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Mamapedia is an online resource aimed at empowering mothers with kids of all ages in their role as parents.

Moms come to Mamapedia for advice on everything they need: parenting, health, family, finance, pregnancy, nutrition, house & home, toys & gear, travel, and on children of every age from infant to adult. Since its beta launch in May 2009, Mamapedia’s audience has grown rapidly to over 3.5 million moms.

The Mamapedia mother is an engaged, influential tastemaker who is deeply in tune with the well-being and development of her family at every stage their lives. Members of the community act as a powerful source of authority and validation on a wide variety of topics and products.

On Mamapedia, your brand becomes a part of our trusted mom-to-mom referral network

Gaining the trust and endorsement of Mamapedia moms is a valuable source of goodwill and word of mouth. Connecting them with solutions is central to this process. To facilitate this goal, Mamapedia builds a wide range of effective custom content and interactive features for advertisers to establish their brands on Mamapedia.

For information on custom advertising solutions or display advertising, please contact our media team.

See also: