Photo by: Sabian Maggy

Communcation Reveals the Truth About Motherhood

Photo by: Sabian Maggy

Everything changes when a woman becomes a mother, but society—and especially mothers themselves–often colludes to deny this simple truth. Why do we set ourselves up this way?

Why is it that open and honest communication is so absent when it comes to the facts about motherhood?

In the ‘Mask of Motherhood,’ Susan Maushart discusses the ways in which, ‘the realities of parenthood and especially motherhood are kept carefully shrouded in silence, misinformation, and outright lies.’ If mothers lifted the mask and began to openly communicate the truth of their experience, what positive impact might this have on motherhood and on society?

Well for one thing, and probably most importantly, mothers would know they aren’t alone in their experience – that there isn’t something wrong with them. The physical difficulties, emotional challenges, career limitations and identity crisis that the majority of mothers experience would be seen as an objective reality, rather than a personal failure.

Secondly, mothers might begin to bond around these newly revealed truths about the experience of motherhood. There would be an opportunity for empathy, compassion, and mutual support amongst mothers – there might even be an opportunity for a movement – because mothers united have power — incredible power.

Mothers are the creators of society in that their role is central to humanity itself – they bear and raise human beings, without which there is no society, no humanity – and that deserves some attention.

Not only that, but mothers hold the keys to the financial kingdom. And, like it or not, in modern society, with money comes power. Women make the majority of purchasing decisions and the spending power of women continues to increase in both rich and poor countries, even in the midst financial downturn.

And in creating a movement, mothers have the power to make a difference, for themselves and for one another. Mothers united in their truth and in their power can make a change – a change to a social structure that simply doesn’t work and doesn’t support them — the value they bring and the lives they deserve. And it all starts with communication – open and honest communication removes the mask and reveals the truth.

Tara Harkins is a Certified Professional Coach specializing in supporting mothers to create more passion, purpose and balance in their lives. To learn more, visit her website

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