Photo by: Matt Mangum

Twins Are Unique People, Too

Photo by: Matt Mangum

Lizzie and Lucy are 6 year old fraternal twins. Both have thick auburn curls and chocolate brown eyes, but that’s where the similarity ends. They are fraternal twins, and like all other siblings they have different personalities, talents and temperaments. They are especially close, as most twins are, since they were born together, and together they learned that a cry leads to mommy’s attention, smiling begets another smile, and anger engages – and pushes people away. They are each other’s almost constant companion. Lizzie and Lucy know one other better than even their parents know them. They are exquisitely sensitive to each other’s feelings, wants and desires- and they can also push each other’s buttons like no one else can.

When Lizzie and Lucy’s Mom, Jessica, supervises them on a playdate with their friend, Emily, she’s amazed by how differently the girls approach a social situation. Lizzie Immediately greets Emily’s Mom with a resounding, “Hi!”, runs up to Emily and dives into plans for the playdate. “Lucy and I brought our new poly-pockets and we want to play pet store!” Lucy, on the other hand, hangs back with mom, holding her hand and staying quiet. Jessica, a relaxed and confident parent, allows Lucy to take her time to warm up to the situation, and respects Lucy’s own pace. When Emily’s Mom comments, within Lucy’s earshot, “Wow she is so shy!” Jessica casually responds, “Lucy has her own style — as we all do”. Jessica then offers to walk Lucy upstairs to Emily’s room where the other two girls are already playing. Lucy says ok, and then happily joins her sister and friend; quietly at first, then with joyful abandon.

Lizzie and Lucy were born with very different temperaments and risk-taking styles. This gets played out in the girls’ choice of activities and approach to situations. Lizzie gets energized by stimulation, while Lucy withdraws from loud, fast-paced situations. Lucy thoughtfully thinks through a situation before acting, while Lizzie can be impulsive, sometimes acting out in ways that get her in trouble. Lizzie is fearless in her gymnastics classes, ready to fly through the air at a moment’s notice, while Lucy loves her ballet classes in which she works hard to perfect her plie and releve.

Lizzie is a natural risk-taker, but can be prone to sometimes taking a dangerous risk. Jessica went on more than a few visits to the pediatrician due to Lizzie’s falls in the playground when she, for example, insisted on hanging head-first from monkey bars before she was able to hold on with her bent knees. However, as time goes on and Jessica uses each situation as a teaching opportunity, Lizzie learns to first think through her actions before doing them. In contrast, Lucy needs to be encouraged to take good risks, and she tends to err on the side of caution. Each semester, before beginning a new dance class, Lucy worries that it might be too hard for her, and that she may not know any of the kids in the class. With encouragement and each successful adjustment to a new class, Jessica helps Lucy take on new challenges. She helps Lucy learn to tolerate the strong feelings of normal anxiety that comes with trying new experiences. Jessica has learned that different children require different parenting strategies.

Jessica’s twin girls who were diapered, bathed and read to at same time, require different parenting. Jessica is keenly aware of her daughters’ temperamental differences, and her ability as their parent to influence their development. By the time Lizzie and Lucy are 16, instead of 6, there’s a good possibility that Lucy will overcome some of her shyness, and be the one to walk first into a social activity or speak up in class; and Lizzie, who has learned to think before she acts, may be the one to caution Lucy about taking it slow with a cute boy who asks her on a date. That’s one of the great parts about parenting. When we know our children well, we can guide them to take the healthy risks that are necessary to become thoughtful, balanced and confident people.

Drs. Davis and Eppler-Wolff are Clinical Psychologists and co-authors of the book, Raising Children Who Soar. You can visit their website at Raising Children Who Soar

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This is so true. I am a fraternal twin, but looked a lot like my sister (in pictures of us when we were under five I can't always tell us apart!).

I always tell moms of twins to make sure they let them be their own people and as they get older let them develop their own friends. Do not make them take their sibling with them.

Also try not to refer twins as "the twins" because they are individuals.

So true. My fraternal twins girls will be 8, and they are as diffent as night and day. One is very social, but tends to stay close to me, the other one is not as social, but independent.

Once you have twins you really see that kids are born with there own personalities before you can even teach them.

I am an identical twin. I grew up very close to my sister, and to this day, still get confused as her.
Although we are very much alike in our likes and dislikes.
I find we can have very different views and opinions. I was always the shier of the 2 of us. And still am very socially shy. I prefer quiet, less crowded places, while my sister enjoyed going to concerts, and social events with large groups...

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I have Fraternal twins, who are 3 1/2. From the moment I knew I was having twins, I stressed to everyone that even though they were being born at the same time, they were still individuals. We chose distinctly different names for them and while they are often dressed similar, I try not to dress them the same unless they want to. They know they are twins, they've been hearing it from everyone all of their short lives. I don't think they know exactly what that is yet...

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I have boy/girl 2yr old twins. Talk about different! It is so amazing how diff boys and girls are, it is so much more obvious when they are the same age. Having said this it is also precious how they already have empathy for each other. I understand what they mean now when they say one twin gets hurt and the other feels the pain.


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