Kids HATE Taking Medicine

Updated on May 05, 2011
M.H. asks from Lima, OH
9 answers

My kids REFUSE to take medicine. Am I able to put their medicine in their juice?? Or is there a magical way to get them to take it ;)

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answers from Sacramento on

I just tell my girls that I'm sorry they don't like the taste, but if they don't drink the medicine, then we will have to go to the hospital and get SHOTS! (Which they hate even more than they hate taking medicine!) This is one of those necessary evils in life - nobody loves to take medicine, but you just have to, and the alternative is way worse. They just have to buck up and deal with it!

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answers from Dallas on

Your kids are old enough to be told that they need the medicine because they are sick and it will make them better. I would not put it in juice for several reasons: some meds cannot be taken with juices, if they spill or don't finish the juice they don't get the entire dose, and because you are the mommy and they should do what you say. With my kids by this age, their choice is #1) take it and swallow quickly followed by water to wash down the taste or #2) I'll lay you on the floor, trap your arms and legs and force you to take it, plug your nose to force swallowing. Not a one of them ever chose option #2.

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answers from St. Louis on

How old are they? My kids were three when I taught them to take pills. Pain in the backside to remember to tell the doctor to prescribe pills mind you. Still they happily learned because then their meds taste like milk shakes or soda, not something that smelled like bubble gum but def didn't taste like it.

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answers from New York on

I can't even tell you the problems I have been having giving our youngest his antibiotics. I tried "hiding" it in everything to no avail. Honestly, you just have to force them to take it. It will take several attempts of you not giving in, but it will work. It has been such an awful several days, but tonight he took it w/o even flinching. He finally realized that I wouldn't budge.

Per my dr, putting medicine in juice is not a good idea. If they do not drink the entire cup within a short amount of time they are not getting the full dose.

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answers from St. Louis on

When you get the medicine from the drug store you can specifically ask what you can put the medicine in before mixing it.

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answers from Cleveland on

Hello! How old are your kiddos? What I find to work for my 3 yr old is to use the syringe (instead of the cup) that usually comes with the medicine for babies. Granted, he may still try to fight it, but I am able to put it into his mouth and squirt it all in. Voila, all over in a second. Oh, and have a cup of water or juice ready to get the taste out!

Good luck!



answers from Honolulu on

Some medications cannot be taken with citrus/juice or dairy.
So you have to read the insert that comes with the medicine.
Some have to be taken on an empty stomach or some with food.



answers from Pittsfield on

What works for my kids is to have their water within easy reach and letting them have candy or gum afterwards to change the taste in their mouth.
Good luck :)



answers from Seattle on

When my son was little I just mixed it into chocolate milk (except antibiotics that react to calcium... those I got in pill form and crushed and gave in straight karo syrup or chocolate syrup). Starting at about age 3 ? 4?... awhile ago.... we switched to pills that can be swallowed. Cracks his ped up, but kiddo has just always hated the taste of liquid or chewable medicine but has no problem swallowing pills.

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