Baby Hates Naps - Need Help

Updated on July 08, 2008
J.H. asks from Houston, TX
12 answers

I have a wonderful, healthy baby boy who is almost 5 months old who hates to fall asleep. He had colic the first 3 months so I didn't let him "cry it out" and then he went to daycare where he doesn't nap much. After a week on vacation with him I realized he is getting worse about going to sleep. He not only fights it, he gets angry. I will let him cry, but usually he just gets so upset that he doesn't stop crying until someone goes to get him. I am afraid that he is starting to not be able to put himself to bed and will have to be rocked to sleep always. One problem with this is that he will wake up 5 minutes after he falls asleep and starts screaming again. He doesn't have fever or is hungry, he is just tired, but won't fall asleep. HELP! What do I do?

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answers from Austin on

Waking up 5 minutes after falling asleep and screaming....
what kinds of scream? a mad scream? a painful scream? he could have gas bubbles that cause serious pain and they feel them more when they're laying flat. Have you tried having him sleep upright (like in the carseat or a swing)? If he sleeps better and longer in a semi-upright position - I'd tell my pedi. about it - it could be reflux

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answers from Houston on

Hi! You probably need to start sleep training him. It's not an easy thing to do, but it is so great when they can go to sleep by themselves. He wakes up and starts screaming after 5 minutes maybe because he's overtired and then he can't put himself back to sleep. This is the general course that I followed with my little girl: after a short night-night ritual (book, rock a little, maybe a song), put him down to bed. After however many minutes you can stand (5-10 probably), go in and soothe him. It's better not to pick him up (instead, rub his back, sing to him, etc), but if you have to in order to get him to settle down, then do it. Then, when he's settled, put him down again and leave. Keep doing this. You can wait at longer intervals to go in, or whatever; I think the important thing is that you do what you're comfortable with. He's going to have to cry it out pretty good for a number of days (it varies) before he will learn to go to sleep. With my daughter, sometimes I just thought she'd cried enough and I would end up rocking her to sleep if she didn't go down after an hour or so. But sometimes I'd stick it out. It is really hard to hear them cry, but like I said, it is really worth it. My daughter now is 2; she lies down in her crib and says, "Night-night, Mommy, have a good sleep!" :) You can do it!



answers from Houston on

My son went through the same transition during the 4-5 month mark. I briefly tried CIO and it didn't work for us. Our baby likes to be around people and is very social. He has a hard time being by himself in his room. I have found that being "parented" to sleep through the attachment parenting philosophy has worked wonders for us. We rock, nurse, or wear him to sleep in the sling. He might wake up 45 minutes into the nap and we have to do the same thing again, but only for 5 minutes or so. I don't think I am spoiling him because I don't think young babies can be spoiled. Our son is now 7 months old and people always comment on how good he is, how little he cries, and how much he smiles. I firmly believe it is because he is securely attached to his parents. Ultimately, do what makes all of you happiest. Also, keep in mind your priorities when it comes to letting him cry it out. Would you rather him CIO while you vacuum the house, or have some sweet time rocking him to sleep?

I hope this helps!



answers from Houston on

My oldest was like that when she was a baby. She also had colic until 6 mns old. But I found that it was also her personality. She loves being around people and didn't want to miss out on a thing. She is still like this and I didn't realize that at the time. I tried everything, car rides, placing her carrier next to the dryer so it would vibrate, music in her room, it was a constant struggle. I finally found something that worked. I played her favorite CD and the Aladin VCR tape (10 yrs ago) and placed her in a swing in the front room for her naps. She took her nap in the swing and we moved her at night to her crib. Is there something that he finds soothing or that captures his attention? Good luck, I know how difficult it can be.



answers from Houston on

Honestly, sounds to me like he has an ear infection. Please take him in to see the Dr. Ear pain is the worst pain for little ones and they can't even tell you (with words), how bad they are hurting. THAT IS WHY HE IS SCREAMING AT YOU.

Good luck.



answers from Longview on

You probably need to set out a schedule that would would like your baby to sleep. Certain times of day, for whatever length of time. Then, when you put him down, leave him for that time. When the time you set is up, go and get him. Let him know that is going to be happening from now on, and eventually he should learn to settle down on his own, because it's a routine he can settle into.



answers from San Antonio on

I'm not sure why this posted twice, sorry.



answers from Killeen on

hi J.,,
rock him a lilttle longer ,,or you could take him for a ride in car (but a bad habit) or try a little tylenol hes been a busy guy trytrying to keep up with all the others at day care and is sore and just can't relax
good luck L.



answers from Houston on

Hi J.,

I hate to say it, but CIO is usually what solves the problem. It's really h*** o* us parents, but once they learn it, you never look back. We did the CIO method with my daughter (I would just keep going in to soothe her without picking her up). As another poster only lasted 3 days and she figured it out. She's 2 1/2 now and she has never had any issues going to sleep. She even sleeps in a twin bed and has never once gotten out of bed once we finish the bedtime routine.

Sounds like your little one is over tired. They have a much harder time staying asleep when they get that way. I would start some kind of a routine (rock, story, song, then bed) and stick to it. Start it about 30-45 minutes before you think he needs to go to sleep. That way, he isn't exhausted and he will have some time to settle himself down. Believe me, I know it's tough, but I promise you it's worth it. I now have a 6 week old baby boy and we'll be starting this all over again too, so I feel for you!

Good luck!



answers from Houston on

I have a 6 month old who just started refusing naps as well. He never had fever but something was certainly bothering him. Turns out he had an ear infection. Always go with your gut. I knew my son was in pain but the only time he would fuss was at nap time or at bedtime other than that nothing. When I took him in the nurse was like does he have fever? I told her no and she could hear the hesitation in my voice and she said honey they don't have to have a fever to be miserable. I would take him in just to rule the ears out. then if its nothing you could seek advice from the peditrician. Good Luck ! I know it is hard when your little one cries and you can't comfort them. Hang in there!



answers from Houston on

My youngest cried and didn't sleep well from the time he was 5 weeks until he was about a year old. His Pediatrician said it was colic and it would go away. My gut told me it was more than colic especially since he was breastfed. After repeated trips to the doctor and modifying my diet several times I got frustrated and set out to get a second opinion. Turns out he had REFLUX!! The new doctor prescribed medication and things began to get better.

I don't know if your baby has reflux, but it is worth carefully reviewing with his doctor what is going on with him. If your doctor still says it is nothing but colic then take a good look at what is going on and trust your mother's instinct. Ask yourself the following: How is he sleeping at night? Is he throwing up alot? Is he bottle fed only? What kind of formula do you give him? Does he sleep flat or do you have a wedge to elevate him?

Hope this helps. Let me know if I can be of any help to you.



answers from San Antonio on

Baby's sleep patterns change; especially when their teething, etc. At 5 months old, he needs mommy or daddy to help him go to sleep. We used to put our son in the car and go for a drive to get him to sleep. Worked like a charm!

It sounds like you are both very busy individuals, but your son is probably missing his mommy and daddy. As tiring as it may be, rock him, love on him and enjoy these opportunities to be together. They grow us FAST!

Maybe try a heart beat bear, too. (I read in another email that these are available at Target.)

Hang in there. These are exhausting, but precious times.
M. S.

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