What Does It Look like Out Your Back Door?

Updated on May 27, 2011
L.L. asks from Topeka, KS
19 answers

We have had the most coolest weahter here & rain rain rain.There has been sunshine but not many days.My kids are itching to go to the swimming beach @ the lake but nope I don't see that happening after Memorial day right now it is raining with thunderstorms cloudy & cool again.So are you outside soaking up the rays?Another day inside if it doesn't cear out.I'm glad it has stayed cool no A/C is needed

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answers from Seattle on

My backyard is big, with lots of green green grass, some soccer balls, and a big trampoline. It is also wet. We have been having cold and rain for I don't even know how long. I guess that's what you get for living in the pacific northwest (seattle area). We have also had the random sunny day. I am hoping that we get prolonged sun pretty soon. We just play in the rain mama...we will go crazy if we don't! lol

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answers from Phoenix on

Blue Sky, Sunny and warm. I see green grass and a sparkling blue pool that we will be swimming in this afternoon, hopefully with a cocktail in hand!

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answers from Seattle on

I thought we had turned a corner last week. It was warm sunny and we spent every waking hour outside that we could. That all turned back into rain rain and more rain on Saturday. This week has only been so so. We have gotten to the point where we go outside even in the rain. I bought each of my kids new rain boots and we all have over sized umbrellas.

I remember in years past and not to long ago too where in may we were hitting the 80's and 90's. That is typically unusual for this area this time of year. but so is soooo much rain and cool temperatures. We have normally warmed up to the mid 60's and 70's. So far i think we have only hit 70 once and only been in the 60's for a few days.

I packed up the winter clothes in March like I normally do. Only to pull it out again the first of April. We had snow at the end of April....It was short and too the point but still snow in April almost May down in the low lands here is just not normal!!

We have a long standing joke that we think that the weather man is getting paid off by someone and this is all just one big joke...I have also given up on having summer here, I am just hoping we hit spring before we head right back into fall!

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answers from Dallas on

I agree with amanda below, as I live very near here, it is 90, no rain, grass like straw.
I have a pasture outside my door with horses grazing, a pretty lake, toys everywhere and chickens and guinea roaming and eating bugs for me

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answers from Redding on

I am on the coast of California, but we are wet wet wet right now. Not raining. I hope that it dries out and stays nice through the weekend cause we have friends coming to town and the thought of 4 adults and 4 kids stuck in the house all weekend doesn't sound like much fun.

Lucky for me though my kids like to ride bikes in the rain! :)

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Well...the grass is growing like crazy. But it's overcast and it already rained (once) this morning and looks like we're in for some more...

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answers from Norfolk on

It's sunny, warm (84) but windy - a little too strong to get the kites out.
It might be nice at the beach but if the breeze is this stiff the blowing sand stings as it sand blasts you.
We've almost got the beginnings of a drought - I'm watering my garden.
Grass, my mulberry bush whose fruit isn't ripe yet, my blueberry bushes (they'll be ripe any day now) and then a huge field of wheat waving in the wind.
We're looking forward to the Pungo Strawberry Festival this weekend.
It should be perfect weather for it!

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answers from Sacramento on

Overcast and cold here in Northern CA. Uggggh. WHEN is summer going to come?! Normally we are in the mid-80's to lower 90's by now, but this year it has just been a never-ending monsoon. I'm ready for some beach weather already.

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answers from Dallas on

I love my backyard! We live on a small farm, and the backyard has lots of trees and tons of flowers - so pretty! It is soooo hot today, 92 right now, and it's extremely windy. It has rained a bunch lately, so the grass is green, but today it's totally sunny, not a cloud in the sky. It's supposed to be hot and sunny all weekend.

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answers from Minneapolis on


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answers from Houston on

kid toys everywhere and crispy grass. We are in a drought here in texas, its pretty bad. It didnt rain at all in april.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

Gorgeous blue, Colorado skies out my back door. The blue in contrast the all the dark green pine trees (I live in a forest) is stunning. It is still cool here, in the 50s/60s (hopefully!) today. We have had a lot of rain lately, so the grass is green and needs to be mowed. The bushes are starting to turn green with little leaves. Can summer really be around the corner?? I can't wait!

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answers from Kansas City on

At least our grass is green! Other than that...phoey! We had a play date at my house this morning and I forced out group outside! Theycomplained of being rained on and told them to suck it up!!! (it was only sprinkling) I think we stayed out for about 30 minutes which is excellent for the week we've had! My fam is so bummed we won't be able to hit the pools on opening day tomorrow...I fear it will be a slow day around town!

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answers from St. Louis on

Cool and overcast here the past few days....not fun to look at or be outside in because it's drizzly and wet!!!

I thought you were asking us to describe the scene out of our backdoor..until I read your post! LOL

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answers from Kansas City on

I'm near Kansas City, so my view is the same!

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answers from San Antonio on

Sunshine and 90-ish. We are in the middle of a major drought. Have only had one day of "real" rain in the last 6 months. It was 100 degrees on Wednesday - WAY too early in the year for that! But... my kids have been playing in their pool and sprinkler since April, so it is worth it for us to have that "extended" summer.

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answers from San Francisco on

Overcast, it could go either way, get a little darker and rain or clear up. We shall see. The Elementary school has Hawaiin day today. They get to bring towels and eat on the lawn. BRRRR! So my daughter had a beach towel and an umbrella sticking out of her backpack this morning. I should have taken a picture!
I'm also tired of the furnace kicking on in the morning. Usually by this time we aren't using it or are trying to hold off turning on the A/C. I know, we usually have it very lucky weather wise but I'm hoping this isn't a trend! In other words, I'm hoping Al Gore and those guys are wrong but am guessing they aren't.

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answers from Mansfield on

very wet and green green green. It has rained her basically every day since April 1st! we see the sun but it has rained sometime throughout the day or night every single day!

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answers from Boston on

It's beautiful outside but we are stuck in doors thanks to the extremely high pollen count :(

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