right now.

Check out, or Both of which offer work at home job leads, and perhaps some tips.

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answers from Austin on

This question is asked on here a LOT. This is what I said to the mom yesterday:

"It depends on if you want to work from home or just make extra money. It is very hard to find a work from home gig. Generally these kind of jobs are offered to people who ALREADY are employed by the company. They just can do the same job from home. You might look into medical transcription or coding (classes are offered at community colleges), but if you are only wanting to "fill the gap", then you probably wouldn't want to take the time.
There are PLENTY of selling jobs. If you want, I'd be happy to talk your ear off about Tupperware."
Anyway, if you are good with computers and programming, you can probably find something for that. If you are good with children, think about opening a child care in your home.
Honestly, if it were me, I'd work part time at night and on the weekends if you really need a job and don't want to put your child in daycare.

Good Luck!

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answers from Dallas on

The work at home ads that ask for money are NOT always a scam. It depends and if it interests you then do some research because there are many reputable companies that allow you to buy your own business. They are MLM Companies and many ARE reputable, and you CAN an earn. I would not have believed this myself 3 years ago, but thankfully I did my research. I became an Independent Shaklee Distributor. The buy in is either $39.95 or $299.95 depending on what you want. I was sponsored and I help others do the same thing. So, YES, be wary and do your research, but NO don't assume everything is a scam!

Let me know if I can answer more questions.

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answers from Boise on

Have you heard of Mona Vie? It is a health juice that provides a world of benefits. My husband and I drink this wonderful juice ourselves and feel so much better for it. Sleep, joint pain and energy as well. Since starting this product, we have become distributors for Mona Vie.
We believe in this product so much that we are sharing our story with others and gettin them on it as well. In the process, we are making money. It is the #1 all natural health juice. It isn't sold in stores, it's only through social networking that this is done. When you have some time, take a look at the site and look at the 2 links to the right, Essence of Mona Vie and the flip chart. You can explore the products under the red Mona Vie tab. You can learn how to get this product and make money if you are interested.
I am a stay home mom as well. I was working a temp job that just wasn't concrete for me, I needed something that I could do that was for sure. We had a friend invite us to a tasting and we heard all about Mona Vie and the benefits and how we can make money. We have been in this business for 1 month now, and already make money. It's a wonderful company that wants everyone to succeed and make money that they offer incentives all the time. My husband told me not to look for a job anymore that I would be working on Mona Vie, talking to people and sharing our experiences with.
If you are interested, let me know. Take care and God Bless!



answers from Dallas on

Have you heard of Scentsy the Wickless Candles? I'm a Scentsy Director and work from home with my business. I have been a Scentsy consultant for 2 years and LOVE IT! It pays our mortgage and car payment each month. The earning potential can be part time or full time salary. It's up to you! Check my website out at for more information, or to join my team or to contact me. We are growing at 300% and I would love to speak with you about this amazing company. Have a ScentSational Day!




answers from Dallas on

Job or Business? A Job no money up front A business money up front, but bigger money can be made. I have a business. Contact me if you have any questions


answers from Bangor on

I currently work from home part time but its more of an online business then a job. But its Legit, No selling, No pressure. Here is the website If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


answers from Dallas on

Well, do you really want a job or would you be open to a home based business, where you can make your own hours?

I was somewhat skeptical about a home-based business, until I found what I am doing now. It is in the world's largest industry - travel, and I LOVE it. It has enabled our family to take great 5 star vacations at 2 star prices, and we have a perk of being able to travel for free, too, with the way their compensation plan works.

I got the small amount I invested back within 2 months, doing this part-time, I have no fees, or monthly quotas, no inventory, etc. And my kids love what I'm doing, too, so it has become a family business.

If you'd like more info, shoot me an e-mail or call me.


answers from Chicago on

Does this peak your interest?

If so, please contact me so that I may show you how it has worked for me over the last 6 years.

M. @ ###-###-####

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