Bleeding at 12-1/2 Weeks?!

Updated on May 12, 2007
K.M. asks from Orient, OH
12 answers

Hi moms,
I am about 12-1/2 weeks pregnant and noticed when I went to the bathroom this morning, I had bright red, watery bleeding. I haven't experienced any bleeding until now and I don't have any cramping. But I AM scared. I'm waiting to get a call back from my doctor, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what the outcome was. Thanks!

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all your messages and support! I'm glad to know many women experience this and it isn't always bad. *Fortunately, I haven't had any more bleeding and still no cramping.* I spoke to my doctor's nurse last week and she told me to moniter the bleeding and to call right away if I noticed any additonal blood. I guess for now, we're still keeping our hopes up and will assume all is well as long as I'm not noticing any other signs something could be wrong. Thanks again!

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answers from Cleveland on

I had the same thing at 12 weeks with my first baby. We had tried so long to get pregnant and this was terrifying. I was teaching at the time it happened. There was a big gush of blood and water. I went in for an ultrasound and everything was fine. They told me to rest, so I did for 4 days. The blood eventually turned to brown and then stopped. That little boy is now 8 years old and has an IQ in the gifted range!I have 5 children and it never happened again. I did read that many new vascular connections (blood vessels)are being made at that time. One could have burst. I hope this is true for you!



answers from Columbus on

Hi Katheryn,
Bleeding is very scary to see for most first time moms (are you a first timer?). I had bright red bleeding with all three of my pregnancies and went on to have perfectly healthy babies. I have had freinds that have had the same thing happen. Some have had their pregnancy's continue and others have not. This is what my Dr always says... when a woman walks into his office with first trimester bleeding then there is a 50/50 percent chance she will continue to carry. You did the right thing by calling your OB... they will probably have you come in for an ultrasound and maybe draw your blood to check your HCG levels. Your levels should double every 24 hours. So they should take your blood again in two days to see if they are increasing.The baby's hearbeat should be detectable by ultrasound at 6 weeks. Have you seen that yet? If not, that is probably the first thing they will check. The good news is, if there is a heartbeat then the chances of miscarriage decrease greatly! and the chances of miscarriage greatly decreases when you hit 12 weeks. YOu are a little past that. Also, not to be gross, if you are miscarrying you will start to pass large clots of blood ( I lost a baby at 16 weeks pregnant so I've been there). Try not to worry to much until you see your Dr. Insist on coming in TODAY for an ultrasound at the very least.
Dont get focused on the bleeding as a sign of something wrong. Thats hard not to do. But try and keep positive and go to the Dr. Good luck! Everything will work out.



answers from Toledo on

Lie down and don't get up for hours.... REST REST REST. DRINK TONS of water and wait for your Dr to call.




answers from Cleveland on

Hey Katheryn, I would hear what my doctor thinks first. I am sure everythint will be ok.
It might be just some minor breakthrough bleeding.



answers from Cleveland on

Well, I see you called your dr. and there was nothing wrong w/you coming on here to ask if anyone had this happen to them in between waiting for your dr. to call back. So don't feel bad about posting here.

I hope everything is ok? I personally never had this happen to me so I couldn't help.




answers from Canton on

I experienced bleeding for 4-5 months, starting at 6 weeks, in my 2nd pregnancy. I had a hemmorrage, or pool of blood, along side the uterine wall. There was no explanation for it's being there. It wasn't of any harm to me or the baby. My friend, who's pregnant with her 3rd child, is now going through the same type of bleeding. Definitely go get checked out though, just to be sure. You'll need an ultrasound to make sure the baby's heartbeat is good and to see where the bleeding could possibly be coming from. I hope everything turns out okay for ya! :-)



answers from Cincinnati on

I had a similar problem, and, although terrifying, it turned out to be pretty minor. The doctor said I had burst a blood vessel. He said I really shouldn't worry about bleeding unless it's significant.

I hope things turn out well for you, too!



answers from Columbus on

Bleeding is very very scary!
I spotted a bit for a couple days when i was 22weeks along. But everything was fine.
The bleeding thing can go either way but dont get wrapped up in worrying about it because that added stress will just make things worse.

My best friend had an actual period every month her entire pregnancy. Bleeding, cramping all the normal stuff from periods. It is rare, but it happens! Her little boy is perfectly healthy, he was even stuborn and stayed in for a week longer than he was supposed to.. hehe but he was born natually w/o having to be induced.

So lay down on your left side, drink lots and lots and lots of fluids!
Have someone wait on you. Do not get up for any reason other than to use the restroom.
Stay calm, relax and wait for the doc to call.
When he/she does call insist that you come in TODAY to get checked out. Make sure they check the heartbeat, do an ultrasound and draw some blood.

Good luck with this *hugs*
Please let us know what the doctor says.
Ill keep you in my thoughts and Put you on my parents church prayer chain.



answers from Toledo on

My advice, from experience, sit down put your feet up and relax. The doctor should have you go in to see him or be seen somewhere. I had this happen with a couple pregnancies. I was put on a couple weeks rest time with my daughter. Afterwards, she had to be induced. She is still stubborn.



answers from Dayton on

I to had the same around my thirteeth week. This is not always bad. It happend on a saturday and I called my doctor. He told me at this time there is nothing u can do but he wanted to see me first thing on that Monday. I went in they did an ultrasound and I found out the baby was fine. I now have a healthy 15 month. The doctor told me this is common when u are under stress or ur hormones get out of whack. I pray everything is ok and I would have an ultrasound to be safe. Keep us informed and good luck. Prayers r with u



answers from Cincinnati on

I figured I need to put in my 2 cents worth. The same thing happened to me. I experienced blood from about 12 weeks until 20 weeks. Off and on. At about 25 weeks, i had a big gush of water and blood. yes my water had broken. My son was then born at 26 weeks from by emercency C-section. My doctor never told me to go on bed rest. I was at a military base hospital and seeing a GP. When I finally saw the OB/GYN he couldn't believe I wasn't put on bed rest earlier. So I would say stay off your feet as much as possible. Dont' stress...I had a lot of stressful things going on at that time. Go see your doctor.

I want to add that even though my son was born at 26 weeks. he a very happy and healthy 5 year old.

Good luck with your pregnancy.



answers from Dayton on


Stay off your feet- get your feet up and wait for the doc to return your call. If you get any cramping or don't have your call returned soon, I would go to the ER just to have peace of mind.

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