Goodman and Partridge

Updated on March 11, 2009
A.S. asks from Gilbert, AZ
9 answers

Hello, I am a patient of the group Goodman and Partridge. This is my second pregnancy, but my first time with this group. I saw Dr. Conrad, and was dissapointed by her. She was nice enough, but didn't have any warmth. I am very nervous about my 2nd c-section, and was hoping to have a nice connection with my Dr. Could you suggest a different Dr. in that practice, or should I give her another chance?

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for your responses! I have decided to go back to a Dr. I had last year that is not part of a group. Funny, that was the reason I decided NOT to got with her, because she wasn't part of a group! Her name is Dr. Kramer with East Valley Women's Medical Group and is very warm and sincere.

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answers from Phoenix on

I started off at Goodman and Partridge with my second pregnancy and they were AWFUL!!! I would suggest you find someone else. They are so unpersonable and always rush you through appts. They always tried to bill us for appts. even though our insurance covered them. I swtiched to Dr. Hazelrigg of Comprehensive Women's Healthcare and absolutely loved him! His office is in Gilbert off of Gilbert and Guadalupe. My son was born is October and it was my 2nd C-section as well, Dr. Hazelrigg was great. I can't say enough good things about him! Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I started seeing Goodman & Partridge for my 3rd preganancy and HATED it. I asked to switch to Obstetric/Pediatrix (Phoenix Perinatal) who delivered by other two (high risk preganncies). The only reason I had even went to G&P was because they were my GYN. I don't even go to them for that anymore, I see my family doctor instead.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi Anna,

I also am a patient of this group. I have never seen Dr. Conrad, but a friend of mine has and she was not impressed either. Your initial impression is probably your best. I have seen, and love, Dr. Ference and Dr. Jarem. Dr. Jarem is the one who actually delivered my daughter and I was very pleased. Dr. Jarem delivered my friends daughter and she was also very pleased. Both of these Dr.'s are located in the Gilbert office on Williamsfield and Lindsey and both deliver at Mercy Gilbert. I hope this helps. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Anna, I used Goodman & Partridge with my 3 year-old and wanted to turn and run everytime I went into the office.

Try Valley Women for Women, they are a pratice of all women Docs and have two offices. I love Dr. Adams.

I am now 32 weeks along with our son Jody, we learned that he has a fatal illness in Feb. and is will not live long after he is born if he makes it full-term. Their office has been so kind to us, and you will not be dissapointed.

Also learning from experience they tell you that you should see every Dr. in the office. But I would suggest otherwise. Keep all your appts with the same person all 9 months. This way you never have to explain something more then once. Most of the time they will make sure that they are there to deliever your child when the time comes.



answers from Phoenix on

I see Dr. Guzman, he is the best!!! He delivered my little one and he is my favorite Dr. off all time. His office is in East Mesa at Mountain Vista Hospital. He is a part of goodman and Partridge.



answers from Phoenix on

Contemporary Care for Women in both Tempe and Gilbert is an awesome place!! Dr. Lepetich (Gilbert) is great and very good, lots of experience. He's brief, but ALWAYS on time. Dr. Alperin (in Tempe) is who I now see and he's done myy c-section. He's so kind, gentle, just totally awesome!! I HIGHLY reccommend him!!! But I think all their Dr's are amazing!! Good Luck!!!



answers from Phoenix on

I was a patient of G and P back when I was pregnant with my daughter, 9 years ago. I also felt like they were so impersonal, I never saw the actual doctor until my last visit, but neither doctor delivered my baby- a stranger did. The whole thing was very business-like.

My current doctor is Allison Cooper in Mesa and she is so awesome. If I decide to have another baby she will be my doctor for sure!



answers from Phoenix on

Hi Anna,
I don't know where you are located but Dr. Lindstrom is a great doctor. He delivered both of my best friends children via c-section. I also went to him for the birth of my youngest two children. There is Brian and Joseph Lindstrom.
Hope that helps,
K. Stinchfield



answers from Phoenix on

Unlike everyone else in your responses I love G & P. There are a ton of different doctors there,just ask to see a different one. NOT Jarem (not sure of the spelling) She can be a little pushy and cold. You may need to go to a different one of their offices to see a different doctor. Hope you have some luck!

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