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Community Survey

Photo by: Shutterstock

Please help us by filling out the Mamasource Community survey


Over the past seven years, we at Mamasource have been honored to be the place you share advice and wisdom that continues to be a source of guidance and inspiration for millions of parents and grandparents, myself included.

During this journey together we have listened to you talk about many aspects of your life that are of the utmost importance. One subject that comes up time and time again is your concern for the health and welfare of schools and community programs in your area. Their success is your success, and when they fall short, it is felt deeply in your home and across your community.

School and community programs are constantly being threatened by budget cuts and eliminations. From arts and science programs to extracurricular activities such as sports and afterschool reading, even crucial services that assist those most in need are all in danger of extinction.

Call to Action

There is an old saying that goes, “everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” To a certain extent, the same can be said of our school and community programs, too. At Mamasource, we want to do more than talk, we want to act. That is why we have worked diligently over the past several months to create valuable new content, tools, and partnerships that will allow parents and local businesses to join forces for the betterment of the community. Imagine combining your purchasing power with their passion to deliver excellent products and services locally. The result? A win for you, local businesses, and ultimately, school and community-funded programs.

How You Can Help

To take this exciting project to the next level, we really need your help. Please take a few minutes of time to provide valuable feedback that will help us to help you.

As always please feel free to share your opinions and thoughts on or contact me directly at [email protected].

More exciting news to come!

Marc West

Marc West is the CEO of Mamasource. He has 3 terrific kids who have moved out of his house to have their own space to live in without his constant parenting.

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