Organic Milk Question

Updated on August 18, 2008
C.L. asks from Scotch Plains, NJ
8 answers

Has anyone heard of organic milk giving your child softer bowel movements? Have been giving my 2 year old organic milk exclusively for last 3 weeks and noticed a change in her BM. Not sure if related to that or something else. Doctor has not heard of this but wondering if another mom out there has experienced the same issue.

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answers from New York on

Is it the kind with DHA added? That had an effect on my son's bowel movements. We didn't buy that kind again.

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answers from New York on

OK, as a bit of a health-nut-nutritional-nazi to the extreme, here's what I have to say about organic milk...

when it comes to your kids...there should be no if ands or buts about organic milk. Organic is the ONLY type of milk you should be giving your child.

Now...moving on.

Pasteurized milk, organic or not, will irritate a little tummy with a mucus inflamation. Why? Because pasteurization destroys enzymes that help aid in the digestion of the milk and the absorbtion of the vitamins.

Your options are:

#1 Grass Fed organic Raw Goat's Milk- goat's being easier to digest than cows

#2 Grass Fed organic RAW cows milk

Needless to say this is not the type of milk you will find at your local A&P. GO to a farm market and ask around for the raw milk. Ask the vendors questions...what do their animals eat, are they free range, are the pastured, are they tested for TB?

Our 13 month old has been thriving on breastmilk since birth and as of 12 months...raw goat milk before bed and with lunch. Mommy and Daddy drink raw cows milk that we drive up to Columbia County to buy once a week.


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answers from Syracuse on

Define "organic" milk..

Of course human milk is the best for infants esp new borns so the get the colestrum and antibodies from the mother

Milk made from cow's milk is good for baby cows and puts on bulk, is hard to digest and has a tendency to constipate.

Milk from other animals are not so hard on the system. Of milk sources used goats milk is probably the closest to digestion as human milk.

what the milk producer is feed goes into the milk. Weither hot spicy foods or the difference between Alfalfa feed goats to goats raised on weeds.

Depending on your definition of organic...if the milk did not come from a cow yes it would make a difference...If the milk is free of chemicals and additives wiether given to the cow or added to the milk yes it could, but soft stools are a good thing as long as they are not bordering diarreha.

Are there any other symtomns for concern? fevers, chills, complaints of abdominol paon, etc As a difference in bowel movements can mean something is going on but if the child appears healthy otherwise and the stools are only soft i'd say she's fine and you're doing great as a mom.



answers from New York on

Maybe organic milk has less chemicals (from the feed through the cow and hormones) and that effects BMs?

Have you been giving your daughter more fruit than usual? Summer fruit is in abundance.



answers from New York on

My dgtr went from formula to whole organic to 2% organic (at age 2). There was no difference that I could tell. Did she just turn 2 and/or did you just switch from breast/formula to milk or whole to 2%? That could possibly be a difference. But, I say, definitely keep up with the organic milk if it doesn't seem to be bothering her otherwise. The better the cows are raised - the better the organic milk too though - From what I understand Horizon cows are still pretty much kept secured instead of roaming like you'd want for the cows. Not only does grass feed, sun, and roaming with some freedom seem better for the cows - it's actually IS better for them, and for us from milk to meat. Most organic companies are good about it - but not all. I buy Stonyfield mostly - I think they are pretty good (If anyone has anything to the contrary - let me know!!). So - maybe that is the difference you are seeing. But anything with less chemicals and hormones is plus in my book!!



answers from New York on

Hi C.,
I have not heard of anything like this. Organic milk should just be hormone free and antibiotic free. It's still milk, though. So, I can't see how that could change a BM. Your 2 year old might have a little tummy bug?



answers from Albany on

I HAVE heard of this with RAW milk (Not pasteurized), it it raw organic?



answers from New York on

I give my daughter only organic milk (never regular milk), and her bowel movements are normal - sometimes softer, sometimes harder, depending on what else she's been eating or drinking. I'd look into other possible changes in her diet. Perhaps she is drinking more milk than she used to??

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