Where to Buy Good Nursing Bras

Updated on February 24, 2009
M.L. asks from Brooklyn, NY
8 answers

I am just about 31 weeks and I want to start looking for nursing bra's I am a "D" cup already, that is my normal size. Where should I buy a good nursing bra that has support and that is worth the money. Also should I go a size up?

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So What Happened?

Should I not be wearing underwire bras I hear that there not good for you while your brestfeeding!

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answers from New York on

As a 34DD normally (pre-children) and having been up to a J (you read that right!!!) during nursing days, I have never had much luck with the regular stores like Motherhood Maternity, Target, etc. My suggestion is to go someplace like those mentioned - Upper Breast Side, Town Shop, or Intimacy (which is on Madison in the 80s) and get fitted. Once you find a size/style that works, you can look online for the best price - two sites I like are BiggerBras.com and, believe it or not, eBay (many people sell them new, in the packaging, for less than retail). These sites are also great for regular bras, btw. I have also bought many of my nursing bras (and nursing tops) from Motherwear - they have a wonderful/easy return policy. For sleeping I liked the Bravado bras, they are soft and easy to snap open/closed when half asleep - BUT - they gave me no real support when standing up, so they were sleep-only for me. Personally I hate sleeping in a bra, and stopped doing so as soon as I stopped leaking - but some women like the extra support even at night. GOod luck. I have nursed 3 (still nursing #3 actually) and it is a great experience.



answers from New York on

www.mommygear.com Both of the ladies that work there are wonderful and will spend all the time you need on the phone with you. They are in PA so I typically have my order in 2 days. They will exchange anything and can do a special order if you need. Also all bras are different and they really know their inventory and can say go up a size or stay where you are....... and you never have to leave the comfort of your house!!!



answers from New York on

Hi. M.,
Everyone recommended Motherwear.com to me, and I tried so many different styles from there and none of them worked (I think they might work for smaller chested women). So don't buy from there! After lots of trouble finding the right size after my babies (twins) were born, I finally went into a Motherhood Maternity store (in Queens Center mall -- not sure where you live, but they have these all over). The woman working there took one look at my chest and handed over a bra that was exactly the right size and lasted for well over a year.

I'm not sure you can know what size will work best until after the baby is born. Also, I got a cheaper one at Target and within three months the wires were popping out.

Good luck!



answers from New York on

The Upper Breast Side at 135 West 70th street in NYC is the best. Owner Felina will spend hours with you if you need it for just one bra, or tops, etc. She's amazing and has a great selection!
You should definitely go in for a fitting or at least call.




answers from New York on

I second the Upper Breast Side suggestion! A great place for help with nursing bras and a very supportive place for nursing Moms. FYI, not man friendly.




answers from New York on

M. L-
Sorry in advance for the long post. I am 30 wks and pregnant with my 2nd. I struggled with the whole bra thing with number one. I was reading all the nursing books and they said not to use an underwire bra and a couple of specialty shops even refused to carry them. The post-natal nurses at the hospital took one look at me after my milk came and said to get an underwire, but I was still nervous. Just to give you and idea I am a DD normally. I did the no-wire thing for as long as I could take it (I nursed my son for almost 2 years) and then gave in, it was the best thing I ever did as far as breastfeeding goes. I went to a place called Lynda's bra shop on Lexington and 63rd and they put me in a very supportive and even attractive underwire nursing bra, a little pricey but worth every penny. This time I plan on going to the Towne Shop on the Upper Westside to get sized for a nursing bra. I was there last week but they advised me to come back 3 weeks before I was due as the sizing would be more accurate. The sales people are amazing and they have a huge selection of bras.

I whether you go with an underwire or not I would highly recommend going to a specialty bra shop and getting sized. It's totally worth the time and money and you will be so much more comfortable.

Good Luck!

P.S. The name of the bra I purchased was the Le Mystere Florence Maternity/Nursing Bra



answers from New York on

Hi M.,
Go to Barenecessities.com. They are the only place I found nursing bras over a size D. Their return policy is phenomenal. You can order a variety of styles and sizes and return whatever doesn't fit.
good luck!


answers from New York on

Hi M.,

I purchased mine at Target. They worked fine. :)

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