Is Park Ridge Snobby and Unfriendly, or a Great Place to Raise a Family?

Updated on August 12, 2009
C.K. asks from Chicago, IL
4 answers

Hello - My husband and I are considering moving to Park Ridge with our young son. We are attracted by the great schools and pretty area. However, the first thing people ALWAYS say to us (after "the taxes are so high!") is "Park Ridge is so snobby and unfriendly - you won't be happy there!" We are really concerned and want to make a good decision that will see my young son through his high school years, so I would REALLY appreciate any information you are willing to share. I hope I am not offending any of the great moms on this board who live in Park Ridge - please understand that I am just trying to get some good information before we make a big decision. If you want to reply privately, that's great too - I would just appreciate any and all opinions. My husband and I are friendly, hard-working, middle class people, and we just want to be somewhere that we can call home and where my son can make the friends he will hopefully have for a lifetime. Again, I do appreciate any information you are willing to share and hope I haven't upset or offended anyone with my question! Thank you!

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answers from Chicago on

Sorry that I don't have more info, but I do know one family from PR and they are lovely, kind, down-to-earth, hard-working people. I think you will find good families everywhere you go, but I know that it can be off-putting when someone notices your nails rather than the fact that you are raising kind children.

Hey, if PR doesn't work out, consider joining us in Oak Park! I haven't had my nails polished in years (aside from when my 9 year old does them for me- hot pink at the moment!) and no one at the nursery school ever noticed!

If you move there, seek out families who share your values. We joined a board of an OP non-profit in our first years here and met some super-cool, dedicated couples who shared our love of kids and peace. Our nursery school was a relaxed, play-based school filled with families who were generally relaxed and play-based themselves! I met a lot of women doing fundraising for them, friends years later. I tried out the local women's guild, which was interesting, but not the best match for me, but it could be for you. Baby-sitting co-ops, playgroups, classes, kids' museums, and playgrounds are also good places to meet young families.

Good luck with your move!

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answers from Chicago on

Hey C.-T. again!! You are going to get good people and bad people no matter where you go. I moved to PR from the motor city ensconced in foreclosures and people losing their jobs so this was a bit of a culture shock for me. I have met many good people here. It depends on how you look at it. I belong to the 2 women's groups here and yes there are snobby people and there are a lot of down to earth people as well. If you decide to move here-you have a friend already and I will help you:)

Yes and the taxes do suck but their schools are great!!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi C.,

Thats funny I always wanted to ask that, but didnt want to offend anybody. We live close to park ridge and considering moving there because of the good schools for our son as well. Yes there are snobs there as well as nice people. I would say more snobs:) My son attends a preschool in park ridge, and I see the moms then. Its a 90210 type of M. environment, but some are nice (1 out 7) and some always check to see if your nails are done:) But otherwise its a quiet area with good schools.



answers from Chicago on

Hi C..
I think you can find snobby people anywhere. I live in Lakeview/Wrigleyville and there are snobs here, but there are also really great, amazing people too! Don't deny your son great schools and a great suburb just because there may be a bit of high school drama going on.

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