Hungry or Bored Baby??? Either Way I'm Losing My Mind!

Updated on February 29, 2012
H.D. asks from Palatine, IL
6 answers

My 6 week old is in a real bad pattern and I don't know what to do. Whenever she's awake all she wants to do is eat. I'll feed her then burp her then she'll relax for awhile & scream till her lips & nose actually lose color till I feed her more then she usually ends up spitting up whatever I gave her that's over the 2-3 oz. I try to keep her entertained to distract her but it's not working. She drinks 2-3oz every 2 hours during the night & goes back to sleep just fine. I can't even run errands because she just wants to eat & it's not enough for me to hold & sway her w/a pacifier. Like today I fed,burped & changed her before we went to the grocery store but 15mins after getting there which was about an hour after she took 3oz she was screaming & searching around w/her mouth open for the bottle. She has a little bit of a high palette so sometimes it takes awhile for her to eat & she's not great about holding the pacifier in but we finally found one she does o.k. with. Is anyone else stuck in this crazy cycle? Can I do anything to change it or do I just need to ride it out? P.S. she was born a month early but healthy, I don't know if that makes a difference w/feedings.

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So What Happened?

GREAT INFO!!!! I breastfed my oldest so I never really thought she was cluster feeding because I thought she just needed more because breast milk is esy to process. This gal is bottle fed because of the palette issues so I was really confused thinking surely the formula is heavy enough to last awhile in her belly. I had never heard of cluster feeding but I googled it and it sounds spot on (except she likes to do it during the day time instead of night which makes sense because she still has those backward) !!! I'll keep an eye out to make sure it isn't reflux just in case. This has been very helpful. I'll just contunue walking around with a can of formula in the diaper bag and stop whenever we need to.Thanks moms:-)

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

I think just ride it out. In a day or a week or two weeks, she will work herself in to some other sort of feeding schedule. Also - I think babies have a growth spurt at @ 6 weeks so this could be part of that.

I was never a big fan of putting the baby on a schedule - it was stressful for me and, I think, the baby. If my baby was hungry, I fed him.

Ultimately, babies put themselves on their own schedule, and as she gets older, she will need to eat less frequently.

And, look at the bright side - she wont be acting like this when she starts kindergarten.

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answers from Seattle on

Ahhhh....This is what is known as "cluster feeding".

And you're right on the clock for it (usually happens at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months).

Cluster feeding is nursing apx every 30 minutes, and it hails an oncoming growth spurt. It's what tells your body to start producing more milk, to change the content of the milk, AND it helps to stretch out a too small stomach. ((The volume that babies eat changes rather dramatically between newborn and infant. Most, between 6 & 9 weeks are eating APX 6-8oz per feeding. Some still have very small stomachs and are only eating 2 or 3 ounces... some, like my son, are eating 20! Your daughter is still on the very very loooooooow end... although it may seem like a lot, after having a preemie when half ounces are common.))

Is cluster feeding annoying? Yup. But it's very, very TEMPORARY. A few weeks tops, although more commonly for 3-7 days. Either of which might seem like a lot, but it really is a short period of time.

Eating after screaming for more than a moment almost GUARANTEES spitting it right back up again. Biological response. Try it yourself (in private), and you'll have the same response. But since you know she's cluster feeding, just feed super prompt, and you'll probably nix the spitting up. If NOT, try burping her longer. Some babies (oy, mine!) gulp air when eating... so they get TWO burps. One right away, and a second 10minutes - an hour afterward. Just keep patting and rocking until you get the second dinosaur bwaaaaaaaaaaarp! (how DID that fit in there?!?). My son took a LONG time for his 2nd burp (up to an hour), so I read a whole lotta books during that timeframe. Baby on shoulder, book in same hand, patting with the other hand. If these ginourmous burps aren't gotten out they move through the intestinal system and = a LOT of gassy/crampy/no-sleep nights by bedtime.

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answers from Hartford on

At six weeks old she's hitting a growth spurt, but eating every two hours is normal. If you try feeding her more than the 3 oz you typically give her just because she's screaming and she spits it up that's because you've either a.) overfed her and tummy is expelling the extra food or b.) her tummy is too full of air and roiled up from the crying and screaming to hold anything additional down.

When she goes two hours in between, are you waiting for her to get to crying before you feed her? Or are you watching her body language and listening to her vocalizations for signs of hunger before she gets to upset crying? If you know she's going to be getting hungry then be sure you have everything as prepared as possible prior to the feeding.

Less upset scream crying means less air in her belly and less air in her belly means less spitting up.

Start keeping a journal for her. In the journal keep track of when she starts her meals, when she pees, poops, and starts/ends her naps. Keeps track of how much she's eating. You'll be able to notice patterns more easily if you're writing them down and you won't have to rely on your memory for details. If you see something that you need to remember, like bloody stool or she ate an extra ounce and held it down, or she slept an extra half hour in between feeds and might need an extra half ounce, you'll have it in your journal. This will also help your spouse so that he can easily take over if you need a nap or a shower and he can just look at the journal to see what to do.

If she spits up frequently, like more than in some mucus or a burp, and it ends up looking like a third or half of her meal, if it comes up curdled, note that. It could be reflux.

If she seems to burp but "swallows" it, note that. Especially if she cries after. That's a sign of reflux.

If her body stiffens when she burps, before or after, that's a sign of reflux.

Personally, your post is showing some signs that she has GERD/reflux so I think you need to get her to a pediatric gastroenterologist. You don't need your pediatrician's permission to do this, although you might need a referral depending on your insurance. There are some simple tests the GI specialist can do and they can help your baby not be in pain when eating or after, and make feedings easier for both of you. They can also set you up with a pediatric nutritionist in the event that your daughter needs a different type of formula.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Have you tried to burp her when she acts hungry? also she may be colicy and there is not much you can do for that. my son was born in june and cried all the time until I figured out he was to warm so she may be to warm or to cold try those things to see if they help. Good luck hang in there is does it better.

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answers from Des Moines on

Im not really sure, but you should beware that sometimes babies cry if they've eaten too much (hurts their bellies) or if she has reflux. This was the case with my son. A short while after eating, his acid reflux would kick in and he would be miserable and crying. In this case, feeding him more would be a terrible idea. Just a thought to watch out for!

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answers from Chicago on

Yes, I agree with the other posts that she is cluster feeding - it is very normal during growth spurts. Some babies, like my son, seem like barracudas where they eat constantly to build up your milk supply, even if you're bottle feeding because they are just hard wired that way. I agree it's hard to get out and about right now but your baby is still in that primal, primitive phase, and even more so if she was early. Try and see if you can get help with running errands and good luck! This is very temporary :)

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