Bed-wetting Help

Updated on October 18, 2008
K.J. asks from Columbus, OH
13 answers

My son is 3 years old and potty training was truly easier than I anticipated. My question is this--after staying dry at night for more than a month, he has begun wetting the bed. Five of the last seven nights we've had to calm him and change his sheets and jammies. Nothing has changed in his day to day activities in the least. Is this just a phase we'll have to get through? I really don't want him to have to endure the humilities of bed-wetting as time goes on. I know of all the products out there for kids now, but I also know it can still be an embarassing thing for them to deal with.

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone for your responses. My husband and I have been talking about the issue and I think we're going to wait another week before making any decisions on putting our son back into diapers or pullups at night. Throughout it all I'm certain we'll maintain our attitude that we need simply to help him through it.

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answers from Elkhart on

I have found in raising my children that sometimes they get cold at night and causes them to wet the bed. Try adding an extra blanket or possibly a blanket sleeper. It's much cooler at night now.

Something about myself
I am a Grandmother now. Very happy about it. I also work full time and raised two children of my own.

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answers from Cleveland on

I understand what you are going through! My son was completely potty trained for at least a month and then started wetting the bed at night on a regular basis. I talked to his pediatrician and she said she had the same problems with her sons as well. She suggested that I have him go not only before he goes to bed but put him on a small potty in his room before I head to bed which is usually around 11:30pm. He goes to bed around 8pm so don't wait more than 4 hours. Sometimes he's not even awake but it saves him the trauma of waking up wet and recently he has started waking himself to go before I get in there! Hope this helps! Good luck and God bless!



answers from Columbus on

Stop all fluids one and a half to two hours prior to bedtime. Also once my son was potty trained he started using the potty as a stalling tactic. When he does not want to go to bed he says he has to go and stalls off bedtime for another 10 - 15 min. Good luck.



answers from Dayton on

The only thing you can do right now (other than ruling out an illness ie bladder infection etc) is decide if you want to put him in pull-ups to make life easier on yourself. If you tell him these are special big boy night night pants he won't know the difference. If there is a history of bed wetting in your or your husbands family then you may have to deal with this for some time to come. If not then I would cut off all drinking 1 hour before bed and make sure he goes to the bathroom right before bed time. It's not fun having a bed wetter BUT if you handle it calmly then there is no shame for him.



answers from Columbus on

I put our extra potty chair by my son's bed so he doesn't have to worry about trying to get to the toilet in the middle of the night. He is three and still has a few accidents but at least it's not every night :-)



answers from Indianapolis on

This age is still pretty young, and bedwetting at night is still common. It can vary from child to child when they reach this milestone. My first son was instantly night dry when he potty trained, but my second oldest son was not, and took a while to get there. I still have my 3 yo girls (who have been potty trained for a while) in pull ups at night only. They usually wake up dry, but on those occassions they don't, we are covered. They get a full night of sleep without waking up frustrated and wet if they do have an accident. I wouldn't worry about it too much - he has at least a few more years before it would be an issue. It's great he potty trained easily!



answers from Cincinnati on

Have him checked he could be showing signs of having a small bladder. My oldest grandson went through this for years way beyond the start of sleepover age. He refused to stay with anyone for fear of wetting the bed. I on the other hand have a larger than normal bladder. I was in the hospital once and they all ways want to check your urine volume and were surprized I can pee a 1000cc in one go. But then I also have leaky plumbing as I call it.
Good luck.



answers from Indianapolis on

Definitely put a pull-up on at night. It depends how you handle things as to whether it is embarassing for him or not. My daughter wet the bed until she was at least 10. I think she will tell you she wasnt' overly embarassed. As she got older, when she went on sleepovers, she took DDAVP so she was less likely to wet the bed. Then she wore pj's with bottoms, and a pull-up just in case. You definitely want to check with your doctor to rule out problems, but probably it's an immature bladder/sound sleeper problem that just has to be outgrown. My son is 6, and we had the same thing happen to us.
good luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

It is so difficult with boys. My son was fine at night until he went to Kindergarten. Then, he wet the bed from age 6 to age 9- he quit bedwetting at the same time he quit sucking his finger. It really is hard to say how long your son will wet the bed. If it continues, I would definitely get a doctors opinion. To make it easier on you and your son, you might want to put a pull up on at night. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it in front of the child.



answers from Fort Wayne on

Try cutting off liquids 2 hours before bedtime. I also try to get my children to go potty before going to bed. If they do, I give them a sticker or some other kind of reward.



answers from Canton on

At 3 yrs. of age, their bladders are still immature. It's very common for bed-wetting to occur at this age, and even into ages 4-6. Especially if the child is a heavy sleeper. My 8 yr. old even has the occasional accident. He sleeps so heavy, I swear a freight train could go thru his room and he wouldn't wake up to it.



answers from Columbus on

I would talk to your pediatrician. Sometimes it could be a bladder infection that causes accidents, has anything changed at home? nerves or being upset about a change at home can cause bedwetting. Another reason could bladder size. I have had a hard time with my daughter because she has a small bladder capacity. Make sure you do not punish or get upset with him for his accidemnts as it will only make them worse and he probably has no control over them anyhow. Good luck, I know how hard bedwetting can be!



answers from Columbus on

My son wet the bed a few times after being potty trained. Just make sure he goes potty right before bedtime. Sometimes when I would check on him & he wasn't quite asleep I would ask him if he needed to go, and he would usually go, just because he didn't like wetting the bed. Also get him in the habit of going to the bathroom as soon as he gets up. Tell him it's ok to get out of bed to go potty. A lot of times we "yell" at the kids for getting out of bed at night, but let him know it's OK to get out of bed to go potty. My son would still ask me (still does and he is 9!) if he can go to the bathroom. I think he has finally gotten the idea that he doesn't have to ask me - but he still tells me. lol I keep telling him if he has to go - GO. He doesn't have to tell me or ask me anymore - he can go potty without my help. :-D They are so funny some times. I love it!

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