16 Month Old Will Not Progress from Jars

Updated on April 16, 2008
D.J. asks from Argyle, TX
12 answers

Hi I need some advice if anyone has any!!
My 16 month old boy will not progress from eating Gerber jars of vegetables. A week ago he seemed to be refusing these so after three days we decided maybe he had finally become tired of them and was ready for regular food so we tried. I made a chicken and pasta dish which my older son loves and I pureed it down and he seemed to go for it. It was slow going but he did eat some. Anyway for the last 5 days we have tried different things - bolognase sauce, shepherd pie and chicken nuggets but he will not eat them. I am losing my patience!! Do I go back to the jars and see if he wants those or stick with it?
He seems so afraid of trying new things. He has crackers and laughing cow cheese for lunch and will not try anything else. Yesterday he did finally eat some hard cheese and liked it but today he would not touch it.
Has anyone else had the same problem and can help?

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answers from Amarillo on

Hi D.,
My Dr. told me a child will eat when he gets hungry. Sometimes they try to make their independence known. Maybe its the association of the jars and eating time. My grandson would not eat round crackers in his soup. Only sq. because that was what his mom gave him. Have you tried putting regular food in the jars? B.

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answers from Dallas on

Just keep giving him a variety of different foods. He'll eventually eat. Don't go back to the jars. The longer he eats baby food the less he'll tolerate big people food. Good luck! It will get better.



answers from Amarillo on

Hi D.. Have you tried Gerber Graduates and Gerber Lil Entrees? They are great for this age child. They have more flavor than Baby food and a little more texture--but still have all the nutrients he needs right now. My daughter loved tem til she was about 2 1/2 yrs old. Hope this helps!! :) C.



answers from Dallas on

He might not like the flavors. He might not like the texture of table food. Or he could be lazy and just not want to chew. It takes very little effort to swallow pureed food. He doesn't have to work at it. I would not reintroduce jars. I would for example, cook green beans mash them up, and maybe mix a little of the jar stuff with it. see if he will try that. the taste will probably be the same but there will be a subtle change in the texture. He might go for it. i used a baby food grinder to grind the table food and fed my 3rd son right from my plate. once he tasted table food at about 3mos he refused jarred baby food. my first was on baby food until about 16 months, but that was only because my hubby was lazy and didn't want to have to clean 1st son up from feeding himself. i had to re-train the hubby. i had stopped buying jarred food, but he would go out and buy it when i was at work and would hand feed our son. but when i was home, i gave him mushed table food and let him feeed himself.
i don't think he will starve himself. he just has to get used to new foods. go slow, stick with one taste at a time, like green beans and don't try things with so many different textures and flavors.
good luck,



answers from Dallas on

try mixing some of the jarred stuff with some of the stuff you make. It is probably a texture thing (was he a premie??). Then gradually add less and less jarred stuff. Best of luck!



answers from Dallas on

Hi, D.,
Research shows that it can take 10-20 introductions of a new food before a child will accept it. I know your frustrated, but try not to let it show. Just offer the new food along with other more familiar ones. Don't make a fuss. Don't provide pressure or even encouragement to try the new food (the child may regard this as pressure). This fear of new foods is natural and probably is a defense mechanism to keep the child "safe" with very ancient roots. Good luck, stay calm, and it will get better!



answers from Dallas on

My oldest son who is now 4 has always been a very picky eater. He is still very reluctant to try anything new, even sweets. I have learned to be very patient and have found that making meal time more pleasent instead of stressful seems to help the whole family. I used to get irritated with him often because he would only eat a few different items, but now I just give him a couple of healthy choices and let him choose which one he wants for that meal. I don't worry about feeding him a large variety of foods because he simply refuses. The pedi says he is very healthy and not to worry about it, so I don't. When he was your son's age, I would offer a new food with one I knew he would eat and not say anything about it. If he took a little bite that was great, if not then I would try again later. Sometimes he would end up eating the same 2 or 3 foods like crackers or cheese for every meal for several days or longer. I tried every trick known to man to get him to try new things-cute shapes, design a picture on his plate, promise a sweet treat if he would try at least one bite, rewards, etc. Nothing worked. The more stressed and determined I got the more stubborn he got, so I just let go of that stress and now we are both happier. He won't starve so why worry. If it makes you feel better ask the doctor about a vitamin for him. I think the more pleasent you make meal time the better. He won't be like this forever. Someday soon he will be a teenager eating everything in sight. Good luck to you!



answers from Dallas on

Your son probably doesn't like the mix of flavors yet. Try just meat, just pureed vegatables or mashed vegetables, instead of casserole dishes and see if he does better. All kids have different tastes and some are more picky than others. Babyfood in jars is rather bland, your son may also not be ready for much spice in his food 0 another reason to give him simple foods without alot of seasoning and gradually bring in those other types with seasoning. My oldest boy was very picky and didn't like anythinhg mixed together. My 2nd son loved everything and would try anything. And gues what...they are still that way and they are grown.



answers from Dallas on

These kinds of food preferences and changes in preferences are normal at this age. Let him eat what he wants. His refusal to eat some of the normal things you cook may be related to spices.
Try some of the toddler foods, finger foods. These have less spices.
Try yogurt. Try giving him what you are eating, just like it is, without pureeing it. (unless it is somehow a choaking hazzard like hot dogs.



answers from Dallas on

Hi D., when i first converted my 19mth to table food it was hard so what i did, is mixed his favorite sweet potato jar food with green beans, soft carrots or what ever other table food and it worked. and little by little just took the jar food away completely. Applesauces, yogurts, mash potatos are all good. spaghetti noodles and meatballs cut up small,(if he has teeth) are always fun.. let him explore a little with the food and let him see you eating it and he will eventually do the same..right now my little man is hooked on mini wheats breakfast and dinner... so if all else fails as long as he is eating something i am fine with cereal.



answers from Dallas on

My son stuck with jars for quite a long time too, probably till about 18 months or so (I don't remember exactly.) Just keep offering regular food at every opportunity, but there's really no problem with letting him eat jar foods if that is what he wants. After all, it's pretty healthy... certainly healthier than fast food or a lot of other things kids his age get introduced to. Does he like fruit? Try the Dole or Del Monte Applesauce or fruit cups. They are adult foods, but still similar to Gerber jars. My son eats at least once of those every day. You could also try a good old mom trick - put something else into a Gerber jar - and see if he'll try that! Don't worry. I am sure you know toddlers are notoriously picky! He'll get over it; no one ever grew up still eating nothing but Gerber jars ;)



answers from Dallas on

Have you tried getting him a fork and spoon so he can feed himself? About 2 months ago my 14 months old stopped eating. I could not figure out why I started to give him is own fork and spoon and he started eating again. I have to guide his hand to his mouth, but it is the only way he will eat now. It is worth a shot.

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