Great Date Night Event

Updated on June 23, 2009
L.D. asks from Wyoming, MI
9 answers

Alright ladies, I need some great, inexpensive, fun date night ideas. My hubby and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding aniversary and I don't want to just go out to dinner again. I would like to do something different and fun but I am stuck for great ideas. Thanks for all your help - you wonderful women.


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answers from Detroit on

This Friday night there is a free concert at Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth. It starts at 7:00. Pack a picnic dinner and enjoy!

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answers from Detroit on

Check in your local area if there are any concerts in the park... Take a blanket and a picnic dinner if you want... Or just go after your dinner...



answers from Grand Rapids on


How about driving over to Lake Michigan and watching the sunset together? You could get a bite to eat near the lake or you could pack a romantic picnic to eat while your waiting for the sun to set.

Tunnel Park is an Ottawa County Park and it only costs $5.00 a car to get in (at least that was the price last year, we haven't been there this year yet) its just north of Holland State Park, but much nicer. It has a dune with steps to climb up and a picnic area at the top. Beautiful place.



answers from Detroit on

This time of year, I'd do something outdoors - dinner cruise, concert, fireworks, romantic picnic dinner near the water, or at least go to eat someplace with outdoor tables. Or you could do a small course at different places.



answers from Detroit on

there is a place in ann arbor, i think its called the oasis. you rent a room for a half hour and its a jacuzzi in there. every room is a different theme. it costs around $50 for the hour and i think there is a coupon online. i beleive its right off state street.



answers from Grand Rapids on

L.; first of all congratulations, you are embarking on the great years, i know after 15 years we started to really enjoy marriage and each other more so, keep up the good work and you too soon will be celebrating your 27th like us, hang in there, and how about a picnic pack a bag with some fried chicken or his favorite food, or dessert, and just go and sit and eat it, or even a walk in the park or when he comes home fix a dinner , have the kids gone, and or keep them there, enjoy the time together, play his favorite game with him, or how about a nice quiet alone evening of strip poker, just the two of yah, ahahah continue to enjoy each other after all it takes a real man and woman to stay with the same person forever there are soo many blessings that come with it, if you can ! D. s



answers from Detroit on

Try checking Compuware Arena in Plymouth. I think in the summer they have old-fashioned Drive-in movie nights. I keep meaning to go myself!



answers from Detroit on

Go to a concert, there are some great shows this summer at dte energy (pine knob)and lawn seats are usually cheap. thats what my husband and i are doing this summer. be like kids again and go to a carnival or something like that. congrats on 15 years!



answers from Detroit on

Check with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra they have summer free outdoor summer concerts at differnt parks (so it is just an entry fee). I am sure this is a little more but dinner and concert/show could be about the same so check out the river boat dinners that you always see on advertised on TV. We went to a wedding reception on one a few years ago, it was a lot of fun.

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