Home Alarm System

Updated on November 18, 2010
J.T. asks from Los Angeles, CA
5 answers

Hi Mamas. Sorry for the question that is not actually about motherhood. I live in Los Angeles and want to get a basic Home Alarm system installed in my house. The only company I know of is ADT, but I've read a lot of bad things about them; their reliability, their customer service, etc. Has anyone used ADT, or any other Security Company in the LA area? What was your experience? Any recommendations?

Thanks so much.

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More Answers



answers from Phoenix on

We have ADT and have no complaints. I have actually had to call their customer service to find out how to set up a guest passcode and they were really helpful and walked me through it.


answers from Washington DC on

We have ADT and have no complaints. We have had them since we built our home almost 3 years ago and even though our contract will be up in April, we will most likely still keep them.



answers from Boise on

So many are national now, I'm not sure if location matters, but I used Protect America and HATED them. Everything about them sucked, and when we get a new one, will probably go with ADT. The main thing to keep in mind is the cancelation. You may want to turn in your cancellation notice when you sign up, because if you don't do it at the perfect time, you are automatically signed up again!!


answers from Dover on

I am not in the LA area but I do have home security (through Melaleuca Security). Installation is simple and they are very helpful. They are actually less expensive with their monthly rates than others I have checked with.

If you want more info, PM me and I will give you the info I have.


answers from Los Angeles on

We use ADT and they are fine.

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