Travel Systems & Convertible Car Seats: Infant, LL Bean

6 articles

Cribs, Car Seats, Bob Revolution, Nordic Cab? Ugggg.

P.L. asks from Hartford

Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices...


How to Dress Infant for Cold Weather

M.H. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 6 months old and the recent cool weather made me realize we'll need some warm outerwear for the winter months ahead. I'm wondering if other moms can t...


Asking for a Friend. Need Advice on Traveling with 2 Babies on an Airline

A.P. asks from Birmingham

Okay, My girlfriend is totally stressed. She has a 4 month old and a2 year old and she is flying by herself to visit her family. She has a carrier for the 4 month ...


3 Questions on 9 Month Old

H.G. asks from Minneapolis

alrighty moms. I have three questions about my 9 month old daughter. 1. My daughter has always been a horrible sleeper. Usually she is up 3-5 times a night. She ha...


Experience with Cloth Diapers

L.D. asks from Allentown

Hello! My sister is expecting her first baby ( a boy) in September and has been inquiring about the pros and cons of cloth diapers. If any of you have had experience ...


Family Vacation Dilemma, What Would You Do?

J.B. asks from Boston

Sorry this got longer than I intended. My husband and I have 4 kids - 2 are 16, one is 10, the other is 8. The last time we did a fly-away vacation was 9 years ago...