Crawling? When Should It Start?

Updated on May 08, 2008
L.D. asks from East Hanover, NJ
39 answers

My son is going to be 8 months next week and still has not started or even shown signs of crawling. He can lift his upper body up, but has not desire to get on his knees. It's funny b/c he sleeps on his knees but has not desire to get up on them. Also, he use to try get up on his own from a laying down position to a sitting position but has stopped trying. Oh and he won't hold his bottle. When you show it to him he goes for it but then lets go or goes not get it all the way up to get liquid into the nipple, so I lift it for him then he lets go. I don't want him to suck in to much air. Any advise you can give is much appreciated.

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So What Happened?

Thank you all so much for putting me at ease. I will let him go at his own pace and I'll stop worrying. As for the bottle thing I like that one response that if he starts to hold it on his own he may get attached. I'll take into consideration not pushing him to hold it. I've tried the sippy cup and trys but just bites it then looks at me a and screams. Oddly enought he will drink from my glass. He loves to drink from anyhting but a sippy cup. I will revisit the sippy cup next month. Again, thanks a bunch.

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answers from New York on

You shouldn't worry - he's only 7-8 months old. That is okay. Every child goes at his own pace. :)

I have 4 kids under the age of 8 and each walked at his own time... one very early, 2 average, and 1 later.

All my best,

L. A.

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answers from New York on

Hi L.,
Don't worry crawling is not a developmental stage. Some kids never crawl. I have fraternal twin boys. Patrick crawled at 8mo. and didn't walk until 13.5mo. William didn't crawl until 10mo. - and he wasn't very good at it!! But he walked at 11mo. My neice is 11mo. and has no desire to crawl. Give him freedom to try and that's all you can do.



answers from New York on

You sound like me a few months ago. My twins are now 9 1/2 months old AND crawling. Yay! They started crawling just at the 9 month mark. I was so nervous because my son made NO attempt to crawl. My daughter tried for so long and just couldn't do it until one day she got up and in a few days was fast. My son out of no where without "practice" just got up and crawled. It was amazing. It happened a week apart and my life has completely changed, so don't rush it. Don't worry, it will happen. Every child is different and in time they will crawl. He is still on the younger side (7 months) so just be patient and enjoy holding him, because once he can crawl that's all he'll want to do.
As far as the bottle son just started 2 weeks ago and my daughter will not hold it on her own. I don't have any suggestions for that but I'm assuming it will happen eventually. Good luck!

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answers from New York on

hi L.. i don't know the exact answer because every child is different.I can tell you that my now 4 year old never crawled. He just stood up and walked a week before his first birthday. We would try and try to get him to crawl but, he had no interest. Then my now 2.5 year old crawled when he was 6 months old. Go figure. Don't sweat it...he'll do it when and if he's ready. Good Luck!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from New York on

Hi L.,

I wouldn't worry about it at this point. Every child has their milestones at their own pace. My daughter started crawling the day before her first birthday. I remember trying to place her on her knees and moving her legs to show her how to do it.....but it never worked...the day before her birthday.....she just started moving on her own...then she crawled around for a three months or so....and before I knew it....she was cruising, walking and now "non-stop" running. So don't worry...I've even heard of cases where kids have skipped crawling all together and just started walking. Your son will crawl when he's ready.

Good luck!

T. M.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from New York on

Hey there.
My first son never crawled...he started walking at 1 year and about a month after that would crawl. Funny huh. He was such a chubby little guy too. ha. :)



answers from New York on

Hi L.,

My son just turned 7 months today, and he is not holding his bottle, he is not sitting up yet, and he is not near crawling as well. I am worried as well, but everyone tells me that it will come in time. Some babies are slower than others...



answers from New York on

Hi L.,
I had a friend whose daughter never crawled. She rolled to get where she wanted to go and then went right to standing and cruising. Each child is different. As long as you keep your doctor informed at each Dr. appt. I'd say there's no need to worry yet.



answers from New York on

Hi L.,

My 3 year old daughter didn't start crawling until she was 11 months old! Then she didn't start walking until 14 months! She has absolutely no delays and there is nothing wrong with her. Most kids are ahead in some things and behind in others. She is a smart cookie and talks like a 5 year old. Don't worry at all!

As far as the bottle, some kids just prefer that you hold it for them. My daughter always liked to snuggle when she was having her bottle and I always held it for her.

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answers from New York on

My daughter never crawled. If you stood her up she would walk. I'm not sure when it "supposed" to start but I remember being very alarmed by the lack of crawling and was very relieved to find out that crawling is not a developmental milestone. Some children don't crawl. Don't worry. Not that your child won't crawl but don't worry about it.



answers from New York on

There is a post that says yu should be concerned...ignore that one. My dd crawled at 9 months and my ped said that well within the range of normal. Crawling, which is an "optional milestone" happens between 8-10 months.



answers from Richmond on

Hello L.,
I would not be to concerned about your 8 month old not crawling yet! My youngest of 5 was not crawling at her 9 month check up and within a month of that visit she started crawling, pulling herself up and teething, it almost happened over night. I would recommend having your son spend as much time as possible on the floor and try putting toys that he is interested in in front of him but out of reach so he has to move to get them. Also, my daughter who will be a year in a couple of week still does not hold her own bottle, she will hold her cup (wont really drink from it, but will hold it in her mouth and chew on it) but she has no interest in holding her bottle to drink from it. She will hold it and play with it but does not want to tip it up to drink it. If you are really concerned about him not crawling talk to his ped. and see if they have any suggestions. Mine wanted to have her checked to make sure everything was ok if she was not crawling and pull herself by the next time her saw her, no worries now! Best of luck.



answers from New York on

Make floor play a really fun game, and be super encouraging of his efforts. Let him suck on a little air, he'll figure it out. My daughter MUCH preferred me to hold the bottle for her. She could do it herself, but why bother when mommy would do it. I just stopped. She fussed at me, and then did it herself. You might need to create some fun challenges he can pretty easily master, to build his confidence and interest.



answers from New York on

I agree with the first response... my son got up on his hands and knees and rocked back and forth fairly early and every day I thought, this is going to be the day he crawls - and that went on for weeks, maybe even months. A friend's son didn't show any interest in crawling until he was 11 months and then one day he just took off. So... at 7 months I don't think you have anything to worry about. But, if you are worried, I'd definitely talk to your doctor - if nothing else just to ease your mind. Enjoy every moment!



answers from New York on

Have no fear. My daughter was the same way. She would not get up on her knees and she would cry out of frustration. She started crawling at around 10 months and then started pulling herself up and walking holding on. She is now almost 13 months and she is walking so enjoy your peace and quiet now. She is also climbing stairs and walking her self in to the kitchen where she can get into all sorts of trouble.

Sue-First time Mom to 12 month old Olivia



answers from New York on

Hi L., In response to your post, I don't think there is a time for a child to crawl. I had 5 and I don't think any of them really crawled. I have seen children roll around the floor. One of mine did this rock and thrust forward thing. In time he may just go right to standing and holding on. Each one grows at their own pace. About the bottle, seems to me he wants you to hold it. Cuddle with him as long as you can. The day will come when he won't want to be hugged (in public) Best wishes, Grandma Mary



answers from New York on

Hi L. -- my daughter did not crawl until after 9 months. I know a few babies who never crawled, just started standing and crusing and went straight to walking. My daughter started to show signs of crawling (creeping) at 6 months, but it took her a long time to get going. Does your son get around in other ways? If so, he may just content with doing that -- as long as he can get to where we wants or reach what he wants then he may be happy with the way he gets around now. I think that was my daughter's situation.

as for the bottle, again i know a lot of kids who never held their bottle -- used to make their parents crazy! keep working with him, or maybe try a sippy? maybe he would have a better time holding that or wanting to hold it. he may associate the bottle too much with you holding it.

good luck!



answers from New York on

My daughter didn't start crawling until 9 1/2 months. She was perfectly happy sitting and playing with her toys. One night she just started crawling, and hasn't stopped since. Don't worry, he will crawl when he is ready!



answers from New York on

my son is 8 months and change and is just starting to pull his knees in underneath him. Not crawling yet, but definitley moving in that direction. He too sleeps with his knees underneath him but didn't do anything with that. Also, the bottle thing....he holds it at school all by himself but doesn't do it with me.....ask if that is the case with your day care provider. I think they know we'll hold it so they let us.... clever little guys that they are!



answers from Rochester on

Is he a big boy? My first son was a pretty hefty baby and didn't do anything for the first 10 months (no rolling over, no crawling, no scootching around, etc.) At 10 months he started to crawl, at 12 months he walked, and I haven't been able to get him to stop running around since!



answers from New York on

When did you start putting him on the floor to crawl? Some people don't like to put their babies on the floor because of cleanliness but that is the only way they are going to learn to crawl. I probably put my babies on the floor at 5 months the lastest. Also, with regards to him holding his bottle. When did you teach him to hold his bottle? Some parents teach their babies to hold their bottles at 3-5 months. Some babies may take a little longer especially if they are an only child. Hope this helps.



answers from Syracuse on

Hi L....
Our 3rd, Ava, will be 1 on May 15th and she is JUST starting to figure it out. All 3 of our kids reached their "milestones" at different ages. Our first was the one who did everything on "schedule" or ahead of it. Our son was slower at everything, Ava follows her brother!

All babies are different, don't worry, 8 months is still young! He's NOT delayed...he's just himself.

Ava is just a fat and happy baby...content to be carried!! Enjoy this quiet time - once they're mobile it gets REALLY busy for mommy!!
As for the bottle, all 3 of my kids did just takes practice.



answers from New York on

These things are nothing to worry about. My 9 mo old isn't doing them either. My son started crawling at 9 mos and my daughter can't even lift up to her knees yet.



answers from New York on

Dear L.,
The time for crawling is different for every child. Your son is still young, so I wouldn't worry. Believe me, once they become mobile, your life changes and you are constantly on the run.
It all depends on the child. My first child, a girl, crawled at 6 months, walked by 9, and was running by her first birthday. She was active and ahead of schedule on all accounts. My son, however, was a laid-back baby and easy going. He prefered to sit in his seat and watch his sister. I was concerned, but waited. He never went through the preliminary actions like his sister. One day, he simply up and crawled, much later than his sister (I would say 10 or 11 months). The same with walking. Whereas, we spent hours for months holding her hands, Mark showed no interest. At 14 months old, he stood up one day and walked across his bedroom. It followed through to bike riding. I spent months running behind sister's bike, taking training wheels off, then putting them back on. Mark had no compulsion to ride a bike until one day he went into the garage, pulled out his sister's old bike, and rode off down the driveway without training wheels. Early on, we realized that he would do things on his own time schedule. As they grew up, Mark became the one with the more physical attributes, the well-rounded athlete.
Be patient. Your son will let you know when he is ready.



answers from Albany on

Hi! My daughter is now 18 months old, and she didn't crawl until she was about 11 months old. We were really worried b/c everyone else in her daycare crawled before her, but once she started, she was off! She also didn't walk until almost 16 months, and now she RUNS everywhere. Everyone told me to take advantage of her not moving around so much b/c once she was off there'd be no stopping her, and they were right. I think some kids just do things a little late, but by a certain age everyone is pretty much on the same page. Also, crawling is not considered a milestone b/c the age when it starts is so variable among children, and I believe that you aren't supposed to worry about walking until 18 months.
Concerning the bottles, I was given the advice not to let my children hold their own bottles b/c it would create an attachment that would be very difficult to break when it was time to wean them. My daughter was pretty easy to wean off bottles, and I think this was one of the reasons for that (that she never held her own bottle). Have you tried putting the breastmilk or formula (not sure what you are feeding) in a cup with handles? Babies can start drinking from cups very early and maybe your son would be more interested in a sippy cup or a nuby. I think some companies also sell handles that you can put on the bottles themselves to help hold them. I hope this helps!



answers from Buffalo on

My daughter walked at 10 months but did not crawl until 11 months. Do not worry. He will get to it when he is ready.



answers from New York on

usually around 10 months-ish. throw the baby books away, they can make you crazy!



answers from New York on

Wow! Sounds just like how my son was!! He took quite awhile to actually be capable of holding the bottle on hos own, one I knew for SURE that he could do it, I did not give in. I put it in front of him and let him cry for it, after about 20 minutes he took it. I continued to do this when I knew he was hungry, and within 2 days he knew what was expected of him, and no more tears. He also did not crawl, clap or do many of the gross motor skills until he was a year, and did not walk until 16 mo. He was early with his verbal skills and our MD felt that his brain could only handle so much at once. He is now a normal, healthy kid, he was even accepted at a preschool so he could be the "example child" so other kids would learn from his skills. If he hits a year and you are still worried, ask at his oneyear visit for an assessment from birth to 3, it might help ease your mind.



answers from New York on

Don't worry! I felt the same way you did. I actually felt that my daughter was just not strong enough, and was showing no signs of wanting to crawl at 7 or 8 months. She just started crawling last week @ 9 1/2 months old. I felt like everyone I talked to had there baby crawling at 6-8 months, but I think the normal range is between 7-10 months. My daughter was just content. I think by about 8 1/2 months she was rocking on all fours, and lifting a hand or a knee but never putting the movement together. I honestly don't think you have to worry about crawling until they are about 11 months and not showing signs of walking or crawling. You have some time. Just enjoy your child not getting into everything.



answers from New York on

Everyone is different and as long as he is happy I would let him go at his own pace. About holding his own bottle. Neither of my children ever held their own bottles and I think it is better that way. It does not become associated with a self soothing technique. They associate the soothing experience with the person holding the bottle. It made giving up the bottle a lot easier for my daughter.

Good luck and enjoy!



answers from Elmira on


I am a mother of a 2 1/2 year old girl. My daughter actually never really crawled. She went right to walking. My husband and I just played with her on the floor and would clap when she would try to walk from Mommy to Daddy. She was 11 months old and on her first birthday at her party is when she finally walked on her own. I was very amaized with her. A friend of mine had her little boy 12 days after my daughter was born and he didn't crawl until he was over a year old. So each child has their own time. Just keep playing with him like you are doing and he will start doing it when you least expect it. As for the bottle my daughter stopped using it around 11 months old. She went right to the sippy cup with the nipples on them. She was very independent and still is. I think your son just loves his mommy's attention and loves the bonding time you share while he is drinking his bottle. Enjoy the time and cherish it while he's still little.



answers from Rochester on

My son just started crawling 2 days ago. He turned 10 months on April 15. Now he zooms across the house. Watch out world!



answers from Buffalo on

Hey there,
Relax a bit...He will crawl in his own time. Enjoy the moment. Once he crawls and walks it is a whole new world!



answers from Albany on

I am a mom of a 14 year old boy and a 1 year old boy and I just wanted you to know that my 1 year old did not start crawling until he was 11 months old where my 14 year old started crawling at about 6 1/2 months, so all babies are different but they all seem to catch up to one another. Don't worry or rush it before you know it he will be walking and then the adventure begins.At that point you will need your running shoes on! As long as you hold his bottle for him he will let you. Do you lay him in your arms to feed? If not try that, it is easier for them to hold the weight of the bottle in this position. Hang in there...



answers from New York on

call this program, its free

they come to your home and evaluate him and decide if he needs therapy or not

I can tell you that as a Mother of 3 he seems mildly delayed

My youngest was worse off, he wouldn't even roll over at 8 months

they came and had him WALKING by 12 months.

My oldest walked at 8 months,
the middle one,walked at 10 months

and my baby never crawled,

they say most parents wait until their child is so far behind
making it difficult for their child to catch up

call them, worst case scenario the confirm your suspicions that he has a few developmental delays

( for the record my child whom was physically delayed is academically superior and in the 95th percentile for weight height and head circumfrence.)

Physical has nothing to do with mental




answers from New York on

Allz I can say is I can RELATE! My baby girl just turned 7 months, so a little younger then your boy. She does turn over all the way (if I put her on her stomach, she'll flip herself over b/c she doesnt like it). Some babies won't ever really crawl, they'll walk early instead. More important I would imagine is to make sure he has the motor skills to do so should he want to, and it sounds like he does. You've probably already tried simple tricks like putting a toy just beyond his grasp so he can leap for it.. if not, do so. Once he starts leaping for it then you can move it further in order to tempt him to figure out crawling. As far as the bottle, which one do you use? I've been using Playtex Drop Ins which is GREAT for her gas issues she's had, but I'm about to switch to another bottle (can't remember the name right now b/c I recently got them 2nd hand from another mom and am still to get the nipples) because I find that the bottles we've been using are hard for her to grasp. Her hands slip right off. So these ones have a better grasping component to the design AND the top tilts (the way the Playtex Vent Air ones do) so that she can get every drop out of it without having to suck air or figure out the maneuver of tilting it. So my suggestion is to try a different bottle, at this age he should be better able to accept this type of change then perhaps when he was younger. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to find out which bottle (exactly) it is that I'm getting ready to try and how it works for us- then I'll remember to write down the name and bring it to work with me to send to you. Good luck!



answers from New York on

Crawling should start at about 6-8 months, if he doesn't start crawling soon, you might consider contacting your local early intervention program that does free in home evaluations and provides suggestions and/or therapy if needed.



answers from Rochester on

Hi L.! My son is 9 1/2 months old and he didn't show much interest in crawling at 7-8 months. I was worried that he was slow in his physical development. But all of a sudden at about 8 1/2 months he started getting up on his knees and moving his arms out like he was going to crawl and then he would flop when his legs needed to move. Finally, about a week before his 9 month b-day, he crawled small distances. A few days later he started pulling up. Now he is trying to climb up the stairs. It took awhile but he accomplished a lot in a small amount of time! So, I wouldn't worry. Your son will figure it out soon!
As far as the bottle goes..... My son also reaches for the bottle and is starting to get better at holding it consistently while he is eating but if he sees me take a hold of it, he will let go. I am also worried about him getting too much air but my doctor said to let him do it on his own anyways. I think he just figures that if I'm going to hang on to it, why does he have to. I wouldn't worry too much about that either!



answers from Rochester on

Hi my name is C. just a little advice i have a 19 month old baby and she never started crawling until the night before she turned a year old.... the doctor said that they will do things when they are good and ready to do them. My daughter was also almost a year old when she started to hold her bottle alone so don't panic and good luck if any more questions please email me at

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