Still Not Crawling at 9 Months...

Updated on April 25, 2007
J.H. asks from Sykesville, MD
32 answers

I am sorry if this topic has been talked into the ground, but I feel so helpless thinking this is only happening to me. My 9 month old, beautiful daughter is still not crawling yet. She has never really liked tummy time, but still has had lots of tummy time practice.

She gets easily frustrated because she can not move around (understandable). When I have her sitting on the floor, she always turns around and tries to grab onto me and pull herself up to her feet. Also when sitting, she will learn forward with her hands and try to reach for a toy in front of her, but she eventually falls flat on her stomach and kicks her legs in the air and then tries to push herself up only with her feet (it's almost like she won't acknowledge that she has knees to help her). She is currently pushing herself backwards with her arms (still tummy on the floor) but she still can't grasp the notion of putting her knees down and lunging forward. I have tried to get her to crawl with my hands under her, pushing her knees when on her tummy, and even a towel under her and moving her around the room. She just can't get it. I do admit though she loves to walk around the house holding onto my hands and enjoys her walker to get around. But I am heart-broken that she is not crawling yet.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help her learn how to crawl? I keep trying to remind myself that each kid is different and will do things at their own pace, but it's not really helping me. All her doctors are not concerned with this since she has hit every other milestone right on schedule. I really don’t want my daughter to skip the crawling stage all together. Please help a discouraged Mom. Thank you.

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So What Happened?

On March 22 (at 9.5 months), my beautiful daughter stated crawling...guess she just wanted to do things at her own pace. Thank you for everyone's caring response. ~ J.

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answers from Dover on

I don't know if this will help or not but I am going through the same thing. My daughter is 8 months old and I know someone who has a 10 month old that has been crawling since she was 7 months. I try not to let it get to me. Just like you, my pediatrician is not concerned either. My daughter will walk all day in her walker if you let her. She is not a big fan of tummy time...the only thing that will keep her down there for a little bit is if I put a bunch of toys in front of her so she can try to reach for them. She still has not crawled though. Just like you I don't really know what to do, but I thought I would let you know that you're not alone.



answers from Philadelphia on

I would say all awake times should be spent on the tummy regardless of her attitude about it. She didn't take the time before now you have to enforce it if she is going o progress. Even when they are this age, you as a parent make decisions based on what is best for them not on what the "like" - get used to that :)

I would also say put her toys just out of her reach so she has to work to get them. Good luck!



answers from Allentown on

I had the very same fears when my daughter was 9 months and not crawling yet. Since it's recommended that kids sleep on their backs they don't get as much strength in their arms, legs, and neck as they would if they sleep on stomachs (this is per my pediatrician). He says that more and more infants are learning to crawl and walk later. My daughter finally started crawling at 10 months. She is now 14 months and a very fast crawler who is still a little scared to walk. I'm not going to rush it. I would give her some more time.

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answers from Dover on

Many babies do crawl at 9 months, but the milesotne for crawling (when the docs start to worry) is 12 months!! So try not to worry and enjoy spending time with her down on the floor. If she is hitting all of her milestones, and likes to wqalk holding your hands then it si most probably not htat she is delayed, but just doing it in her own time.
Try laying her on the floor and putting your hand behind her feet so that she can push off against them. This will help her get the forward motion going. Also put toys she like out in front of her, or to the side so she has to reach out to get them. Or a mirro works great too as well, so they can see themselves and try to reach for their image.
Also, research has shown that using walkers develops different leg muscles than the ones they use crawl and walk, so getting her out of the walker whenever possible may help.
Best of luck!



answers from Washington DC on

Hi J.. Both my son & daughter never crawled. They both went from sitting up to pulling thierself up to holding on things to walk to walking by themself. And if they did crawled at all it was for a very short time & I don't remember them doing it. So I wouldn't worry to much. I know it's hard not to worry. But if you are maybe you should have her dr. check her out.



answers from Philadelphia on

If it makes you feel any better, I have a nine-month old son and he is not crawling yet either. He's starting to indicate some desire to, but nothing so far. I'm not really worried about it, my Dr told me that crawling isn't even a true "milestone" that they look for. Some babies crawl, some don't. He's been standing on his own for a while and I have a feeling he may walk before he crawls. If not, I'm really not worried. He's a big little boy...23lbs at 9 mos...and he never really liked tummy time either. So, if your daughter is hitting all the other milestones, my advice is to not worry about it. She'll crawl when she's ready. Hope this helps.



answers from State College on

I'm a stay ay home Mom as well and I was so worried about my son b/c at 14 months he still wasn't walking or crawling. He only doing all the things your little one does. Then one day we had a play date and the other child could crawl and pull himself up on furniture and wouldn't you know within a few hours my lil guy was crawling and a week or so later he was walking. After his visit with that one child I continued to make playdates with kids who could do more than him and he loves to chase them. I don't know if you're part of a playgroup or Moms group but it's a great way for your child to learn as well as social time for mom. I can refer you to an online meetup group if you send me your email.

I think your daughter is doing fine and it's ok to be concerned. It just goes to show what a great Mom you are.



answers from Philadelphia on

not all children crawl, My son now six started to walk at 10 months and never crawled, My daughter now 3 would slither like a worm until she was 12 months then started to actually crawl (she is develepmental delayed and is autistic) but what i am trying to say is that they will do everything at there own pace and since she is pulling herself up and everything i bet that one day she will just get up and walk so have your camera ready!!!



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi, I know you don't want your daughter to skip a stage but some children just do. You can't force crawling on her. She sounds like she just wants to walk. Instead of trying to get her to crawl, why don't you help her learn to walk sooner? We all end up in the same place, walking on our two feet so what's the difference if she never crawls? She'll never remember a moment of crawling anyway. Don't get hungup on what everyone else's child does, she's your child and she's different. There are many babies that don't crawl until late and there are many that never crawl. My nephew went from the rolling around the room to get what he wanted to the army crawl for a few weeks to walking. He never crawled like babies are supposed to but there's nothing wrong with that. Relax, and just enjoy your baby. Believe me when she's walking you might wish that she was still immobilized (she will be getting into everything). My son is seven now and it goes by so fast, don't get hung up on the little things, just enjoy every minute of it!



answers from Philadelphia on

J., my heart goes out to you! I can so hear and feel your concern. Abby like one of my grandchildren may not have the sense of determation for curosity yet! These little ones are as the same and as different as they are to each other!

My Anthony never did crawl but he got around quickly, not on his knees, nor his feet! Are you ready for this he dragged himself around as if he had neither legs or feet. We don't know where are how he developed such a means of travel but he did.

My daughter was a late crawler and one day I invited a couple of friends and their babies who were way younger than Laura over for a play date and it was on this day she had a need and desire to get around so she watched and copied and learned the crawl in her first try!

Her Dr said Laura's only problem was PURE CONTENTMENT!

I think maybe Abby could use a play date too! Keep us posted on her adventure and J. make sure you have your camera near & ready! L. N



answers from Washington DC on

Hi J.,

When i had my first son I had to get on the floor with him and show him how to crawl. Some kids learn visually. That is how i got him to crawl at 8 months. He was behind on everything. But, that should work. The first kid is always the hardest i Think. I have 3 kids and it got easier. expecally with them being close in age. My oldest it now 6.I wish you the best of luck. Hang in there she will get it soon.

L. R


answers from Scranton on

Evan is 11 months, and he JUST started using his hands and knees to crawl. Before that, he was doing the combat crawl, belly on the floor and using his arms to move himself. He was doing the same thing as Abby, he went right to standing up. Now he's crawling AND trying to walk. Some babies DON'T crawl. I don't think you have anything to worry about.



answers from Philadelphia on

You poor thing--you sound so worried. Please don't worry. My oldest did not crawl until she was nearly eleven months old. She pulled herself up shortly afterwards and was walking at thirteen months. She was a later crawler and walker, but her verbal skills were through the roof. She is now a very healthy, bright two year old who does really well with gymnastics and other ball sports--very coordinated and learns new physical skills quickly. If your doctors are not concerned, I'm sure your daughter will be a lot like mine and will be into everything before you know it. In the meantime, try not to compare your daughter to other babies and trust that she will develop just fine at her own pace. Good luck!



answers from Pittsburgh on

Although every mom wants her child to learn new things as fast as others, you have no reason to worry. My oldest son who is now almost six wiggled on his belly (usally backwards) untill 12 months. Then he started walking. After he mastered walking then he learned to crawl. He is perfectly fine today and although it was frustrating to me a a parent, to him he didn't seem to mind. My advice is just keep trying. Children learn by imitating so try crwling with her. Or place her favorite toy or snack just out of arms reach and then move it a little further away each time. She will get the hang of it. And just remember your 9 month old is still very young. She has plenty of time to learn. There are many things that she will pick up on why before other children her age.



answers from Washington DC on

Hello J.,

My daughter is in the same position as yours. Basically scooting backwards. I too am waiting for her to either crawl or go straight to walking. Keep me posted on Abby's progress and I will do the same w/ my daughter, if you care to know. I'm curious to see what they do and how they go about doing it (starting to crawl/walk) and at what age??!!!



answers from Scranton on

I think u have had this advice but I will offer it again. Early Intervention. I had to use it with 2 of my 3 children. I know it is weird to think of someone coming to ur house once a week or so but for the most part these ppl r great!! If ur doctors will not recommend u, u can call and have ur daughter evaluated urself. Just start calling county offices like children and youth and they will point u in the right direction.. Sometimes, u kmow what is best for ur child and the dr doesn't. or u could google it. Early Intervention with ur county.
They help my son crawl and then walk and my daughter to sit up then crawl and then walk.
I hope I have helped a bit. Take crae. T.



answers from Allentown on

Hi J.,
My daughter never liked tummy time either. She also didn't start crawling until she was 10 1/2 months old. A month later she started to take her 1st steps. I used to put toys just out of my daughters reach. She would get frustrated but after a few tries she actually scooted on her back to get them. I also put her on her hands and knees with my hand under her belly for support. The weekend she finally crawled she was staying at my moms. Maybe I was putting too much pressure on her. I'm sure your daughter will start crawling soon. Good Luck.



answers from Allentown on

Hi J.,
Don't worry every baby develops differently. I am a 39 year old working mom but my mom says I didn't crawl until I was almost 1, and I started walking late also and I am fine. They had me to all kinds of specialist and finally one told her I just was not ready. Ask your pediatrician if you are that concerned and just to give you piece of mind.
Good Luck,



answers from Washington DC on

I'm also a SAHM, my daughter is nearly 18 months already! My advice to you is relax! Your baby is only 9 months old. She is going to grow so fast, before you know it you'll be wishing she was so young again. Why the expectation of her to crawl if there is obviously nothing wrong? Is it really about her well being or is it just a desire for you to see it? She is healthy, progressing well in other areas, the doctors aren't worried, etc. My daughter HATED tummy time. She wailed every time I laid her down there. So, I didn't do it. There was really no point for something that isn't even a required developmental stage. We played other ways to develop her muscles. She eventually started crawling on her own without me having to pressure her at all when SHE was ready around 9 1/2 months. At 10 1/2 months she was walking. I totally disagree with people who say force tummy time on babies. Your job as a mom at this early stage in life is to nurture her emotionally and her natural abilities, and to make sure that she is healthy. Crawling is not at all needed for her to be healthy, LOTS of babies don't do it at all. I have read and been told that when a baby is very frustrated they aren't able to progress through a learning process (which is all crawling is) so if your baby doesn't like it, she's not going to learn it from pressure anyway. Also, my daughter did use a walker, too. She loved it, like your daughter does. It really didn't slow down her progress at all. We also used a Johnny Jumper (the seats that hang from the door way.) She loved to bounce in that and that probably helped to strengthen her leg muscles, too. Have you tried that with your daughter? Anyway, so sorry I rambled but I do feel very strongly about this, I'm not the "cry it out" type of mommy. There'll be plenty of years when they'll need more guidance, enforcement and discipline from you - this early what they really need is love. Don't worry about your baby, she's totally normal, she's healthy and she'll be just fine as she grows. Just help her to do the things that she likes to do like pull up on you, walk around, etc. This will build her confidence/sense of accomplishment in herself and in you (as well as trust) and in turn you'll probably have a happier baby. Best of luck to you and your family.



answers from Philadelphia on

Please do not worry. Some children NEVER crawl, they just go right to walking, so don't stress yourself! Sometimes it just NEVER happens. I didn't crawl but walked at 9 months. You might want to ask yourself why this is so important to you? If your daughter is developing normally in every other way, you should chill out about the crawling thing. To ease your mind, your daughter is showing all of the signs of being ready to traditionally crawl. My daughter did the same thing yours is doing and after a about a month she had it down! Make sure to give keep giving her time down on the floor. Put favorite toys across the room from where she is, and let her use her 'unique' way of getting around to get to them. She will eventually start to get it. Make your time on the floor with her fun, don't stress about it and enjoy your little one for who she is!



answers from Pittsburgh on

Hi J.. Try not to worry too much about whether your baby crawls or not. I have three kids and sometimes babies just skip the crawling stage. It sounds as though your little girl is doing just fine developmentally, so don't fret and just enjoy her babyness, because believe me, it doesn't last long enough.



answers from Pittsburgh on

my son was the same way, he started to crawl at 11 months but we got help thru early intervention.. depend were you live it may be called infant stim or thru the easter seals.. its ran by the county you live in. they did wonders with my son he is 15 months and is crawling yeah its a belly crwl and he is starting to stand



answers from Washington DC on

Believe it or not, I have heard of kids who have skipped the crawling thing all together. She might be one of those, who just doesn't like the way it feels to be on her knees. My son started walking when he was 10 months old. You might want to get her around other kids who are alittle bit older than her to see if that helps... that's a great motivator for the youngsters to see, and you might want to even just focus on the walking at this point. Like I said, my youngest started walking at 10 months. Hope this eases you.

Jen R.



answers from State College on

You've surely heard that some babies simply never crawl, right? I have one myself right now! He's 8 months old and also loves "walking" when I hold his hands. He also cruises on all the furniture, loves pushing his 'walker' toys w/ wheels, etc.; anything to be upright instead of down on all 4's.

I guess I cannot understand why you are "heartbroken" over this. She's healthy, right? Her doctors aren't worried, so why are you? Crawling is not a requirement for normal childhood development.

When my children have habits or things that I'm not comfortable with, I always try to remind myself that they are most likely not going to go off to college still doing whatever (thumb sucking, bed wetting, writing their R's backwards, etc.). I'd have to say that your daughter will more likely than not be able to happily attend kindergarten, high school and college without having ever been a baby who crawled. Long-term focus often helps overcome short-term concerns.



answers from Pittsburgh on

some babies just don't crawl. i never crawled. i just sort of dragged myself around lol and my husband never crawled either. i actually just saw a pic of him last night at my mother in laws with his feet and knuckles on the ground like an ape. thats how he got around until he walked lol. my nephew could only crawl backward. every kid is so different. your sweetie may never crawl. since she loves pulling herself up and walking around with you so much she might just walk very soon :)
my 5 month old HATES tummy time too. he still hasn't rolled over :( and sometimes i feel bad because he gets frustrated and screams but its all at their own pace :)
good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

Neither of my children started crawling until 10 months. They started pulling themselves up and walking along the furniture around 8 months. I don't know if that's backwards or not, but you're right, every child develops differently. From what I hear a lot of children skip crawling all together. You have nothing to worry about.



answers from Philadelphia on

hi -
i don't really have any advice for you, but i am also a stay at home mom with an 8.5 mos old baby girl who is not crawling. she is doing what your daughter is doing. i am not concerned as they can start crawling anywhere from 6-11 mos old. some kids never crawl they go right to walking - which may be the case with our kids.
i just think that when they are truly ready - they will - or we will be chasing after them as they walk first!
i have not baby-proofed the house yet, and i am not rushing into that!!

enjoy your daughter and she will progress as she has been -
soon we will be wishing they were back at this stage!!!

C. r.



answers from Washington DC on

I used to put my hand under my girls' belly while on tummy time and pull it up and then i used to move their legs'knees is a crawling position. don't know if that helped but i was just trying to show them how it is done.
on the same note as others will respond i am sure, some kids skip crawling altogether. I know a lot of kids who skipped and went straight to walking
good luck



answers from Philadelphia on

My advice is to keep encouraging her with plenty of floor time. But she may never crawl, which is not the end of the world. Also, my doctor told me that walkers actually are not good for babies because they slow down their natural development. My daughter NEVER crawled. She did drag herself on her belly by her arms every once in a while. A few days before she turned 1, she just let go of the furniture and walked! She is now 3 1/2. But she was always an active baby even though she did not crawl. So, just try to enjoy your little one at the stage she is in. Also, it's okay to let her get a little frustrated and fussy on the floor. Don't always sit where she can pull up on you. Just make sure she can't fall over and hurt herself. Good luck and God bless. :)



answers from Pittsburgh on

Hi, I was in the SAME BOAT--and so fearful that my son was showing some developmental delays, especially as we had a friend the same age who was crawling at 6 mos and walking at 9 mos--but by 10 1/2 mos he was going strong! My son hated tummy time too and his ped. thinks that was why he was "delayed"--because he hadn't built up the upper body strength--

just wanted to let you know that you are not alone, your daughter is not "odd" and that she will eventually crawl--good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi J.,

I understand how you feel, but you really have nothing to worry about. Some kids never crawl, at all. My son never did. He would slide across the floor "comando style" and from there went to walking at 9 months. It seems like Abby might just do that, especially if she's already trying to stand up by holding on to things!! My two girls both crawled, so like you said, every kid is different, so just go with what they want to do. They will do what's most comfortable for them.

I hope this puts your mind at easy, at least a little bit!!!

I wish you and yours the best!!

Take good care,




answers from Allentown on

Some babies skip's not a big deal as long as she is hitting all the other mile stones. Don't sress over it. She sounds fine. My son skipped crawling, he rolled place to place and then walked. If she likes to walk with help work on that. Also, try getting on your hands and knees and show her what it looks like. Her seeing you may help. Even if it doesn't you both may get a laugh out of it! LOL

Just be very careful of her walker. If a small object gets under the wheels it could tip over on top of her and seriously hurt her. Keep a very close eye on her when she is in the walker.

Good Luck and she will be fine. Enjoy this time. Before you know it she will be off to pre-school.

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