Photo by: Jassen

Happy Heart Day

by Stacie Haight Connerty
Photo by: Jassen

It was on this day two years ago, that my youngest child went under the knife. Laurel, now two, had open heart surgery
to correct a heart defect that she was born with called Tetralogy of Fallot.

The second that she was rolled into surgery, I felt as if my own heart was ripped out of my body. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t function. I couldn’t imagine my life without this four month old being who I had become so connected with. I would have given her my heart in a second if it would have made a difference.

There was not enough Valium, Xanax or anything else that my doctor’s tried to give me that could prepare me for the actual day of surgery. I am a fairly optimistic person. I pride myself on being able to see the bright side of most situations.

On this day, two years ago, there was no bright side. No silver lining. No sun. No new day. No nothing. I was trapped in time for several hours where all I could hear were my own negative thoughts. Where I could only relive my own worst fears over and over and over.

I felt feel responsible for her heart defect. I always have. I cannot help but think that if I had done something different during my pregnancy, anything different, that my daughter would have been born without this hole in her heart. Without this defect that put her under the knife and at risk to lose her life. I could be responsible for the death of my beautiful child.

Guilt is a horrible, mind numbing, time consuming thing that can take over your life. I know because it happened to me.

My daughter came out of surgery and did very well. She ended up not eating so I spent three weeks in the hospital with her after that but that was a minor setback in the whole scheme of things.

But it was the day after my daughter’s surgery that I made a promise to myself. Rather than focus on the surgery itself, I would revel in the day. This was the day that changed her life. The day where she no longer had to be hooked up to machines 24/7 at our house. The day where she became free. I became free as much as I could from the guilt.

Every year on the date of her surgery we celebrate. We celebrate the strength of this beautiful little girl. We celebrate the amazing doctors and nurses who we could NEVER EVER thank enough. We celebrate our complete family and we celebrate each other.

So happy heart day everyone! This is a big day for us. Our entire family.

Stacie Haight Connerty, is the mother of three children, lives in Atlanta plus is a nationally published writer/author/editor for a variety of magazines, blogs and online publications. She has her own blog called The Divine Miss Mommy where you can find the latest products reviewed, fabulous giveaways and stories about her family. She is also the Beauty & Fashion editor for Type-A Mom. She recently co-founded The Product Review Place and writes the Build a Better Blog ‘logue’ for the Blogalogues.

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I feel your pain, my granddaughter, Emalie was born February 2007 with a CHD called Truncus Arteriosus, Interrupted Aortic Arch & VSD. Her heart was repaired 2/14/07 by Dr. Bacha. On 11/19/08 she had her second open heart to replace the conduit. She had a tethered spinal cord which was corrected 10/07. She has hearing loss, glasses, short stature, low tone, kidney reflux, aspiration, gerd and the list goes on.

She has a genetic blood abnormality that they will be testing for tomorrow...

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Our grandson had surgery for TOF last March when he was 3 months old. He was in the hospital for 5 weeks. He is 13 months old now and is doing very well although he'll have to have valve replacement surgery at age 7 - 12. His surgery was very stressful for all of us but especially his parents, our daughter & son-in-law. JJ didn't eat for that amount of time also.We are pleased that this kind of surgery is fairly common. Our grandson is on the small side but developing normally...

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Oh Stacie, you are not alone in your feelings my friend. Isn't it amazing no matter what happens to our child we feel the guilt for it? I have come to accept that it is part of being a mother. I too have been in your shoes - I read your blog as though you had somewhere in time dipped into my mind! On March 6 it will be 3 years since my daughters life was saved by a heart transplant. She had an acquired disease called Dilated Cardiomyopathy. In children it is either genetic or caused by a virus...

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I rarely read anything about this heart defect. My brother is 47 years old and he was the YOUNGEST to ever have this surgery when he was 6! I just wanted you to know he has had NO problems with his heart as a result of the surgery and the repairs made are still in tact and perfect! Since he was the youngest to have it done, and it was a fairly new procedure at that time, we have never known how long the repairs might hold, what the life expectancy or outcome would be...

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My daughter also has tetrology of fallot. She was born Feb. 4 2002 and I found out two weeks later. I beleive the waiting time for surgery was the toughest time I have ever had in my life. I had waited a long time to have children of my own and also did the blame game. The doctor's and online support group helped me understand it was not my fault...

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