How Do You Make New Mom Friends?

Updated on September 26, 2011
L.B. asks from New Rochelle, NY
15 answers

I am pretty introverted (but friendly!) to begin with, so I have a fairly smallish circle of friends. Since becoming a SAHM, I have become pretty isolated. I joined several baby "classes" so we would get out of the apartment and I could socialize, but it seems like everyone is in such a hurry, and I am so shy about approaching people. I sometimes run into friendly moms on the train, in the store, etc. Would it be weird to ask them on a play date? I feel awkward, like I don't know what socially acceptable conventions govern such situations. Have any of you ladies made new friends since becoming moms? How did you go about it?

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answers from New York on

I wish I had an answer! I'm from Brooklyn NY where I thought i'd have no problem meeting mom's, but I have only met one and it was through What To Expect on line. I've tried meetup but there are never any groups near me. Everything is in Manhattan. I just tried that Moms international one and again, nothing in Brooklyn. My daughter is 14 months old now, so she's walking and running which will be easier now because I can take her to more places for her to play. Gymboree costs a small fortune and so does The Little Gym. I just can't afford it. Good luck! If you find any other leads, please let me know! I'm also terribly introverted. Luckily for me though, my daughter is not. She goes right over to anyone and waves at them. It kind of helps me approach new people. I mean, I don't want her to lear to talk to strangers or anything, but right now it's helping.

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answers from New York on

Ugh! This has been the story of my life since I had a child. Combination of most of my good friends moving away and the ones here, well I guess losing contact as most don't have kids or kids not the same age. I got so depressed about my lack of friends that I decided with gusto one day to really reach out to other moms who seemed cool. I said to myself, can't be worse than mustering up the courage to ask a guy out right? Well, think twice before you do that. I met one mom one day with a gorgeous son exactly my son's age and she seemed so nice so I gave her my number. She sounded like she would be into playdates and I thought she'd call, but NO! I felt so rejected. It actually made my feeling sorry for myself and loneliness even worse, and made it harder to make friends for a while. I kind of gave up (not just because that one incident).

Eventually I started bringing my son to this one playground he really loves and there are always a lot of kids there his age. It's not the most convenient one to get to, but I don't care for my neighborhood park much. I had no intention at that point of making friends. It turned out there were a group of moms and dads who regularly brought their kids there around the same time on most days. It took all summer but eventually I started feeling like we are friends. They are all great and I love their kids. That's my advice to you because then you can build up friendships over time, you'll know if the friend vibe isn't happening. In the meantime, some of the playground chat with other parents helps fulfill the need for true friendship. Like for me, before I really clicked with anyone, at least I was connecting with some other parents and able to talk to people about parenting issues. If you find someone there who you like a lot, you can ask if they come on certain days, or if they are there regularly, without having to arrange a formal playdate. Takes the pressure off them too, they don't feel like they have to call a total stranger, but if they are thinking of going to the playground and you will be there, they may look forward to it more.

Sorry this is so long but it is such a dear personal issue for me right now and over the past 2 years, I really feel for you!! It still hasn't all worked out for me either, and with winter coming, soon it will be dark before I get out of work. I'm hoping my new friends want to stay in touch over these cold months as much as I do. If not, I'll probably be sad and posting a question like yours! :( Good luck to you

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answers from Philadelphia on

I moved to my current house when my daughter was almost 4. I made more friends in the new house my first year than I had made the previous 6 in my old house. It got so much easier once school started because of play dates. Then I became a co-lead in my daughters brownie troop and became friendly with more moms. I also became good friends with people at the swimming pool we belong to in the summer. I spent more time with my friends than I did with my husband when my daughter was on the swimming team. I think seeing people frequently is what really helps form the friendships initially. We all hang out while our kids are in gymnastics, dance or whatever. Good luck. I do remember being very lonely when I first became a SAHM but once again it gets easier as your kids get involved in more activities.



answers from Texarkana on

I understand I live ten miles out of town in the country. My friends and family live in DFW and my in laws in AR. You might try meet up .com. It did not work for me but we live in a realy small town. Best wishes.



answers from Madison on

Find a mom's group in your area that does weekly activities...playgroups, outings, meet ups at parks. They are casual and social for both you and your child. That way you are not in a structured class where it may be harder to really talk to other moms until class is over and you're finding people are rushing off to other places.



answers from San Diego on

Almost all the friends I currently see on a regular basis are mom friends I've met since having kids. I went to a lot of baby classes and sponsored play dates. After a few of these, you kind of get a sense of who you gel with. Once you feel more comfortable, you can ask them if they want to get together at a park with the kids some afternoon or grab a cup of coffee. I'm not sure what type of baby classes you've been going to, but meetup groups like you'd find on are more likely to include SAHMs who are also looking to meet new friends. That might be less intimidating for you.

What always helped me feel less awkward is remembering how I felt when someone was nice and friendly to me. It was such a relief. I always feel like I can be that relief to someone else. All it takes is a smile and just ask how old their baby is, and that will usually get the conversational ball rolling.

Good luck!



answers from New York on

I also joined the national non-profit group Mothers and More at They have regularly scheduled park play dates, moms nights out, and you can volunteer to use your skills to help (planning events, newsletter writing, communications). I met lots of great moms. They have chapters all over the country and a lot of great email loops you can join as well for additional advice. Good luck!!



answers from Rochester on

I've really liked can type in your location and do a general search for moms clubs. Generally these are groups of women who like meeting other moms so it's easier to make friends. I'd suggest choosing a couple groups to join and attend a few of their outings...then stick with the group you like! Also, I've met moms in classes by regularly talking to the ones I like...then at the end of the whole session, I've given my number and suggested getting together for playdates. Usually the gesture is reciprocated and some will stay in touch and others won't amount to anything but it's worth the effort for you and your child to meet some nice people to spend time with! I've discovered that not everyone has a wonderful experience as a you never know who you will meet but it takes time to get to know people...I would rather spend some time with others in a class setting or in a group before opening up my family life to them.



answers from New York on

Not just mom-friends, but I highly recommend checking out the local Junior League ( It is pretty centered in and around New Rochelle, and there are some interesting people to meet, and projects to do. I haven't met too many get-together-on-the side ladies, but it is worth a try, and I'll say hi at least!

I find that consistant exposure to the same people is the key to my being able to make friends. I mostly have met people in Westchester through my daughter and her daycare. I'm kind of an oddball, and somehow so are many of them. Good luck, it can be hard.


answers from Los Angeles on

Yes. I did it in my woman's bible study group and through church. I volunteer with my church's children's program and open up my house to events we do with moms and parents of the preschoolers in that church. I have had zero luck making friends at parks and other children's programs because those times spent with other moms run a little shallow. Involve yourself in something meaningful to you and you will meet woman who are more like you that you can share something in common with instantly. Based on your screen name, you might try a book club for moms. It must exist.



answers from New York on

Their is a great organiation called MOMS Club international. Look them up on the Internet to fins your local chapter. It is a group for stay at home moms that meets once a month and has weekly activities. It is a great way to meet other moms and talk. I have joined a chapter everywhere we have lived. I have many good friends I have met and so have my children.

Good luck!



answers from New York on

MOMS club international.


answers from New York on

MOPS! Saved my sanity. I met women thre and I invited ladies to my home or the park etc. They all were there to connect and become stronger moms.


answers from San Antonio on

The local library (during toddler storytime)

The local playground

The local bouncy house

MOPS (Mom's of PreSchoolers group) at our local church

My son is super-social and I am a bit more introverted, so I just follow him and he finds the guys he wants to befriend. I have been on some playdates b/c of it. One friend we have started meeting every week with her 4 yr old and my 3.5 yr old.

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