Learning: Preschooler, Carters

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7 answers

Potty Training a Resistant 3 Year Old

Hello Moms, My daughter turned 3 in March. At the advice of my pediatrician I have not been very forceful with pursuing potty training as she always seemed to be resistant. I've stopped and started too many times and I feel like the situation is getting more difficult. She often laughs when she poops in her diaper and likes to sit in it. She will run away when we try to change her and she thinks its funny to sit in her soiled diapers. Last night she took her diaper off and threw her poop on the floor. Today, I decided I have to nip this...


Toddler Chore Chart

Does anyone know where I can purchase a pre-made chore chart for a toddler?...


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22 answers

When Do They Give up Their Lovies??

I was going to ask this question today even before i read the My Little Pony back pack post. My Ds went to a sleep over last month with his lovey bear, like a small blanket with a teddy bear head, the carters one. I assume no one said anything. He has had hisbirthday and is now 8, and askedfor and recieved from grandma one of those Stuffed aninals that act lilke they are alive --a little tiger with a bottle. I don't know if i just am noticing how much the other kids his age aren't into baby things,or if i just expected that by now...