Wits End - Sippy Cup!

Updated on August 01, 2007
N.P. asks from New Lenox, IL
18 answers

My son and daughter will NOT drink from a sippy cup. They just turned 13 months and per pediatrician as well as other reputable sources they should be off of the bottle at 1year. I have tried before and the same thing... don't like it. The past 3 hours this morning have been a bear...I ended up caving in around 7:30 to let them finish the rest of their milk in the bottle. I have tried almost every type of sippy cup out there (soft (including Nuby), hard, with straw, without straw) etc. ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone. Based on your thoughts and some others... I will now give water in the sippy and keep milk in bottle. Go this route for another few weeks or so and then start trying to get them to take milk from bottle. Seems like many are still in bottles around 15/16 months. Thanks.

More Answers



answers from Chicago on

I agree with the last person....13 months is a bit young, it is not a big deal. I don't think my son was off the bottle till 16 months, and he nursed much longer than that. If it is a dr. that is giving you this pressure, take what they say with a grain of salt. They are not all knowing. Just continue to give them a sippy at meals, and give the milk when they want it in a bottle. They will get it eventually. I know I had to put warmed milk in the sippy for the first few months after the bottles stopped and gradually I just made it less and less warm and then he adapted. Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Just to add an idea - I tried this when switched my son over and it worked great.
Offer milk in the sippy and water or something less desirable in the bottle. Put both in front of them and see what happens. I put a little lemon juice and water in my son's bottle and milk in his sippy. After a little bit, he figured out that the better stuff was in the sippy, and started going after that.

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answers from Chicago on

Disclaimer - I have no clue if this works, but maybe worth a try?

Switch the nipple on your bottle to the newborn flow (level 1, etc.). I imagine the logic behind this is that the sippy cup will deliver the liquid much easier while the bottle will frustrate them, showing them that the sippy is a more attractive option.

Good luck to you!

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answers from Chicago on


I know how you feel! My daughter is almost 14 mos and after her first birthday, I went through the same thing. I'll just say, Persist!! However, try to stick to just one type of sippy cup. I use the Gerber soft spout. Every feeding start with that cup and keep going. If they dont drink, let it be. Don't give the bottle and try again after a bit. SEe how it goes. I know its probably much harder for you because you have to deal with 2!! But persist and stick to just one type of cup. My daughter took a couple of days but once she got the hang of it, she hasn't looked back.


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answers from Chicago on

I don't know if they have to be out of the bottle (or at least I am not sure why it is a big deal). My son is 16 months and still drinks milk out of the bottle. He drinks water out of the sippy cup though. I am sure when he is a bit older he will be more open to the idea of drinking out of a sippy or a big boy cup. I know MANY moms that have tots that drink out of a bottle for milk only. I think at this age they are not only transitioning out of formula/breast milk AND out of a drinking style. That is a lot of changes. Just pick your battles is it more important to get the milk or learn to drink out of a new cup. Okay so that wasn't a creative idea but something to think about ;)

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answers from Chicago on

This is a hard one. My son stop drinking from the bottle at 8 months old. The milk was coming out too slow for him and when he started chewing on the nipple I knew it was time for a sipping cup. Maybe you can try nipples with smaller holes, then give them a cup. Maybe then they will find out the cup is better.

Good Luck,

L. D.



answers from Chicago on

You shouldn't feel pressured to switch to a sippy cup for all liquids quite yet. It is good that you are trying. I think the recommendation is that all liquids be out of a cup by 18 months. Our daughter gradually moved to the sippy cup - water first, then the milk. Now, at 16 months, she has no desire to have a bottle. One thing that did work well for us was peer pressure. Not us pushing her, but having her around other, slightly older kids, who were drinking out of cups or sippy cups. She wanted to be like them and quickly left the bottle behind.



answers from Chicago on

Maybe they're not ready. Find a kind they can drink out of easily (or like the pic on it), and don't give in. They will eventually get thirsty enough to drink out of what is given. For comfort, let them still have a bottle at bedtime. Mine went easily off the bottle, but my nephew just finally broke---and he's 2! Despite what everyone tells you, not every child does things when they are supposed to



answers from Chicago on

I second the Nuby cup. They have several styles. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I feel your pain! My 12 month old is the same way. My pediatrician told me to just continue giving him a sippy with each meal and he WILL eventually get it. He also told me that if i start taking away a bottle feeding here and there he will eventually want a cup. I am starting with his afternoon bottle and we will see what happens. i am hopeful. I am just being consistant, making sure he gets calcium through yogurt, cheese etc and making sure he gets to handle a sippy each meal and when he is playing. Good luck and i feel your pain. I haven't found different sippys to make a difference. He will just throwing it around and turn it upside down. I guess patience is the key! Let me know if you find anything that works for you!



answers from Chicago on

None of my kids liked the cup at first. Repetition is the only thing that helped. Also, if you really want them on a cup, no matter how hard it is, try not to give in. Only offer the cup. Eventually they will get thirsty enough. At their age, they are probably getting enough nutrition through food, that they don't need the milk as much as when they were younger. Also, give them everything in a cup, milk water, juice. They will get it!

Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

As I have said before, try using a cup in the bathtub. Put COLD water in it because after a few times of dumping it down their bare tummies they will be more cautious. It has worked with all three of my children. =)



answers from Chicago on

I feel your pain, Nicole. We went through the same problem and then finally found the transition cups made by Gerber. They take them fine and I haven't had a problem since I bought them. I know you said you tried soft cups before, so this might not make a difference for you, but this is what worked for us. Also, don't stress out about the cups so much. I know that is easier said than done. But, maybe they just aren't ready to come off the bottle yet. You have to do what is right for your children and sometimes let the doctor's wishes go by the wayside. Best of luck!



answers from Chicago on

I had the same problem with my 13 month old. My son who is 6
took a sippy cup when he was 6 months without a problem, so I
couldn't figure out why she wouldn't ! I ended up throwing the
bottles away (so I couldn't cave) and after a day she started
drinking from the cup, I still have to hold her and it like I did the bottle but after 2 days I didn't have anymore problems!
These things take time, my son had a problem with letting go of the bottle and he liked the sippy cup, the longer you let them have it , the harder it will be to take it away !
Good luck !!



answers from Chicago on

Can you have some else give them a sippy cup?? I would just let them drink from a regular cup that is what my two did. The only reason they should not use a bottle is for their teeth.

Relax children are not made in a manufacturing plant! They have their own schedule and choices. You have to ease into the change. Do not make it a battle.

Super Nanny used special new cup and throw the bottles away with one child and it worked. Maybe something special like that would help. The idea is to have the cup come from something other than you. They used a turtle and water. What do the kids like? Get someone else to by the cup and make a personalized special event for your kids.

Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

Have you tried Nuby? They sell them at Wal-mart for sure. They have a soft top. My son Dylan doesn't like sippy cups either.

Good Luck - Your not alone!!!




answers from Chicago on


Please trust your instincts on this one. It sounds like your babies aren't ready to get off the bottle yet. My daughter is 18 mo. and still drinks out of a bottle. I could force the issue, but I know she wouldn't drink as much milk if she only used a sippy cup. Your child's behavior is telling you something--go with what you think is right. I felt pressured by my ped., friends etc...and my sister, who has three grown boys, keeps me grounded and is constantly telling me what I am telling you.

Hope this helps.



answers from Chicago on

My daughter is very picky about sippies for her milk. For water she'll take anything. The ONLY sippy she will take milk out of is a Nuby Sport Sipper. (I've only seen them at Babies'r'us and Osco.) It is an hour glass shaped cup with a top that looks like a cross between a nipple and a straw (you still have to tip it, though). After much fussing, we got her to take those around 12.5 months. She's now almost 15 months old, and we're slowly trying to get her to use normal cups with her milk. She's slightly more receptive to it, but only slightly. She's moving to the toddler room at daycare, and we're hoping that will do the trick.

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