Photo by: Ccliang80

Going Without

Photo by: Ccliang80

Why I am challenging myself by not buying clothing for one year? Last year was a life-changing year for me and my family; My husband and I decided to separate. There have been several life changing events in the last several years, it has not always been very easy in our family. This year I am not hoping for a ‘happy’ new year; just an uneventful one would be good enough for me.

When life throws you crap, in our western civilization we have a great remedy: shop till you drop. You get that instant kick of excitement, the promise that life will be a little better with that wonderful new tunic or that lovely summer dress. What will they add to my life that isn’t in it now? Though the satisfied feeling after the purchase is only to be followed by the nagging guilt of spending money better left in the bank.

After the hubby moved out I decided it was best to switch rooms with my two girls; we live in a 2- bedroom downtown Manhattan apartment. They got the master bedroom and were very excited about getting their own bathroom. I got the smaller room as I felt it was more cozy feeling, now all by myself in my king size bed. It ended up being good for the feng shui; the warm colors of the bedroom and the new warm bed covers made me feel good. Even though the built in closet was half the size of my old one, I only filled it up half way. Somehow my clothing looked very sad and lonely in that closet. What better way then making sure they were happy in there by multiplying them?!

It was spring, days were getting warmer, bummed by the failing of my marriage I decided to give myself some retail therapy! Within months my half-filled closet was filled to the max. With beautiful lovely looking things, in fact, people complimented me on how well I looked even though I was going through a divorce. Hey, the best revenge is living well…

So now it’s 2011 and I have to stop this behavior. Instead of buying more and new, I need to wear and use. The buying is the kick by itself and to be honest; I’m a little sick of it. I don’t want to do it anymore. (At least not for a year.) So here I am, like all the dieters and smoke-quitters, with my new years resolution: I am not buying clothes for one year!

Since most people who say they are ‘not going to do something’ end up doing it anyway, better to say: I am going to be more creative with the clothing I have instead of buying more. Think I can do it? My mom gives me until March, my oldest daughter until the summer, thank goodness my little one believes in me: “Of course you can do it mommy, you can do anything!” she said.

How is that for motivation?!

Angelique is a recently-divorced mother of two young girls now back working full-time and taking care of her smaller household and living in New York City. Angelique is a guest blogger on The Quick Guides

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