"Evening Sickness"

Updated on April 07, 2010
M.R. asks from Provo, UT
31 answers

Hi all,I am 9 weeksprego with my first, and am completlly fine all day (which I am greatful because I teach) however, about six pm almost every night I start feeling nauseated. I have never thrown up, but I definatly feel like it! What have you ladies done to combat the nausea? Is there anything that works for you? Thanks

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answers from Atlanta on

I would lay down and chew on some crystallized ginger and drink as much water as I could stomach. Also, ginger tea. Hope you feel better.

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answers from Los Angeles on

When I was pregnant, I also got the evening sickness! Blah! I found Preggo Pops (I think they're sold at a lot of baby/pregnancy shops or you can get them online) to be a lifesaver! Congrats!


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answers from College Station on

I tried saltines and sprite! Worked for me also I would take a shower (depending on how I felt) and just relax! Congrates on the baby!

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answers from Albuquerque on

Hi Mindee,
Congratulations :)
I made home-made ginger tea (pour boiling hot water over some slices of ginger root, let sit for 5 to 10 minutes - it does not get bitter - and spoon out the ginger).


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answers from St. Cloud on

To be honest, I've tried EVERYTHING! Not much has made a difference...... Getting enough sleep and not overdoing it during the day seems to help me the most.

I'm 14 1/2 weeks pregnant and this time, evenings have been the worst! I feel pretty naseous right now.......LOL. Just keep in mind how great it will be once that baby comes! Today (for a short period) I was feeling really good and I couldn't stop smiling and thinking about once the baby will be here. How wonderful it is to hold a newborn and breastfeed! CONGRATS!

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answers from Nashville on

I had round-the-clock nausea. It stinks, huh! I sucked on Preggie Pops drops. They are sour hard candies I got at Motherhood Maternity or Babies R Us. Also, not having an empty stomach helps. Since you know when yours comes on, try getting a small snack in before 6, just some crackers or something. Starchy stuff helped me more than veggies or other stuff for the nausea snacks. Mine went away about 13-14 weeks. Hopefully yours will be done soon. Congratulations!

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answers from New York on

I don't know why they call it morning sickness. With my first child it was 24 hours a day, I'd even wake up in the middle of night being sick. Saltine crackers do help a little bit, or dry toast. Also, try to always keep something in your stomach. If it's happening arround six, you probably should have a snack arround 4 to 5.

P.S. - Congratulations!



answers from Topeka on

I new I was pregnant when I started to get sick in the evening then it turned to days then all day long for a good 6 months I was pregnant with a boy.I drank all the time Ginger Ale,orange juice,squirt,wate assorted juices besides apple Mountain Dew would help so much with nausea & I don't drink Mountain Dew ever but for some reason being pregant that is what I wanted and it helped.I ate fruit took meat out of my diet (
made things worse) cheese yogurt crackers all kinds jolly ranchers mints chocolate overall nothing spicy really greasy but I always became sick throwing up all hrs of the day with whatever I ate.If it gets bad enough your may ask to change your prenantal vitamin sometimes that will help
Happy Pregnancy



answers from Salt Lake City on

For me, the best thing was to make sure I always has just a little something in my stomach, but not too much. If I got too empty or too full I would get more nauseated. So when I would start to not feel very well, I would snack - slowly - on some crackers or bread & that would help a little bit.



answers from Denver on

This is what my OBGYN recommended and believe it our not it works to help with the nauseau. Buy a can of peaches drain the juice in a glass with ice and drink the juice with a spoon. I can't tell you why or how but it so helped me with the nausea that I got to at night. I think I did not get nauctious during the day because I also teach and I did not have time to focus on being nautious. At home I would lay on the coach and just feel terrible. Try it it might work.



answers from Provo on

With my first I always was sick in the evening after I had eaten all day. At most health food stores they have ginger chews that are great for nausea. Good Earth has these in the bulk section. Good luck with the baby and good luck conquering the nausea.



answers from Mansfield on

with my first I had 24 hour sickness so i know what you are going through. I drank a ton of water and ate crackers alot. Certain smells set me off (I had to drive totally out of my way not to pass a McDonalds on the way to work) because the smell, even driving by or someone who worked there (one of my best girl friends) coming around after work would send me straight to the bathroom.
Maybe it is not the time of day but something else going on around you at 6 that sets you off.
I also loved lemons during that time too. Not sure if it helped with nausea or I just craved them but I know I ate alot of them.
Hope this helps... Congrats on the baby!


answers from Charlotte on

Keep something bland on your stomach (i.e. crackers)



answers from Atlanta on

Hi Mindee,

I agree that keeping something on your stomach will help. Also, Ginger is natural nausea relief. You can nibble ginger snaps, sip ginger ale or even take ginger capsules you pick up at the health store. Make sure that all of the above is real ginger and not just ginger flavored. Don't know what brands you have out there but I love Red Rock. It actually burns the nose a little when I drink it because it has so much ginger in it. It's in the Physician's Desk Reference.

Congratulations on your little one!




answers from Salt Lake City on

First of all, congrats on the pregnancy! Everyone is different, but the only thing that really worked for me was being really attentive to what smells/foods made me sick and staying away from them (I went 6 months with no chocolate!) and also I would do the Unisom and B6 combination. You're doctor can tell you more about it, but basically you would take a B6 vitamin (30 g I think, I just know I had to cut mine in half...) and then take half of a Unisom sleeping tablet about 3 times a day. I ended up having to just take a whole Unisom at night and then take the B6 throughout the day because even half of one would knock me out, but I know a lot of people who didn't get sleepy at all from it, so you'll have to try it on a day where you don't have to go anywhere to see how it affects you. Other than that I just had to make sure I always had something to munch on - Honey Nut Cheerios were the best for me, but find something mild that your stomach can handle and just keep it close. Good luck! And don't worry, it will get better soon!



answers from Los Angeles on

There is a reason people say to eat saltines when you have the stomach flu: they are salty...if you aren't turned off by the thought of something salty then try some pretzels. I ate pretzels, strawberries and soda water with lime for 3 weeks straight when i was 8 weeks pregnant and I only threw up twice (I ate things I knew I would regret in an hour). I didn't know I was pregnant yet and thought I just had a weird stomach bug, but it totally did the trick! Also at most maternity stores they sell these little lozenge like candy that seems to help but I found that the sour fruity ice breakers you can buy in the check out lines at grocery stores helped the same in a pinch for much much cheaper.
I was a waitress at the time and some of the smells totally tipped me over the edge...I wish I had thought of keeping an orange in a baggie!! but I kept scented lotion (lavender...vanilla...something naturally calming) to put on at a moments notice.

Good luck, and as everyone told me (and still tells me when my daughter is going through a phase) this too shall pass!



answers from Great Falls on

I had the "all day sickness" with my second child - it was pretty much over by 12-13 weeks, so hang in there! I found that if I snacked on some bland crackers right before the nausea usually came on (which for me was when I rolled out of bed), it helped a lot. And also, the Prego Pops worked for me - I recommend them!



answers from Kansas City on

I had night time sickness, soo glad it wasn't daytime. I only threw up a hand ful of times but was nauseous all the time, until right when my 2nd trimester started. Just try to eat really small rather bland foods in the evenings. Congrats!! :)



answers from Tampa on

I have "evening sickness", too. The thing I liked was fruit yogurt. Never touched it prior to then. I still like it! This too shall pass.



answers from Madison on

First, congratulations!
I had an all-day sickness when I was pregnant, but threw up just once. I found out that my nausea did not change much regardless of what I ate, so I tried to eat good food as much as I could :-)
It is a good time for you to start listening to your body (you will need to do this throughout pregnancy and beyond). It will probably tell you what will make you feel better (what you feel like eating or at least what you feel like should be OK to eat :-)
You will need to drink plenty of water as you probably already know.
In my case, hard lemon candies helped a little. Honey and black pepper (even mixed together) is also good for nausea. But as I said above, whatever you feel like eating should work...



answers from Salt Lake City on

Eat lite!! Or is it light!? Small meal and don't drink any carbonated beverages (they taste TERRIBLE coming up!!) And hit the pillow early. That helped me tons the last two pregnancies. Then of course when it kept being an issue I got an rx from the doc to help. Some people (docs included) swear that Vit B and unisom work terrifically for the nausea that accompanies pregnancy... never works for me.
Good luck. That feeling is a great feeling to have (means your hormones are in the right place!) but it still stinks!!


answers from Provo on

raspberries. They are a good natural way to ease nausea. They unfortunately did nothing to help me. We tried just about everything, but alas nothing helped. Small frequent meals, oatmeal, preggy pops, ginger, crackers before getting out of bed, pepermint oil in a humidifier, lemon peels, acupuncture, high protein, b13 and unisom. The list goes on. They finally put me on the highest dosage of the stuff they give patients going through chemo therapy to ease their nasuea. That worked for a bit, but then they had to go one step above that. I can't remember what it's called. But just bing natural remedies for morning sickness.
I followed this list a lot.


answers from Austin on

I had morning sickness all the way through even on the morning while I was in labor.Totally threw up and went on breathing. It freaked the nurse out, till my husband told "oh don't worry she does this every morning."

You will have to figure out what will work for you. I just found that I could not fight it off. Each morning I would brush my teeth, vomit and repeat brushing my teeth and be all better.
Sparkly water helped. Also peanut butter crackers could tide me over..I tried to just make sure I had something handy all of the time for a snack..



answers from Great Falls on

Congrats on your pregnancy!

Everyone is different.

Ginger worked for me. Ginger tea - boil peeled and cut into 3 nickel sized pieces of ginger root for about 3-5 minutes. Add honey to taste. Ginger candy (Ginger People brand is good). Anything that had a strong giner taste. There's an awesome ginger ale that comes in a green glass bottle that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of. I used to drink it at work and get funny looks because some thought it looked like a beer bottle. :)

The BRAT diet works for some: Banana, Rice, Apple, Toast (at least that how I remember the acronym)

A few friends said sucking on lemon drops worked.

Others have tried peppermint in many forms. Peppermint steamers.peppermingt drop or sticks. Tea.

Crackers or anything bland.

I know you'll find a solution here!




answers from Reading on

Oh, boy. As many remedies are there are pregnancies. My OB suggested potato chips and lemonade. Also, I carried around a cut orange in a ziploc and squished it and sniffed it when something nasty-smelling (like cooking meat! ew!) came along. The sea-bands - great as a quickie scrunchie to keep your hair back, otherwise did nothing to settle my stomach.
I found that if I ate/drank what I craved, as soon as the craving hit, I did better. I did end up hospitalized with hyperemesis, lost 18 pounds by 15 weeks, and they gave me Reglan with Xanax (Reglan can make you really antsy, the Xanax helps counteract it) to get me to hold down some food. It eventually cleared up on its own by about 22 weeks, and I had a disgustingly healthy happy mellow normal babygirl, 7 years ago.
Basically, listen to your body and cravings, even if it sounds weird or raises some eyebrows, it's probably not going to be any worse than driving the porcelain bus. And you're entitled to all the weirdness and moods you want, as anyone with a lick of sense knows, don't mess with a pregnant woman ;-)
I wish you luck, and it'll be worth it - worth all the barfing, other TMI, and labor pain. A baby! Congrats.



answers from Denver on

Be sure you're getting enough water (earlier in the day - probably not when you're ready to throw up) eventhough it might not be appealing. Gatorade helps. Ginger ale helped me a little but I'm not a fan of ginger.



answers from Denver on

Like a lot of other posters, I agree that you need a snack around 4:30 or 5:00 to help ward off the nausia. I tend to like oatmeal or pbj sandwiches because they stick with you for a while. I tend to feel bad morning and evening and with both pregnancies it has lasted the entire time (I know that's not normal, so please don't let me scare you! LOL).

Good luck and congratulations!



answers from Seattle on

I too am pregnant but 11 weeks along and have morning noon and night sickness. So far I've only thrown up once, but I am seriously nauseated! I tried crackers and it made me feel even worse. What has helped me thus far is lots of water and Canada Dry Ginger Ale with a big dose of rest. I asked my doctor about it and they prescribed me anti-nausea medicine. It is wonderful! Once I start to feel the "morning" sickness come along, I take a pill with water and then eat something with some weight... usually oatmeal because it's the quickest to cook. Hopefully it subsides soon, but I know EXACTLY what you're going through. Ask your doctor if there is anything they can do for you, or what do they suggest.

Hope you feel better soon and hang in there!



answers from Denver on

I was sick about 22 hours a day during both pregnancies. Keep eating some amounts of food and drink water throughout the day. I ate about 3 bowls of cereal a day, because it's a good combination of carbs and protein. Make sure you're giving yourself enough rest during the day--sitting when you can, etc. I also wore seabands almost all the time, which seemed to help: http://www.sea-band.com/seaband.htm. If you are taking a pre-natal, it might help to take one without iron for the next month or so. That cause worsen the sickness. Check with your doctor--mine gave me one without iron and the sickness was so bad with my first they had me on folic acid alone, but no prenatal. You can do crystalized ginger--Penzeys spices (google them) does a really nice ginger. Hang in there!



answers from Kansas City on

One thing that helped me was oatmeal. If I ate some before bed, I wasnt as sick in the morning. Maybe having a bowl around 3 PM would help you? Its something that "sticks around" so you dont get as hungry as soon, and it helps keep the nausea at bay. I had a friend who kept crackers in her purse and just munched all day, which helped her.



answers from St. Louis on

I was the same way...I was fine all day, but every evening around dinner the nausea would kick in. The only thing that would work for me is TUMS and lying down until it subsided...I wish you the best of luck!

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